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AutoFilterTest.php in Loft Data Grids 7.2


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class AutoFilterTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
  private $_testInitialRange = 'H2:O256';
  private $_testAutoFilterObject;
  public function setUp() {
    if (!defined('PHPEXCEL_ROOT')) {
      define('PHPEXCEL_ROOT', APPLICATION_PATH . '/');
    require_once PHPEXCEL_ROOT . 'PHPExcel/Autoloader.php';
    $this->_mockWorksheetObject = $this
    $this->_mockCacheController = $this
    $this->_testAutoFilterObject = new PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter($this->_testInitialRange, $this->_mockWorksheetObject);
  public function testToString() {
    $expectedResult = $this->_testInitialRange;

    //	magic __toString should return the active autofilter range
    $result = $this->_testAutoFilterObject;
      ->assertEquals($expectedResult, $result);
  public function testGetParent() {
    $result = $this->_testAutoFilterObject
      ->assertInstanceOf('PHPExcel_Worksheet', $result);
  public function testSetParent() {

    //	Setters return the instance to implement the fluent interface
    $result = $this->_testAutoFilterObject
      ->assertInstanceOf('PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter', $result);
  public function testGetRange() {
    $expectedResult = $this->_testInitialRange;

    //	Result should be the active autofilter range
    $result = $this->_testAutoFilterObject
      ->assertEquals($expectedResult, $result);
  public function testSetRange() {
    $ranges = array(
      'G1:J512' => 'Worksheet1!G1:J512',
      'K1:N20' => 'K1:N20',
    foreach ($ranges as $actualRange => $fullRange) {

      //	Setters return the instance to implement the fluent interface
      $result = $this->_testAutoFilterObject
        ->assertInstanceOf('PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter', $result);

      //	Result should be the new autofilter range
      $result = $this->_testAutoFilterObject
        ->assertEquals($actualRange, $result);
  public function testClearRange() {
    $expectedResult = '';

    //	Setters return the instance to implement the fluent interface
    $result = $this->_testAutoFilterObject
      ->assertInstanceOf('PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter', $result);

    //	Result should be a clear range
    $result = $this->_testAutoFilterObject
      ->assertEquals($expectedResult, $result);

   * @expectedException PHPExcel_Exception
  public function testSetRangeInvalidRange() {
    $expectedResult = 'A1';
    $result = $this->_testAutoFilterObject
  public function testGetColumnsEmpty() {

    //	There should be no columns yet defined
    $result = $this->_testAutoFilterObject
      ->assertInternalType('array', $result);
      ->assertEquals(0, count($result));
  public function testGetColumnOffset() {
    $columnIndexes = array(
      'H' => 0,
      'K' => 3,
      'M' => 5,

    //	If we request a specific column by its column ID, we should get an
    //	integer returned representing the column offset within the range
    foreach ($columnIndexes as $columnIndex => $columnOffset) {
      $result = $this->_testAutoFilterObject
        ->assertEquals($columnOffset, $result);

   * @expectedException PHPExcel_Exception
  public function testGetInvalidColumnOffset() {
    $invalidColumn = 'G';
    $result = $this->_testAutoFilterObject
  public function testSetColumnWithString() {
    $expectedResult = 'L';

    //	Setters return the instance to implement the fluent interface
    $result = $this->_testAutoFilterObject
      ->assertInstanceOf('PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter', $result);
    $result = $this->_testAutoFilterObject

    //	Result should be an array of PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column
    //	objects for each column we set indexed by the column ID
      ->assertInternalType('array', $result);
      ->assertEquals(1, count($result));
      ->assertArrayHasKey($expectedResult, $result);
      ->assertInstanceOf('PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column', $result[$expectedResult]);

   * @expectedException PHPExcel_Exception
  public function testSetInvalidColumnWithString() {
    $invalidColumn = 'A';
    $result = $this->_testAutoFilterObject
  public function testSetColumnWithColumnObject() {
    $expectedResult = 'M';
    $columnObject = new PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column($expectedResult);

    //	Setters return the instance to implement the fluent interface
    $result = $this->_testAutoFilterObject
      ->assertInstanceOf('PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter', $result);
    $result = $this->_testAutoFilterObject

