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  1. 7 plugins/key_provider/
  2. 7.2 plugins/key_provider/

Key provider plugin for lockr.


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 * @file
 * Key provider plugin for lockr.
use Lockr\Exception\LockrApiException;
$plugin = [
  'label' => t('Lockr'),
  'description' => t('Use Lockr: a secure off-site hosted key manager.'),
  'storage method' => 'lockr',
  'key value' => [
    'accepted' => TRUE,
    'required' => FALSE,
  'default configuration' => 'key_provider_lockr_default_configuration',
  'build configuration form' => 'key_provider_lockr_build_configuration_form',
  'get key value' => 'key_provider_lockr_get_key_value',
  'set key value' => 'key_provider_lockr_set_key_value',
  'delete key value' => 'key_provider_lockr_delete_key_value',
  'obscure key value' => '_key_default_obscure_key_value',

 * The default plugin configuration.
function key_provider_lockr_default_configuration() {
  return [];

 * The settings form.
function key_provider_lockr_build_configuration_form($form, &$form_state) {
  $lc = lockr_client();
  try {
    $info = $lc
  } catch (LockrApiException $e) {
    $info = NULL;
  if (is_null($info)) {
    $form['need_register'] = [
      '#prefix' => '<p>',
      '#markup' => t('This site has not yet registered with Lockr, please <a href="@link">click here to register</a>.', [
        '@link' => 'admin/config/system/lockr',
      '#suffix' => '</p>',
  return $form;

 * Get callback for key_provider plugin.
 * @param array $config
 *   Key configuration array.
 * @return string|NULL
 *   The key value or NULL.
function key_provider_lockr_get_key_value($config) {
  if (!isset($config['id'])) {
    return '';
  $key_name = $config['id'];
  return _lockr_get_key($key_name) ?: NULL;

 * Set callback for key_provider plugin.
function key_provider_lockr_set_key_value($config, &$form_state, $key_value) {
  $name = $config['id'];
  $label = $config['label'];
  $result = _lockr_set_key($name, $key_value, $label);
  if (!$result) {
    form_set_error('', t('An error occurred in Lockr. Please try again in a moment.'));

 * Delete key form submit callback.
 * @param array $config
 *   The key config.
function key_provider_lockr_delete_key_value($config) {
  $key_name = $config['id'];

 * Obscure key values for display in the admin form.
 * @param string $key_value
 *   The value to obscure.
 * @param array $config
 *   The key config.
 * @return string
 *   The placeholder text.
function key_provider_lockr_key_value_obscure($key_value, $config) {
  return $key_value;


Namesort descending Description
key_provider_lockr_build_configuration_form The settings form.
key_provider_lockr_default_configuration The default plugin configuration.
key_provider_lockr_delete_key_value Delete key form submit callback.
key_provider_lockr_get_key_value Get callback for key_provider plugin.
key_provider_lockr_key_value_obscure Obscure key values for display in the admin form.
key_provider_lockr_set_key_value Set callback for key_provider plugin.