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9 calls to location_field_names() in Location 6.3

LocationTestCase::getLocationFieldDefaults in tests/location_testcase.php
Get a set of location field defaults. This will also enable collection on all parts of the location field.
location_cck_token_list in contrib/location_cck/location_cck.module
Implementation of hook_token_list().
location_cck_token_values in contrib/location_cck/location_cck.module
Implementation of hook_token_values().
location_context_location_convert_list in plugins/contexts/
Provide a list of ways that this context can be converted to a string.
location_handler_field_location_address::options_form in handlers/
location_settings in ./location.module
Get a form element for configuring location for an object.
template_preprocess_location in ./location.module
Theme preprocess function for a location.
_location_expand_location in ./location.module
Process a location element.
_location_expand_location_settings in ./location.module