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private function PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5::_readXf in Loft Data Grids 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 vendor/phpoffice/phpexcel/Classes/PHPExcel/Reader/Excel5.php \PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5::_readXf()

* XF - Extended Format * * This record contains formatting information for cells, rows, columns or styles. * According to there are always at least 15 cell style XF * and 1 cell XF. * Inspection of Excel files generated by MS Office Excel shows that XF records 0-14 are cell style XF * and XF record 15 is a cell XF * We only read the first cell style XF and skip the remaining cell style XF records * We read all cell XF records. * * -- "'s Documentation of the Microsoft * Excel File Format"

1 call to PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5::_readXf()
PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5::load in vendor/phpoffice/phpexcel/Classes/PHPExcel/Reader/Excel5.php
* Loads PHPExcel from file * *


vendor/phpoffice/phpexcel/Classes/PHPExcel/Reader/Excel5.php, line 2008




private function _readXf() {
  $length = self::_GetInt2d($this->_data, $this->_pos + 2);
  $recordData = $this
    ->_readRecordData($this->_data, $this->_pos + 4, $length);

  // move stream pointer to next record
  $this->_pos += 4 + $length;
  $objStyle = new PHPExcel_Style();
  if (!$this->_readDataOnly) {

    // offset:  0; size: 2; Index to FONT record
    if (self::_GetInt2d($recordData, 0) < 4) {
      $fontIndex = self::_GetInt2d($recordData, 0);
    else {

      // this has to do with that index 4 is omitted in all BIFF versions for some strange reason
      // check the OpenOffice documentation of the FONT record
      $fontIndex = self::_GetInt2d($recordData, 0) - 1;

    // offset:  2; size: 2; Index to FORMAT record
    $numberFormatIndex = self::_GetInt2d($recordData, 2);
    if (isset($this->_formats[$numberFormatIndex])) {

      // then we have user-defined format code
      $numberformat = array(
        'code' => $this->_formats[$numberFormatIndex],
    elseif (($code = PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::builtInFormatCode($numberFormatIndex)) !== '') {

      // then we have built-in format code
      $numberformat = array(
        'code' => $code,
    else {

      // we set the general format code
      $numberformat = array(
        'code' => 'General',

    // offset:  4; size: 2; XF type, cell protection, and parent style XF
    // bit 2-0; mask 0x0007; XF_TYPE_PROT
    $xfTypeProt = self::_GetInt2d($recordData, 4);

    // bit 0; mask 0x01; 1 = cell is locked
    $isLocked = (0x1 & $xfTypeProt) >> 0;
      ->setLocked($isLocked ? PHPExcel_Style_Protection::PROTECTION_INHERIT : PHPExcel_Style_Protection::PROTECTION_UNPROTECTED);

    // bit 1; mask 0x02; 1 = Formula is hidden
    $isHidden = (0x2 & $xfTypeProt) >> 1;
      ->setHidden($isHidden ? PHPExcel_Style_Protection::PROTECTION_PROTECTED : PHPExcel_Style_Protection::PROTECTION_UNPROTECTED);

    // bit 2; mask 0x04; 0 = Cell XF, 1 = Cell Style XF
    $isCellStyleXf = (0x4 & $xfTypeProt) >> 2;

    // offset:  6; size: 1; Alignment and text break
    // bit 2-0, mask 0x07; horizontal alignment
    $horAlign = (0x7 & ord($recordData[6])) >> 0;
    switch ($horAlign) {
      case 0:
      case 1:
      case 2:
      case 3:
      case 4:
      case 5:
      case 6:

    // bit 3, mask 0x08; wrap text
    $wrapText = (0x8 & ord($recordData[6])) >> 3;
    switch ($wrapText) {
      case 0:
      case 1:

    // bit 6-4, mask 0x70; vertical alignment
    $vertAlign = (0x70 & ord($recordData[6])) >> 4;
    switch ($vertAlign) {
      case 0:
      case 1:
      case 2:
      case 3:
    if ($this->_version == self::XLS_BIFF8) {

      // offset:  7; size: 1; XF_ROTATION: Text rotation angle
      $angle = ord($recordData[7]);
      $rotation = 0;
      if ($angle <= 90) {
        $rotation = $angle;
      else {
        if ($angle <= 180) {
          $rotation = 90 - $angle;
        else {
          if ($angle == 255) {
            $rotation = -165;

      // offset:  8; size: 1; Indentation, shrink to cell size, and text direction
      // bit: 3-0; mask: 0x0F; indent level
      $indent = (0xf & ord($recordData[8])) >> 0;

      // bit: 4; mask: 0x10; 1 = shrink content to fit into cell
      $shrinkToFit = (0x10 & ord($recordData[8])) >> 4;
      switch ($shrinkToFit) {
        case 0:
        case 1:

      // offset:  9; size: 1; Flags used for attribute groups
      // offset: 10; size: 4; Cell border lines and background area
      // bit: 3-0; mask: 0x0000000F; left style
      if ($bordersLeftStyle = self::_mapBorderStyle((0xf & self::_GetInt4d($recordData, 10)) >> 0)) {

      // bit: 7-4; mask: 0x000000F0; right style
      if ($bordersRightStyle = self::_mapBorderStyle((0xf0 & self::_GetInt4d($recordData, 10)) >> 4)) {

      // bit: 11-8; mask: 0x00000F00; top style
      if ($bordersTopStyle = self::_mapBorderStyle((0xf00 & self::_GetInt4d($recordData, 10)) >> 8)) {

