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extending_support.txt in Location 5

This file is a PHP programmer's description of what needs to be done in order to extend the
location system to support locationes from a new country.

Let's suppose we want to extend the location system to support locationes from Belgium.  To this end,
there are 2 tasks: 

We use the lower-case of the country's two-letter ISO 3166 code to create a file, "", that 
defines the necessary functions that will "hook" into the location system.  This way, when a high-level 
function in the public location API receives a call that uses some Belgium specific function, the call 
will be delegated to the appropriately named function in "".

You need postal code data for your country.  This postal code data needs to be able to connect the
base-length postal code (e.g., U.S. postal codes can be 9 digits, but we're only interested to the
level of 5 digits and most people only know the 5-digit version) to a city, province/state, country (duh),
and a latitude/longitude pair in degrees that represents the approximate center of the postal code's area.
Ultimately, you will want to create a database dump that inserts these fields into specific columns:
'zip' (for postal codes), 'city' (for city names), 'province' for (the standard state/province/country
abbreviation), 'country' (for the lower-case of the country's two letter ISO code), 'latitude' (for the
latitude in degree value, as opposed to radian value) and 'longitude' (for the degree value of the 

In a lot of countries, this data costs money!  You cannot simply create a dump and then publish it on unless the data is free to redistribute.  However, if you are interested in buying this data 
from some vendor and using it on your own site, you can do so but may have to acquire a new license for 
each seperate business or web site for which you wish to use postal code data if, in fact, you had to 
pay a fee or license for this data.

This postalcode-to-lat/lon mapping is important if you want to enable location-based proximity searches of 
anykind for addresses in a particular country.  The module will still work fine without it, but will not
be able to support searches based on postal codes.

This file will need to implement a handful of functions with the parameters and return values described below.

It is possible to not implement all of these functions since the caller usually checks to see if the function
exists before calling it, but it may limit the number of features the location system will be able to support
for your country.

For an example implementation of the functions described below, see "supported/".

function theme_location_be($location, $hide);                                                    |
@param $location
  An associative array $location where
    'street'       => the street portion of the location
    'additional' => additional street portion of the location
    'city'         => the city of the location
    'province'     => the province, state, or territory
    'country'      => lower-cased two-letter ISO code (REQUIRED)
    'postal_code'  => the international postal code for this location (REQUIRED)
@param $hide
  An linear array where the values are the location fields to suppress in the themed display.
  A string of the themed location.  The entire location should be enclosed by '<dl class="location">' </dl> tags.
  The different lines of the location should be enclosed by <dl> </dl> tags.  The idea is to allow country-specific
  files to change the display of an location from the default theming done in theme_location() defined in


function location_province_list_be();                                                            |
Returns an associative array where
  -> the keys are the all-uppercase standard postal abbreviation for provinces, territories, and like subdivisions.
  -> the values are the fully spelled names of the abbreviated names.
Preferrably, these will be sorted by the full name.

function location_map_link_be($location);                                                       |
Returns a deep-link to an online mapping service (e.g., "Yahoo! Maps", "MapQuest", or some other
preferrably free service) given a full/partial location in the format described in public API
document (location_API.txt).

@param $location
  An associative array $location where
    'street'       => the street portion of the location
    'additional' => additional street portion of the location
    'city'         => the city of the location
    'province'     => the province, state, or territory
    'country'      => lower-cased two-letter ISO code (REQUIRED)
    'postal_code'  => the international postal code for this location (REQUIRED)

  A URL with encoded HTTP GET variables to a free online-mapping service.  (Note: URL, not HTML link).
  NULL if there is not even enough information to generate even a semi-useful link.  "Useful" may depend
  entirely on the mapping service you choose to link to.  You are advised to experiment: usually, a
  city/province combination is enough as is a postal code by itself, however, some services get confused
  when all fields are supplied.  Some mapping services will be unable to map a city/province location
  while they can't do anything with a postal code while others map postal codes fine, but can't do
  anything useful with a city/province pair.

function location_map_link_be_providers();                                                       |
Returns an array of mapping services to which the generation of deep-links is supported.  "Supported"
means that the function for that particular mapping service has been defined.  For example, if the file for Belgium has functions for taking a location and generating a deep-link to
Yahoo! Maps and google, this function will return that list in an array that give additional info.

