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6 calls to _location_taxonomize_get_source() in Location Taxonomize 7.2

location_taxonomize_af_field_widget_addressfield_standard_form_alter in location_taxonomize_af/location_taxonomize_af.module
Implements hook_field_widget_WIDGET_TYPE_form_alter(). Here we add a process callback for every widget that is set to be taxonomized
location_taxonomize_bulk_taxonomize in ./location_taxonomize.module
Calls the Batch API to run the bulk operation function
location_taxonomize_get_primary_fields in ./
Some fields are defined as 'Primary Fields'. This function returns an array mapping internal field names to source field names, or the other direction, if $reverse is TRUE
location_taxonomize_location_submitt in location_taxonomize_location/location_taxonomize_location.module
Submit handler for forms with Location fields in them
_location_taxonomize_get_fields in ./
Returns the possible fields for the hierarchy if $assoc, return value is in form key => key if $labels, return value is in form key => value with field labels as values if $source is set, gets the fields for that source (defaults to current source)
_location_taxonomize_get_source_settings in ./
Returns the settings array for the current source module, or a given source