      // bit: 15-12; mask: 0x0000F000; bottom style
      if ($bordersBottomStyle = self::_mapBorderStyle((0xf000 & self::_GetInt4d($recordData, 10)) >> 12)) {

      // bit: 22-16; mask: 0x007F0000; left color
        ->getLeft()->colorIndex = (0x7f0000 & self::_GetInt4d($recordData, 10)) >> 16;

      // bit: 29-23; mask: 0x3F800000; right color
        ->getRight()->colorIndex = (0x3f800000 & self::_GetInt4d($recordData, 10)) >> 23;

      // bit: 30; mask: 0x40000000; 1 = diagonal line from top left to right bottom
      $diagonalDown = (0x40000000 & self::_GetInt4d($recordData, 10)) >> 30 ? true : false;

      // bit: 31; mask: 0x80000000; 1 = diagonal line from bottom left to top right
      $diagonalUp = (0x80000000 & self::_GetInt4d($recordData, 10)) >> 31 ? true : false;
      if ($diagonalUp == false && $diagonalDown == false) {
      elseif ($diagonalUp == true && $diagonalDown == false) {
      elseif ($diagonalUp == false && $diagonalDown == true) {
      elseif ($diagonalUp == true && $diagonalDown == true) {

      // offset: 14; size: 4;
      // bit: 6-0; mask: 0x0000007F; top color
        ->getTop()->colorIndex = (0x7f & self::_GetInt4d($recordData, 14)) >> 0;

      // bit: 13-7; mask: 0x00003F80; bottom color
        ->getBottom()->colorIndex = (0x3f80 & self::_GetInt4d($recordData, 14)) >> 7;

      // bit: 20-14; mask: 0x001FC000; diagonal color
        ->getDiagonal()->colorIndex = (0x1fc000 & self::_GetInt4d($recordData, 14)) >> 14;

      // bit: 24-21; mask: 0x01E00000; diagonal style
      if ($bordersDiagonalStyle = self::_mapBorderStyle((0x1e00000 & self::_GetInt4d($recordData, 14)) >> 21)) {

      // bit: 31-26; mask: 0xFC000000 fill pattern
      if ($fillType = self::_mapFillPattern((0xfc000000 & self::_GetInt4d($recordData, 14)) >> 26)) {

      // offset: 18; size: 2; pattern and background colour
      // bit: 6-0; mask: 0x007F; color index for pattern color
        ->getFill()->startcolorIndex = (0x7f & self::_GetInt2d($recordData, 18)) >> 0;

      // bit: 13-7; mask: 0x3F80; color index for pattern background
        ->getFill()->endcolorIndex = (0x3f80 & self::_GetInt2d($recordData, 18)) >> 7;
    else {

      // BIFF5
      // offset: 7; size: 1; Text orientation and flags
      $orientationAndFlags = ord($recordData[7]);

      // bit: 1-0; mask: 0x03; XF_ORIENTATION: Text orientation
      $xfOrientation = (0x3 & $orientationAndFlags) >> 0;
      switch ($xfOrientation) {
        case 0:
        case 1:
        case 2:
        case 3:

      // offset: 8; size: 4; cell border lines and background area
      $borderAndBackground = self::_GetInt4d($recordData, 8);

      // bit: 6-0; mask: 0x0000007F; color index for pattern color
        ->getFill()->startcolorIndex = (0x7f & $borderAndBackground) >> 0;

      // bit: 13-7; mask: 0x00003F80; color index for pattern background
        ->getFill()->endcolorIndex = (0x3f80 & $borderAndBackground) >> 7;

      // bit: 21-16; mask: 0x003F0000; fill pattern
        ->setFillType(self::_mapFillPattern((0x3f0000 & $borderAndBackground) >> 16));

      // bit: 24-22; mask: 0x01C00000; bottom line style
        ->setBorderStyle(self::_mapBorderStyle((0x1c00000 & $borderAndBackground) >> 22));

      // bit: 31-25; mask: 0xFE000000; bottom line color
        ->getBottom()->colorIndex = (0xfe000000 & $borderAndBackground) >> 25;

      // offset: 12; size: 4; cell border lines
      $borderLines = self::_GetInt4d($recordData, 12);

      // bit: 2-0; mask: 0x00000007; top line style
        ->setBorderStyle(self::_mapBorderStyle((0x7 & $borderLines) >> 0));

      // bit: 5-3; mask: 0x00000038; left line style
        ->setBorderStyle(self::_mapBorderStyle((0x38 & $borderLines) >> 3));

      // bit: 8-6; mask: 0x000001C0; right line style
        ->setBorderStyle(self::_mapBorderStyle((0x1c0 & $borderLines) >> 6));

      // bit: 15-9; mask: 0x0000FE00; top line color index
        ->getTop()->colorIndex = (0xfe00 & $borderLines) >> 9;

      // bit: 22-16; mask: 0x007F0000; left line color index
        ->getLeft()->colorIndex = (0x7f0000 & $borderLines) >> 16;

      // bit: 29-23; mask: 0x3F800000; right line color index
        ->getRight()->colorIndex = (0x3f800000 & $borderLines) >> 23;

    // add cellStyleXf or cellXf and update mapping
    if ($isCellStyleXf) {

      // we only read one style XF record which is always the first
      if ($this->_xfIndex == 0) {
        $this->_mapCellStyleXfIndex[$this->_xfIndex] = 0;
    else {

      // we read all cell XF records
      $this->_mapCellXfIndex[$this->_xfIndex] = count($this->_phpExcel
        ->getCellXfCollection()) - 1;

    // update XF index for when we read next record