See for an example.

  An associative array where
    --> The keys are single words (no spaces) that identify a function in the same file for returning
        a deep link.  For example, 'yahoo' means location_map_link_be_yahoo().  'google' means
    --> The values are themselves associative arrays with 3 expected keys:
          'name' => The name of the mapping service.  In the case of Yahoo, it would be 'Yahoo! Maps'
          'url'  => The full URL of the main page of the mapping service (i.e., the home page)
          'tos'  => The full URL of the Terms Of Service for the mapping service.
function location_map_link_be_default_providers();                                                |
Returns an array of 'default' mapping services.  It may happen that the site administrator has not
yet made it to the settings page for selecting mapping providers.  In this case, we want to tell
the location modules which one to use as defaults.  To help the site admin avoid being in violation
of each mapping services's Terms of Service, we return a linear array whose values are the appropriately
selected keys in the array returned the location_map_link_xx_providers() function.

  A linear array with the one-word, no-spaced identifiers used to identify the mapping function.  These
  should only be for the mapping services with relatively lenient and permissive Terms of Service.

IMPORTANT: For more information on how to add support for deep-links, you are encouraged to see
the examples in modules/location/supported/  If you need extra help, please feel
free to submit a question on the issues queue for this project at:
Replies will be prompt.

function location_driving_directions_link_be($locationA, $locationB);                            |
Returns a deep-link to an online mapping service (e.g., "Yahoo! Maps", "MapQuest", or some other
preferrably free service) given full/partial locationes.  Depending on whether or not the parameter
locationes are complete enough for the chosen service, this function will return either a deep-link
directly to the driving direction or will provide a deep-link to a partially pre-filled form for
driving directions on the site you choose to link to.
@param $locationA
  An associative array $location where
    'street'       => the street portion of the location
    'additional' => additional street portion of the location
    'city'         => the city of the location
    'province'     => the province, state, or territory
    'country'      => lower-cased two-letter ISO code (REQUIRED)
    'postal_code'  => the international postal code for this location (REQUIRED)
@param $locationB
  An associative array $location where
    'street'       => the street portion of the location
    'additional' => additional street portion of the location
    'city'         => the city of the location
    'province'     => the province, state, or territory
    'country'      => lower-cased two-letter ISO code (REQUIRED)
    'postal_code'  => the international postal code for this location (REQUIRED)    
  A URL (not HTML link) with HTTP GET variables tacked on to the end.  This URL either points to a
  form for driving directions from $locationA to $locationB or a deep-link directly to the driving
  directions depending on how complete the locationes are.

function location_get_postalcode_data_be($location = array());                                            |
@param $location
  An associative array $location where
    'street'       => the street portion of the location
    'additional' => additional street portion of the location
    'city'         => the city of the location
    'province'     => the province, state, or territory
    'country'      => lower-cased two-letter ISO code (REQUIRED)
    'postal_code'  => the international postal code for this location (REQUIRED)
  An associative array where
    'lat' => A floating point for the latitude of the approximate center of the postal_code in the given $location
    'lon' => A floating point for the longitude of the approximate center of the postal code in the given $location
    'city' => The most appropriate city name for the given postal code in $location
    'province' => The most appropriate province name for the given postal code in $location
  Returns NULL if the postal code doesn't make sense.

Typically, this function will pull out the latitude/longitude of the approximate center of postal code
in the given $location parameter as well as other data.  The reason this can't be implemented at the
non-country specific level in is that postal codes may be submitted in varying formats
of varying precision while postal codes for this country in the database table may all be in a particular
format.  It is up to this country specific function to examine $location['postal_code'] and format it
appropriately so that it matches with a postal code in the postal codes table.  This 'hook' is meant
to be a replacement for the location_get_latlon_rough_xx hook, described next.

function location_latlon_rough_be($location = array());                                            |
@param $location
  An associative array $location where
    'street'       => the street portion of the location
    'additional' => additional street portion of the location
    'city'         => the city of the location
    'province'     => the province, state, or territory
    'country'      => lower-cased two-letter ISO code (REQUIRED)
    'postal_code'  => the international postal code for this location (REQUIRED)
  An associative array where
    'lat' => A floating point for the latitude of the approximate center of the postal_code in the given $location
    'lon' => A floating point for the longitude of the approximate center of the postal code in the given $location
  Returns NULL if the postal code doesn't make sense.

