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function PHPExcel_Writer_Excel5_Worksheet::_writeUrlExternal in Loft Data Grids 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 vendor/phpoffice/phpexcel/Classes/PHPExcel/Writer/Excel5/Worksheet.php \PHPExcel_Writer_Excel5_Worksheet::_writeUrlExternal()

* Write links to external directory names such as 'c:\foo.xls', * c:\foo.xls#Sheet1!A1', '../../foo.xls'. and '../../foo.xls#Sheet1!A1'. * * Note: Excel writes some relative links with the $dir_long string. We ignore * these cases for the sake of simpler code. * * @access private * *


integer $row1 Start row: * @param integer $col1 Start column * @param integer $row2 End row * @param integer $col2 End column * @param string $url URL string * @return integer

See also


1 call to PHPExcel_Writer_Excel5_Worksheet::_writeUrlExternal()
PHPExcel_Writer_Excel5_Worksheet::_writeUrlRange in vendor/phpoffice/phpexcel/Classes/PHPExcel/Writer/Excel5/Worksheet.php
* This is the more general form of _writeUrl(). It allows a hyperlink to be * written to a range of cells. This function also decides the type of hyperlink * to be written. These are either, Web (http, ftp, mailto), Internal * (Sheet1!A1) or…


vendor/phpoffice/phpexcel/Classes/PHPExcel/Writer/Excel5/Worksheet.php, line 1124




function _writeUrlExternal($row1, $col1, $row2, $col2, $url) {

  // Network drives are different. We will handle them separately
  // MS/Novell network drives and shares start with \\
  if (preg_match('[^external:\\\\]', $url)) {

    //($this->_writeUrlExternal_net($row1, $col1, $row2, $col2, $url, $str, $format));
  $record = 0x1b8;

  // Record identifier
  $length = 0x0;

  // Bytes to follow
  // Strip URL type and change Unix dir separator to Dos style (if needed)
  $url = preg_replace('/^external:/', '', $url);
  $url = preg_replace('/\\//', "\\", $url);

  // Determine if the link is relative or absolute:
  //   relative if link contains no dir separator, "somefile.xls"
  //   relative if link starts with up-dir, "..\..\somefile.xls"
  //   otherwise, absolute
  $absolute = 0x0;

  // relative path
  if (preg_match('/^[A-Z]:/', $url)) {
    $absolute = 0x2;

    // absolute path on Windows, e.g. C:\...
  $link_type = 0x1 | $absolute;

  // Determine if the link contains a sheet reference and change some of the
  // parameters accordingly.
  // Split the dir name and sheet name (if it exists)
  $dir_long = $url;
  if (preg_match("/\\#/", $url)) {
    $link_type |= 0x8;

  // Pack the link type
  $link_type = pack("V", $link_type);

  // Calculate the up-level dir count e.g.. (..\..\..\ == 3)
  $up_count = preg_match_all("/\\.\\.\\\\/", $dir_long, $useless);
  $up_count = pack("v", $up_count);

  // Store the short dos dir name (null terminated)
  $dir_short = preg_replace("/\\.\\.\\\\/", '', $dir_long) . "\0";

  // Store the long dir name as a wchar string (non-null terminated)
  $dir_long = $dir_long . "\0";

  // Pack the lengths of the dir strings
  $dir_short_len = pack("V", strlen($dir_short));
  $dir_long_len = pack("V", strlen($dir_long));
  $stream_len = pack("V", 0);

  //strlen($dir_long) + 0x06);

  // Pack the undocumented parts of the hyperlink stream
  $unknown1 = pack("H*", 'D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000');
  $unknown2 = pack("H*", '0303000000000000C000000000000046');
  $unknown3 = pack("H*", 'FFFFADDE000000000000000000000000000000000000000');
  $unknown4 = pack("v", 0x3);

  // Pack the main data stream
  $data = pack("vvvv", $row1, $row2, $col1, $col2) . $unknown1 . $link_type . $unknown2 . $up_count . $dir_short_len . $dir_short . $unknown3 . $stream_len;

    $dir_long_len .
    $unknown4	 .
    $dir_long	 .
    $sheet_len	.
    $sheet		;*/

  // Pack the header data
  $length = strlen($data);
  $header = pack("vv", $record, $length);

  // Write the packed data
    ->_append($header . $data);
  return 0;