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Location: An API for working with locations. in Location 6.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5.3 \Location
  2. 7.5 \Location
  3. 7.3 \Location
  4. 7.4 \Location

Public API for the Location module.


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Namesort descending Location Description
location_distance_between ./ Given two points in lat/lon form, returns the distance between them.
location_driving_directions_link ./ Takes two locations and tries to return a deep-link to driving directions.
location_get_postalcode_data ./ Try to extract the the Latitude and Longitude data from the postal code.
location_latlon_exact ./ Currently, this is not a priority until there is an implementable use for exact longitude, latitude coordinates for an location. The idea is that this call will eventually retrieve information through a web-service. Whereas location_latlon_rough()…
location_latlon_rough ./ Takes an location and returns a "rough" latitude/longitude pair based on the postal code data available for the given country.
location_map_link ./ Get a deep-link to a mapping service such as Yahoo! Maps or MapPoint given an location. The call is delegated based on the 'country' value in the $location parameter.
_location_supported_countries ./ Returns an associative array of countries currently supported by the location system where -> the keys represent the two-letter ISO code and -> the values represent the English name of the country. The array is sorted the index (i.e., by the…