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README.txt in Loft Data Grids 8

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  1. 7.2 README.txt

   A module wrapper integrating [1]Loft Data Grids with Drupal.


   Loft Data Grids must be installed via Composer, in order to get the
   required libraries. The tarballs are provided for informative purposes
    1. In a shell window, go to the root of Drupal
    2. Tell composer where to find the module by adding the drupal
composer config repositories.drupal composer

    3. Now that composer knows where to find it, require this module
       (still from the drupal root directory):
composer require drupal/loft_data_grids

    4. Now go to Administer > Site Building > Modules and enable this

Module updates

   To update this module, use composer, e.g. the following in a shell:
`composer update aklump/loft_data_grids --with-dependencies`

   If you happen to have the [2]PHPExcel Drupal module installed, be aware
   that this module may ignore it.

  User Permissions: UI Only

   Drupal permissions are provided to limit exporter visibility in UI
   functions only. The distinction is that any function in this module
   that provides UI elements (option list, etc) will respect these
   permissions, however api functions will not.

   These permissions can be used globally to remove certain exporters from
   the UI for any dependent module that uses this module's UI functions.

Code Example

   To use any of the classes in [3]Loft Data Grids in your own module, do
   something like this:
$data = new ExportData();
$data->add('first', 'Aaron');
$data->add('last', 'Klump');
$exporter = new JSONExporter($data);
$json = $exporter->export();

   Refer to the library for more info.


     * In the Loft Studios
     * Aaron Klump - Developer
     * PO Box 29294 Bellingham, WA 98228-1294
     * aim: theloft101
     * skype: intheloftstudios
     * d.o: aklump
     * [4]




View source
  1. Summary
  2. A module wrapper integrating [1]Loft Data Grids with Drupal.
  3. Installation
  4. Loft Data Grids must be installed via Composer, in order to get the
  5. required libraries. The tarballs are provided for informative purposes
  6. only.
  7. 1. In a shell window, go to the root of Drupal
  8. 2. Tell composer where to find the module by adding the drupal
  9. repository:
  10. composer config repositories.drupal composer
  11. 3. Now that composer knows where to find it, require this module
  12. (still from the drupal root directory):
  13. composer require drupal/loft_data_grids
  14. 4. Now go to Administer > Site Building > Modules and enable this
  15. module.
  16. Module updates
  17. To update this module, use composer, e.g. the following in a shell:
  18. `composer update aklump/loft_data_grids --with-dependencies`
  19. If you happen to have the [2]PHPExcel Drupal module installed, be aware
  20. that this module may ignore it.
  21. User Permissions: UI Only
  22. Drupal permissions are provided to limit exporter visibility in UI
  23. functions only. The distinction is that any function in this module
  24. that provides UI elements (option list, etc) will respect these
  25. permissions, however api functions will not.
  26. These permissions can be used globally to remove certain exporters from
  27. the UI for any dependent module that uses this module's UI functions.
  28. Code Example
  29. To use any of the classes in [3]Loft Data Grids in your own module, do
  30. something like this:
  31. $data = new ExportData();
  32. $data->add('first', 'Aaron');
  33. $data->add('last', 'Klump');
  34. $exporter = new JSONExporter($data);
  35. $json = $exporter->export();
  36. ?>
  37. Refer to the library for more info.
  38. Contact
  39. * In the Loft Studios
  40. * Aaron Klump - Developer
  41. * PO Box 29294 Bellingham, WA 98228-1294
  42. * aim: theloft101
  43. * skype: intheloftstudios
  44. * d.o: aklump
  45. * [4]
  46. References
  47. 1.
  48. 2.
  49. 3.
  50. 4.