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public function LinkitDialogTest::testLinkDialog in Linkit 8.5

Test the link dialog.


tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/LinkitDialogTest.php, line 134


Tests the linkit alterations on the drupallink plugin.




public function testLinkDialog() {
  $session = $this
  $web_assert = $this
  $page = $session

  // Adds additional languages.
  $langcodes = [
  foreach ($langcodes as $langcode) {

  // Create a test entity.

  /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity */
  $entity = EntityTestMul::create([
    'name' => 'Foo',

  // Go to node creation page.

  // Wait until the editor has been loaded.
  $ckeditor_loaded = $this
    ->wait(5000, "jQuery('.cke_contents').length > 0");
    ->assertTrue($ckeditor_loaded, 'The editor has been loaded.');

  // Click on the drupallink plugin.
    ->find('css', 'a.cke_button__drupallink')

  // Wait for the form to load.

  // Find the href field.
  $href_field = $page

  // Make sure the href field is an autocomplete field.

  // Make sure all fields are empty.
    ->getValue(), 'Href field is empty.');

  // Make sure the autocomplete result container is hidden.
  $autocomplete_container = $page
    ->find('css', 'ul.linkit-ui-autocomplete');

  // Trigger a keydown event to active a autocomplete search.
    ->getXpath(), ' ');

  // Wait for the results to load.
    ->wait(5000, "jQuery('.linkit-result-line.ui-menu-item').length > 0");

  // Make sure the autocomplete result container is visible.

  // Find all the autocomplete results.
  $results = $page
    ->findAll('css', '.linkit-result-line.ui-menu-item');
    ->assertEquals(1, count($results), 'Found autocomplete result');

  // Find the first result and click it.
    ->find('xpath', '//li[contains(@class, "linkit-result-line") and contains(@class, "ui-menu-item")][1]')

  // Make sure the linkit field field is populated with the node url.
    ->toString(), $href_field
    ->getValue(), 'The href field is populated with the node url.');

  // Make sure all other fields are populated.
    ->assertEqualsWithJs('attributes[data-entity-type]', $entity
    ->assertEqualsWithJs('attributes[data-entity-uuid]', $entity
    ->assertEqualsWithJs('attributes[data-entity-substitution]', 'canonical');
    ->assertEqualsWithJs('href_dirty_check', $entity

  // Save the dialog input.
    ->click('.editor-link-dialog button:contains("Save")');

  // Wait for the dialog to close.
  $fields = [
    'data-entity-type' => $entity
    'data-entity-uuid' => $entity
    'data-entity-substitution' => 'canonical',
    'href' => $entity
  foreach ($fields as $attribute => $value) {
    $link_attribute = $this
      ->assertEquals($value, $link_attribute, 'The link contain an attribute by the name of "' . $attribute . '" with a value of "' . $value . '"');

  // Select the link in the editor.
  $javascript = <<<JS
        var editor = window.CKEDITOR.instances['edit-body-0-value'];
        var element = editor.document.findOne( 'a' );
        editor.getSelection().selectElement( element );

  // Click on the drupallink plugin.
    ->find('css', 'a.cke_button__drupallink')

  // Wait for the form to load.

  // Find the href field.
  $href_field = $page
    ->toString(), $href_field
    ->getValue(), 'Href field contains the node url when edit.');

  // Make sure all other fields are populated when editing a link.
    ->assertEqualsWithJs('attributes[data-entity-type]', $entity
    ->assertEqualsWithJs('attributes[data-entity-uuid]', $entity
    ->assertEqualsWithJs('attributes[data-entity-substitution]', 'canonical');
    ->assertEqualsWithJs('href_dirty_check', $entity

  // Edit the href field and set an external url.

  // Save the dialog input.
    ->click('.editor-link-dialog button:contains("Save")');

  // Wait for the dialog to close.
  $fields = [
  foreach ($fields as $attribute) {
    $link_attribute = $this
      ->assertNull($link_attribute, 'The link does not contain an attribute by the name of "' . $attribute . '"');
  $href_attribute = $this
    ->assertEquals('', $href_attribute, 'The link href is correct.');