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15 calls to PHPExcel_Reader_Abstract::getReadFilter() in Loft Data Grids 7.2

PHPExcel_Reader_Excel2003XML::loadIntoExisting in vendor/phpoffice/phpexcel/Classes/PHPExcel/Reader/Excel2003XML.php
* Loads PHPExcel from file into PHPExcel instance * *
PHPExcel_Reader_Excel2007::load in vendor/phpoffice/phpexcel/Classes/PHPExcel/Reader/Excel2007.php
* Loads PHPExcel from file * *
PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5::load in vendor/phpoffice/phpexcel/Classes/PHPExcel/Reader/Excel5.php
* Loads PHPExcel from file * *
PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5::_includeCellRangeFiltered in vendor/phpoffice/phpexcel/Classes/PHPExcel/Reader/Excel5.php
PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5::_readBlank in vendor/phpoffice/phpexcel/Classes/PHPExcel/Reader/Excel5.php
* Read BLANK record
PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5::_readBoolErr in vendor/phpoffice/phpexcel/Classes/PHPExcel/Reader/Excel5.php
* Read BOOLERR record * This record represents a Boolean value or error value * cell. * * -- "'s Documentation of the Microsoft * Excel File Format"
PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5::_readFormula in vendor/phpoffice/phpexcel/Classes/PHPExcel/Reader/Excel5.php
* Read FORMULA record + perhaps a following STRING record if formula result is a string * This record contains the token array and the result of a * formula cell. * * -- "'s Documentation of the Microsoft * Excel…
PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5::_readLabel in vendor/phpoffice/phpexcel/Classes/PHPExcel/Reader/Excel5.php
* Read LABEL record * This record represents a cell that contains a string. In * BIFF8 it is usually replaced by the LABELSST record. * Excel still uses this record, if it copies unformatted * text cells to the clipboard. * *…
PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5::_readLabelSst in vendor/phpoffice/phpexcel/Classes/PHPExcel/Reader/Excel5.php
* Read LABELSST record * This record represents a cell that contains a string. It * replaces the LABEL record and RSTRING record used in * BIFF2-BIFF5. * * -- "'s Documentation of the Microsoft * Excel File…
PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5::_readMulBlank in vendor/phpoffice/phpexcel/Classes/PHPExcel/Reader/Excel5.php
* Read MULBLANK record * This record represents a cell range of empty cells. All * cells are located in the same row * * -- "'s Documentation of the Microsoft * Excel File Format"
PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5::_readMulRk in vendor/phpoffice/phpexcel/Classes/PHPExcel/Reader/Excel5.php
* Read MULRK record * This record represents a cell range containing RK value * cells. All cells are located in the same row. * * -- "'s Documentation of the Microsoft * Excel File Format"
PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5::_readNumber in vendor/phpoffice/phpexcel/Classes/PHPExcel/Reader/Excel5.php
* Read NUMBER record * This record represents a cell that contains a * floating-point value. * * -- "'s Documentation of the Microsoft * Excel File Format"
PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5::_readRk in vendor/phpoffice/phpexcel/Classes/PHPExcel/Reader/Excel5.php
* Read RK record * This record represents a cell that contains an RK value * (encoded integer or floating-point value). If a * floating-point value cannot be encoded to an RK value, * a NUMBER record will be written. This record replaces the …
PHPExcel_Reader_Gnumeric::loadIntoExisting in vendor/phpoffice/phpexcel/Classes/PHPExcel/Reader/Gnumeric.php
* Loads PHPExcel from file into PHPExcel instance * *
PHPExcel_Reader_OOCalc::loadIntoExisting in vendor/phpoffice/phpexcel/Classes/PHPExcel/Reader/OOCalc.php
* Loads PHPExcel from file into PHPExcel instance * *