Typically, this function will pull out the latitude/longitude of the approximate center of postal code
in the given $location parameter.

function location_latlon_exact_be($location = array());                                            |
@param $location
  An associative array $location where
    'street'       => the street portion of the location
    'additional' => additional street portion of the location
    'city'         => the city of the location
    'province'     => the province, state, or territory
    'country'      => lower-cased two-letter ISO code (REQUIRED)
    'postal_code'  => the international postal code for this location (REQUIRED)
  An associative array where
    'lat' => A floating point for the latitude of the approximate center of the postal_code in the given $location
    'lon' => A floating point for the longitude of the approximate center of the postal code in the given $location
  Returns NULL if the postal code doesn't make sense.
Typically, this function will be implemented on top of a web-service for retrieving exact lat/lon information
for a full location.  This function is not a necessity, but a sample implementation would be helpful for
future users.  If not, it can always be added on a supply and demand basis.


View source
  1. This file is a PHP programmer's description of what needs to be done in order to extend the
  2. location system to support locationes from a new country.
  3. Let's suppose we want to extend the location system to support locationes from Belgium. To this end,
  4. there are 2 tasks:
  5. TASK #1
  6. ---
  7. We use the lower-case of the country's two-letter ISO 3166 code to create a file, "", that
  8. defines the necessary functions that will "hook" into the location system. This way, when a high-level
  9. function in the public location API receives a call that uses some Belgium specific function, the call
  10. will be delegated to the appropriately named function in "".
  11. TASK #2
  12. ---
  13. You need postal code data for your country. This postal code data needs to be able to connect the
  14. base-length postal code (e.g., U.S. postal codes can be 9 digits, but we're only interested to the
  15. level of 5 digits and most people only know the 5-digit version) to a city, province/state, country (duh),
  16. and a latitude/longitude pair in degrees that represents the approximate center of the postal code's area.
  17. Ultimately, you will want to create a database dump that inserts these fields into specific columns:
  18. 'zip' (for postal codes), 'city' (for city names), 'province' for (the standard state/province/country
  19. abbreviation), 'country' (for the lower-case of the country's two letter ISO code), 'latitude' (for the
  20. latitude in degree value, as opposed to radian value) and 'longitude' (for the degree value of the
  21. longitude).
  22. In a lot of countries, this data costs money! You cannot simply create a dump and then publish it on
  23. unless the data is free to redistribute. However, if you are interested in buying this data
  24. from some vendor and using it on your own site, you can do so but may have to acquire a new license for
  25. each seperate business or web site for which you wish to use postal code data if, in fact, you had to
  26. pay a fee or license for this data.
  27. This postalcode-to-lat/lon mapping is important if you want to enable location-based proximity searches of
  28. anykind for addresses in a particular country. The module will still work fine without it, but will not
  29. be able to support searches based on postal codes.
  31. ---------------------------------
  32. This file will need to implement a handful of functions with the parameters and return values described below.
  33. It is possible to not implement all of these functions since the caller usually checks to see if the function
  34. exists before calling it, but it may limit the number of features the location system will be able to support
  35. for your country.
  36. For an example implementation of the functions described below, see "supported/".
  37. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  38. function theme_location_be($location, $hide); |
  39. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  40. @param $location
  41. An associative array $location where
  42. 'street' => the street portion of the location
  43. 'additional' => additional street portion of the location
  44. 'city' => the city of the location
  45. 'province' => the province, state, or territory
  46. 'country' => lower-cased two-letter ISO code (REQUIRED)
  47. 'postal_code' => the international postal code for this location (REQUIRED)
  48. @param $hide
  49. An linear array where the values are the location fields to suppress in the themed display.
  50. @return
  51. A string of the themed location. The entire location should be enclosed by '
  52. The different lines of the location should be enclosed by
    tags. The idea is to allow country-specific
  53. files to change the display of an location from the default theming done in theme_location() defined in
  54. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  55. function location_province_list_be(); |