    //	Result should be an array of PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column
    //	objects for each column we set indexed by the column ID
      ->assertInternalType('array', $result);
      ->assertEquals(1, count($result));
      ->assertArrayHasKey($expectedResult, $result);
      ->assertInstanceOf('PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column', $result[$expectedResult]);

   * @expectedException PHPExcel_Exception
  public function testSetInvalidColumnWithObject() {
    $invalidColumn = 'E';
    $columnObject = new PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column($invalidColumn);
    $result = $this->_testAutoFilterObject

   * @expectedException PHPExcel_Exception
  public function testSetColumnWithInvalidDataType() {
    $invalidColumn = 123.456;
    $columnObject = new PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column($invalidColumn);
    $result = $this->_testAutoFilterObject
  public function testGetColumns() {
    $columnIndexes = array(
    foreach ($columnIndexes as $columnIndex) {
    $result = $this->_testAutoFilterObject

    //	Result should be an array of PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column
    //	objects for each column we set indexed by the column ID
      ->assertInternalType('array', $result);
      ->assertEquals(count($columnIndexes), count($result));
    foreach ($columnIndexes as $columnIndex) {
        ->assertArrayHasKey($columnIndex, $result);
        ->assertInstanceOf('PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column', $result[$columnIndex]);
  public function testGetColumn() {
    $columnIndexes = array(
    foreach ($columnIndexes as $columnIndex) {

    //	If we request a specific column by its column ID, we should
    //	get a PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column object returned
    foreach ($columnIndexes as $columnIndex) {
      $result = $this->_testAutoFilterObject
        ->assertInstanceOf('PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column', $result);
  public function testGetColumnByOffset() {
    $columnIndexes = array(
      0 => 'H',
      3 => 'K',
      5 => 'M',

    //	If we request a specific column by its offset, we should
    //	get a PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column object returned
    foreach ($columnIndexes as $columnIndex => $columnID) {
      $result = $this->_testAutoFilterObject
        ->assertInstanceOf('PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column', $result);
        ->getColumnIndex(), $columnID);
  public function testGetColumnIfNotSet() {

    //	If we request a specific column by its column ID, we should
    //	get a PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column object returned
    $result = $this->_testAutoFilterObject
      ->assertInstanceOf('PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column', $result);

   * @expectedException PHPExcel_Exception
  public function testGetColumnWithoutRangeSet() {

    //	Clear the range
    $result = $this->_testAutoFilterObject
    $result = $this->_testAutoFilterObject
  public function testClearRangeWithExistingColumns() {
    $expectedResult = '';
    $columnIndexes = array(
    foreach ($columnIndexes as $columnIndex) {

    //	Setters return the instance to implement the fluent interface
    $result = $this->_testAutoFilterObject
      ->assertInstanceOf('PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter', $result);

    //	Range should be cleared
    $result = $this->_testAutoFilterObject
      ->assertEquals($expectedResult, $result);

    //	Column array should be cleared
    $result = $this->_testAutoFilterObject
      ->assertInternalType('array', $result);
      ->assertEquals(0, count($result));
  public function testSetRangeWithExistingColumns() {
    $expectedResult = 'G1:J512';

    //	These columns should be retained
    $columnIndexes1 = array(
    foreach ($columnIndexes1 as $columnIndex) {

    //	These columns should be discarded
    $columnIndexes2 = array(
    foreach ($columnIndexes2 as $columnIndex) {

    //	Setters return the instance to implement the fluent interface
    $result = $this->_testAutoFilterObject
      ->assertInstanceOf('PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter', $result);

    //	Range should be correctly set
    $result = $this->_testAutoFilterObject
      ->assertEquals($expectedResult, $result);

    //	Only columns that existed in the original range and that
    //		still fall within the new range should be retained
    $result = $this->_testAutoFilterObject
      ->assertInternalType('array', $result);
      ->assertEquals(count($columnIndexes1), count($result));
  public function testClone() {
    $columnIndexes = array(
    foreach ($columnIndexes as $columnIndex) {
    $result = clone $this->_testAutoFilterObject;
      ->assertInstanceOf('PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter', $result);



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