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LinkitEditorLinkDialogTest.php in Linkit 8.5


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namespace Drupal\Tests\linkit\Kernel;

use Drupal\Core\Form\FormState;
use Drupal\editor\Entity\Editor;
use Drupal\editor\Form\EditorLinkDialog;
use Drupal\entity_test\Entity\EntityTest;
use Drupal\filter\Entity\FilterFormat;
use Drupal\linkit\SubstitutionManagerInterface;
use Drupal\linkit\Tests\ProfileCreationTrait;

 * Tests EditorLinkDialog validation and conversion functionality.
 * @group linkit
class LinkitEditorLinkDialogTest extends LinkitKernelTestBase {
  use ProfileCreationTrait;

   * The linkit profile.
   * @var \Drupal\linkit\ProfileInterface
  protected $linkitProfile;

   * Editor for testing.
   * @var \Drupal\editor\EditorInterface
  protected $editor;

   * Modules to enable.
   * @var array
  public static $modules = [

   * Sets up the test.
  protected function setUp() {
      ->installSchema('system', [

    // Create a profile.
    $this->linkitProfile = $this

    /** @var \Drupal\linkit\MatcherManager $matcherManager */
    $matcherManager = $this->container

    // Add the entity_test matcher to the profile.

    /** @var \Drupal\linkit\MatcherInterface $plugin */
    $plugin = $matcherManager

    // Add a text format.
    $format = FilterFormat::create([
      'format' => 'filtered_html',
      'name' => 'Filtered HTML',
      'weight' => 0,
      'filters' => [],

    // Set up editor.
    $this->editor = Editor::create([
      'format' => 'filtered_html',
      'editor' => 'ckeditor',
      'plugins' => [
        'drupallink' => [
          'linkit_enabled' => TRUE,
          'linkit_profile' => $this->linkitProfile

   * Tests adding a link.
  public function testAdd() {
    $entity_label = $this

    /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity */
    $entity = EntityTest::create([
      'name' => $entity_label,
    $form_object = new EditorLinkDialog();
    $input = [
      'editor_object' => [],
      'dialogOptions' => [
        'title' => 'Add Link',
        'dialogClass' => 'editor-link-dialog',
        'autoResize' => 'true',
      '_drupal_ajax' => '1',
      'ajax_page_state' => [
        'theme' => 'bartik',
        'theme_token' => 'some-token',
        'libraries' => '',
    $form_state = (new FormState())
      ->addBuildInfo('args', [

    /** @var \Drupal\Core\Form\FormBuilderInterface $form_builder */
    $form_builder = $this->container
    $form_id = $form_builder
      ->getFormId($form_object, $form_state);
    $form = $form_builder
      ->retrieveForm($form_id, $form_state);
      ->prepareForm($form_id, $form, $form_state);
      ->processForm($form_id, $form, $form_state);
      ->assertEquals('linkit.autocomplete', $form['attributes']['href']['#autocomplete_route_name'], 'Linkit is enabled on the linkit field.');
      ->assertEmpty($form['attributes']['href']['#default_value'], 'The linkit field is empty.');
    ], '');
      ->setValue('href_dirty_check', '');
    ], $this
    ], $this
    ], $this
      ->submitForm($form_object, $form_state);
    $entity_url = $entity
      ->toUrl('canonical', [
      'path_processing' => FALSE,
    ], $entity_url);
      ->setValue('href_dirty_check', $entity_url);
    ], $entity
    ], $entity
    ], SubstitutionManagerInterface::DEFAULT_SUBSTITUTION);
      ->submitForm($form_object, $form_state);
      ->getEntityTypeId(), $form_state
    ]), 'Attribute "data-entity-type" exists and has the correct value.');
      ->uuid(), $form_state
    ]), 'Attribute "data-entity-uuid" exists and has the correct value.');
      ->assertEquals(SubstitutionManagerInterface::DEFAULT_SUBSTITUTION, $form_state
    ]), 'Attribute "data-entity-substitution" exists and has the correct value.');

   * Tests editing a link with data attributes.
  public function testEditWithDataAttributes() {
    $entity_label = $this

    /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity */
    $entity = EntityTest::create([
      'name' => $entity_label,
    $entity_url = $entity
      ->toUrl('canonical', [
      'path_processing' => FALSE,
    $form_object = new EditorLinkDialog();
    $input = [
      'editor_object' => [
        'href' => $entity_url,
        'data-entity-type' => $entity
        'data-entity-uuid' => $entity
        'data-entity-substitution' => SubstitutionManagerInterface::DEFAULT_SUBSTITUTION,
      'dialogOptions' => [
        'title' => 'Edit Link',
        'dialogClass' => 'editor-link-dialog',
        'autoResize' => 'true',
      '_drupal_ajax' => '1',
      'ajax_page_state' => [
        'theme' => 'bartik',
        'theme_token' => 'some-token',
        'libraries' => '',
    $form_state = (new FormState())
      ->addBuildInfo('args', [

    /** @var \Drupal\Core\Form\FormBuilderInterface $form_builder */
    $form_builder = $this->container
    $form_id = $form_builder
      ->getFormId($form_object, $form_state);
    $form = $form_builder
      ->retrieveForm($form_id, $form_state);
      ->prepareForm($form_id, $form, $form_state);
      ->processForm($form_id, $form, $form_state);
      ->assertEquals('linkit.autocomplete', $form['attributes']['href']['#autocomplete_route_name'], 'Linkit is enabled on the href field.');
      ->assertEquals($entity_url, $form['attributes']['href']['#default_value'], 'The href field has the url as default value.');
      ->getEntityTypeId(), $form_state
    ]), 'Attribute "data-entity-type" exists and has the correct value.');
      ->uuid(), $form_state
    ]), 'Attribute "data-entity-uuid" exists and has the correct value.');
      ->assertEquals(SubstitutionManagerInterface::DEFAULT_SUBSTITUTION, $form_state
    ]), 'Attribute "data-entity-substitution" exists and has the correct value.');

   * Tests editing a link without data attributes.
  public function testEditWithoutDataAttributes() {
    $form_object = new EditorLinkDialog();
    $input = [
      'editor_object' => [
        'href' => '',
      'dialogOptions' => [
        'title' => 'Edit Link',
        'dialogClass' => 'editor-link-dialog',
        'autoResize' => 'true',
      '_drupal_ajax' => '1',
      'ajax_page_state' => [
        'theme' => 'bartik',
        'theme_token' => 'some-token',
        'libraries' => '',
    $form_state = (new FormState())
      ->addBuildInfo('args', [

    /** @var \Drupal\Core\Form\FormBuilderInterface $form_builder */
    $form_builder = $this->container
    $form_id = $form_builder
      ->getFormId($form_object, $form_state);
    $form = $form_builder
      ->retrieveForm($form_id, $form_state);
      ->prepareForm($form_id, $form, $form_state);
      ->processForm($form_id, $form, $form_state);
      ->assertEquals('linkit.autocomplete', $form['attributes']['href']['#autocomplete_route_name'], 'Linkit is enabled on the href field.');
      ->assertEquals('', $form['attributes']['href']['#default_value'], 'The href field default value is the external URI.');



Namesort descending Description
LinkitEditorLinkDialogTest Tests EditorLinkDialog validation and conversion functionality.