  56. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  57. Returns an associative array where
  58. -> the keys are the all-uppercase standard postal abbreviation for provinces, territories, and like subdivisions.
  59. -> the values are the fully spelled names of the abbreviated names.
  60. Preferrably, these will be sorted by the full name.
  61. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  62. function location_map_link_be($location); |
  63. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  64. Returns a deep-link to an online mapping service (e.g., "Yahoo! Maps", "MapQuest", or some other
  65. preferrably free service) given a full/partial location in the format described in public API
  66. document (location_API.txt).
  67. @param $location
  68. An associative array $location where
  69. 'street' => the street portion of the location
  70. 'additional' => additional street portion of the location
  71. 'city' => the city of the location
  72. 'province' => the province, state, or territory
  73. 'country' => lower-cased two-letter ISO code (REQUIRED)
  74. 'postal_code' => the international postal code for this location (REQUIRED)
  75. @return
  76. A URL with encoded HTTP GET variables to a free online-mapping service. (Note: URL, not HTML link).
  77. NULL if there is not even enough information to generate even a semi-useful link. "Useful" may depend
  78. entirely on the mapping service you choose to link to. You are advised to experiment: usually, a
  79. city/province combination is enough as is a postal code by itself, however, some services get confused
  80. when all fields are supplied. Some mapping services will be unable to map a city/province location
  81. while they can't do anything with a postal code while others map postal codes fine, but can't do
  82. anything useful with a city/province pair.
  83. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  84. function location_map_link_be_providers(); |
  85. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  86. Returns an array of mapping services to which the generation of deep-links is supported. "Supported"
  87. means that the function for that particular mapping service has been defined. For example, if the
  88. file for Belgium has functions for taking a location and generating a deep-link to
  89. Yahoo! Maps and google, this function will return that list in an array that give additional info.
  90. See for an example.
  91. @return
  92. An associative array where
  93. --> The keys are single words (no spaces) that identify a function in the same file for returning
  94. a deep link. For example, 'yahoo' means location_map_link_be_yahoo(). 'google' means
  95. location_map_link_be_google().
  96. --> The values are themselves associative arrays with 3 expected keys:
  97. 'name' => The name of the mapping service. In the case of Yahoo, it would be 'Yahoo! Maps'
  98. 'url' => The full URL of the main page of the mapping service (i.e., the home page)
  99. 'tos' => The full URL of the Terms Of Service for the mapping service.
  100. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  101. function location_map_link_be_default_providers(); |
  102. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  103. Returns an array of 'default' mapping services. It may happen that the site administrator has not
  104. yet made it to the settings page for selecting mapping providers. In this case, we want to tell
  105. the location modules which one to use as defaults. To help the site admin avoid being in violation
  106. of each mapping services's Terms of Service, we return a linear array whose values are the appropriately
  107. selected keys in the array returned the location_map_link_xx_providers() function.
  108. @return
  109. A linear array with the one-word, no-spaced identifiers used to identify the mapping function. These
  110. should only be for the mapping services with relatively lenient and permissive Terms of Service.
  111. IMPORTANT: For more information on how to add support for deep-links, you are encouraged to see
  112. the examples in modules/location/supported/ If you need extra help, please feel
  113. free to submit a question on the issues queue for this project at:
  114. Replies will be prompt.
  115. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  116. function location_driving_directions_link_be($locationA, $locationB); |
  117. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  118. Returns a deep-link to an online mapping service (e.g., "Yahoo! Maps", "MapQuest", or some other
  119. preferrably free service) given full/partial locationes. Depending on whether or not the parameter
  120. locationes are complete enough for the chosen service, this function will return either a deep-link
  121. directly to the driving direction or will provide a deep-link to a partially pre-filled form for
  122. driving directions on the site you choose to link to.
  123. @param $locationA
  124. An associative array $location where
  125. 'street' => the street portion of the location
  126. 'additional' => additional street portion of the location
