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loft_data_grids.module in Loft Data Grids 6.2

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 7.2 loft_data_grids.module
  2. 7 loft_data_grids.module

Base module file for loft_data_grids

loft_data_grids Loft Data Grids


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 * @file
 * Base module file for loft_data_grids
 * @defgroup loft_data_grids Loft Data Grids
 * @{
use AKlump\LoftDataGrids\ExportDataInterface;

 * Implements hook_init().
function loft_data_grids_init() {
  require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
  module_load_include('php', 'loft_data_grids', 'includes/DrupalTableExporter');

 * Implements hook_perm().
function loft_data_grids_perm() {
  $perms = array();
  foreach (loft_data_grids_export_info() as $data) {
    $perms[] = 'loft_data_grids:' . $data['id'];
  return $perms;

 * Return info about the export formats available
 * @param type $string
 *   description
 * @return array
 *   - path
 *   - loaded
 *   - name
 *   - description
 *   - version
 *   - author
 *   - installed
function loft_data_grids_info() {
  static $info = array();
  if (empty($info)) {
    $info = array(
      'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'loft_data_grids') . '/vendor/aklump/loft_data_grids',
      'loaded' => class_exists(loft_data_grids_ns('Exporter')),
    $info_file = $info['path'] . '/';
    if (($info['installed'] = file_exists($info_file)) && ($parsed = parse_ini_file($info_file))) {
      $info += $parsed;
    $info += array(
      'name' => pathinfo(__FILE__, PATHINFO_FILENAME),
      'version' => '',
      'installed' => FALSE,
  return $info;

 * Return an array of Exporter classnames dynamically loaded and cached
 * @return array
function _loft_data_grids_get_exporter_names() {
  static $exporters = array();
  if (empty($exporters)) {
    if ($cache = cache_get('loft_data_grids:exporters', 'cache')) {
      $exporters = empty($cache->data) ? NULL : $cache->data;
    else {

      // Set the default values
      $exporters = array();
      $cache = (object) array(
        'data' => array(),
    if (empty($exporters)) {
      $info = loft_data_grids_info();

      // This is a protection against fatal errors when we include the $path.
      // This could happen on an upgrade from 1.x to 2.x
      if ($info['loaded']) {
        $possible = file_scan_directory($info['path'] . '/src', '\\.php$');
        foreach ($possible as $path => $data) {
          $class = loft_data_grids_ns($data->name);
          if (!class_exists($class) && !interface_exists($class)) {
            include_once $path;
          if (in_array(loft_data_grids_ns('ExporterInterface'), class_implements($class))) {
            $class = new \ReflectionClass($class);
            if (!$class
              ->isAbstract()) {
              $exporters[] = $data->name;

        // Formatters added by our module.
        $exporters[] = 'DrupalTableExporter';
        cache_set('loft_data_grids:exporters', $exporters, 'cache', CACHE_PERMANENT);
  return $exporters;

 * Return an array of exporters info
 * @param  bool $check_access (Optional, defaults to FALSE) Should the current
 *                            users permission be applied against all exporters?
 * @return array
 *   Keyed by classname (not fully qualified with ns use loft_data_grids_ns())
function loft_data_grids_export_info($check_access = FALSE) {
  static $info = array();
  if (empty($info) && ($data = loft_data_grids_export_data())) {
    $classnames = _loft_data_grids_get_exporter_names();
    foreach ($classnames as $classname) {
      $object = loft_data_grids_exporter($data, $classname);
      $info[$classname] = array(
        'id' => $classname,
      ) + $object
    drupal_alter('loft_data_grids_export_info', $info);
  if ($check_access) {
    foreach ($info as $key => $data) {
      if (!user_access('loft_data_grids:' . $data['id'])) {
  return $info;

 * Return an array suitable for form options keyed by classname
 * @param  boolean $check_access         Check permissions
 * @param  boolean $include_descriptions Include the description in the label
 * @param  boolean $use_shortname        Use shortname over name for label
 * @return array                         Keys are classnames, values are human
 *   options.
function loft_data_grids_exporter_options($check_access = TRUE, $include_descriptions = TRUE, $use_shortname = TRUE) {
  static $options = array();
  if (empty($options)) {
    foreach (loft_data_grids_export_info($check_access) as $data) {

      // Do not include html it will break for select lists
      $label = '';
      $label .= $use_shortname && isset($data['shortname']) ? $data['shortname'] : $data['name'];
      $label .= ' (' . $data['extension'] . ')';
      if ($include_descriptions) {
        $label .= ' ' . $data['description'];
      $options[$data['id']] = $label;
  return $options;

 * Create a fully-qualified ns from classnmae
 * @param  string $classname
 * @return  string
function loft_data_grids_ns($classname) {
  $classname = trim($classname, '\\');
  $ns = 'AKlump\\LoftDataGrids\\';
  if (strpos($classname, $ns) !== 0) {
    $classname = $ns . $classname;
  return $classname;

 * Instantiate a new ExportData object
 * @param mixed $page_id
 *   (Optional) Defaults to 0.
 * @return bool|mixed
function loft_data_grids_export_data($page_id = 0, $classname = 'ExportData') {
  $classname = loft_data_grids_ns($classname);
  if (class_exists($classname)) {
    return new $classname($page_id);
  return FALSE;

 * Instantiate a new ExportData object
 * This wrapper should be used for compatability issues with multiple library
 * locations such as PHPExcel
 * @param ExportDataInterface $data
 * @param string              $classname
 *   The name of any of the various Exporter classes
 * @param string              $filename
 *   (Optional) Defaults to ''.
 * @return mixed
function loft_data_grids_exporter(ExportDataInterface $data, $classname, $filename = '') {
  $classname = loft_data_grids_ns($classname);
  $object = FALSE;
  try {
    $object = new $classname($data, $filename);
  } catch (Exception $e) {
    watchdog_exception('loft_data_grids', $e);
  return $object;

 * Instantiate a new Formatter object.
 * @param mixed  $text
 * @param string $classname Name of the formatter
 * @return mixed|false
function loft_data_grids_formatter($text, $classname) {
  $classname = loft_data_grids_ns($classname);
  if (class_exists($classname)) {
    return new $classname($page_id);
  return FALSE;


Namesort descending Description
loft_data_grids_exporter Instantiate a new ExportData object
loft_data_grids_exporter_options Return an array suitable for form options keyed by classname
loft_data_grids_export_data Instantiate a new ExportData object
loft_data_grids_export_info Return an array of exporters info
loft_data_grids_formatter Instantiate a new Formatter object.
loft_data_grids_info Return info about the export formats available
loft_data_grids_init Implements hook_init().
loft_data_grids_ns Create a fully-qualified ns from classnmae
loft_data_grids_perm Implements hook_perm().
_loft_data_grids_get_exporter_names Return an array of Exporter classnames dynamically loaded and cached