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11 calls to location_get_iso3166_list() in Location 7.4

google_geocode_country_list in geocoding/
Return the list of ISO3166 codes supported by this geocoder. Coverage list: Coverage list feed:
location_admin_settings in ./
Admin settings form.
location_country_name in ./
Get the translated name of a country code.
location_generate_nodeapi in contrib/location_generate/location_generate.module
Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
location_geocoding_parameters_page in ./location.module
location_handler_field_location_distance::extra_options_form in handlers/
Provide a form for setting options.
location_handler_filter_location_country::get_value_options in handlers/
Child classes should be used to override this function and set the 'value options', unless 'options callback' is defined as a valid function or static public method to generate these values.
location_handler_sort_location_distance::extra_options_form in handlers/
Provide a form for setting options.
location_locationapi in ./location.module
Implementation of hook_locationapi().
location_views_handler_filter_proximity::value_form in handlers/
Options form subform for setting options.
_location_supported_countries in ./
Returns an associative array of countries currently supported by the location system where -> the keys represent the two-letter ISO code and -> the values represent the English name of the country. The array is sorted the index (i.e., by the…