  127. 'city' => the city of the location
  128. 'province' => the province, state, or territory
  129. 'country' => lower-cased two-letter ISO code (REQUIRED)
  130. 'postal_code' => the international postal code for this location (REQUIRED)
  131. @param $locationB
  132. An associative array $location where
  133. 'street' => the street portion of the location
  134. 'additional' => additional street portion of the location
  135. 'city' => the city of the location
  136. 'province' => the province, state, or territory
  137. 'country' => lower-cased two-letter ISO code (REQUIRED)
  138. 'postal_code' => the international postal code for this location (REQUIRED)
  139. @return
  140. A URL (not HTML link) with HTTP GET variables tacked on to the end. This URL either points to a
  141. form for driving directions from $locationA to $locationB or a deep-link directly to the driving
  142. directions depending on how complete the locationes are.
  143. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  144. function location_get_postalcode_data_be($location = array()); |
  145. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  146. @param $location
  147. An associative array $location where
  148. 'street' => the street portion of the location
  149. 'additional' => additional street portion of the location
  150. 'city' => the city of the location
  151. 'province' => the province, state, or territory
  152. 'country' => lower-cased two-letter ISO code (REQUIRED)
  153. 'postal_code' => the international postal code for this location (REQUIRED)
  154. @return
  155. An associative array where
  156. 'lat' => A floating point for the latitude of the approximate center of the postal_code in the given $location
  157. 'lon' => A floating point for the longitude of the approximate center of the postal code in the given $location
  158. 'city' => The most appropriate city name for the given postal code in $location
  159. 'province' => The most appropriate province name for the given postal code in $location
  160. Returns NULL if the postal code doesn't make sense.
  161. Typically, this function will pull out the latitude/longitude of the approximate center of postal code
  162. in the given $location parameter as well as other data. The reason this can't be implemented at the
  163. non-country specific level in is that postal codes may be submitted in varying formats
  164. of varying precision while postal codes for this country in the database table may all be in a particular
  165. format. It is up to this country specific function to examine $location['postal_code'] and format it
  166. appropriately so that it matches with a postal code in the postal codes table. This 'hook' is meant
  167. to be a replacement for the location_get_latlon_rough_xx hook, described next.
  168. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  169. function location_latlon_rough_be($location = array()); |
  170. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  171. @param $location
  172. An associative array $location where
  173. 'street' => the street portion of the location
  174. 'additional' => additional street portion of the location
  175. 'city' => the city of the location
  176. 'province' => the province, state, or territory
  177. 'country' => lower-cased two-letter ISO code (REQUIRED)
  178. 'postal_code' => the international postal code for this location (REQUIRED)
  179. @return
  180. An associative array where
  181. 'lat' => A floating point for the latitude of the approximate center of the postal_code in the given $location
  182. 'lon' => A floating point for the longitude of the approximate center of the postal code in the given $location
  183. Returns NULL if the postal code doesn't make sense.
  184. Typically, this function will pull out the latitude/longitude of the approximate center of postal code
  185. in the given $location parameter.
  186. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  187. function location_latlon_exact_be($location = array()); |
  188. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  189. @param $location
  190. An associative array $location where
  191. 'street' => the street portion of the location
  192. 'additional' => additional street portion of the location
  193. 'city' => the city of the location
  194. 'province' => the province, state, or territory
  195. 'country' => lower-cased two-letter ISO code (REQUIRED)
  196. 'postal_code' => the international postal code for this location (REQUIRED)
  197. @return
  198. An associative array where
  199. 'lat' => A floating point for the latitude of the approximate center of the postal_code in the given $location
  200. 'lon' => A floating point for the longitude of the approximate center of the postal code in the given $location
  201. Returns NULL if the postal code doesn't make sense.
  202. Typically, this function will be implemented on top of a web-service for retrieving exact lat/lon information
  203. for a full location. This function is not a necessity, but a sample implementation would be helpful for
  204. future users. If not, it can always be added on a supply and demand basis.