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LingotekNodeNestedParagraphsEditedTranslationTest.php in Lingotek Translation 3.3.x


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namespace Drupal\Tests\lingotek\Functional;

use Drupal\language\Entity\ConfigurableLanguage;
use Drupal\language\Entity\ContentLanguageSettings;
use Drupal\lingotek\Entity\LingotekContentMetadata;
use Drupal\lingotek\Lingotek;
use Drupal\node\Entity\Node;
use Drupal\paragraphs\Entity\Paragraph;

 * Tests translating a node with multiple locales including nested paragraphs.
 * @group lingotek
 * @group legacy
class LingotekNodeNestedParagraphsEditedTranslationTest extends LingotekTestBase {
  protected $paragraphsTranslatable = FALSE;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static $modules = [

   * @var \Drupal\node\NodeInterface
  protected $node;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() : void {

    // Place the actions and title block.
      ->drupalPlaceBlock('page_title_block', [
      'region' => 'content',
      'weight' => -5,
      ->drupalPlaceBlock('local_tasks_block', [
      'region' => 'content',
      'weight' => -10,

    // Add locales.
      ->setThirdPartySetting('lingotek', 'locale', 'es_ES')
      ->setThirdPartySetting('lingotek', 'locale', 'es_AR')

    // Enable translation for the current entity type and ensure the change is
    // picked up.
    ContentLanguageSettings::loadByEntityTypeBundle('node', 'paragraphed_nested_content')
    ContentLanguageSettings::loadByEntityTypeBundle('paragraph', 'paragraph_container')
    ContentLanguageSettings::loadByEntityTypeBundle('paragraph', 'image_text')
      ->setEnabled('node', 'paragraphed_nested_content', TRUE);
      ->setEnabled('paragraph', 'paragraph_container', TRUE);

    // Rebuild the container so that the new languages are picked up by services
    // that hold a list of languages.
    if ($this->paragraphsTranslatable) {
      'node' => [
        'paragraphed_nested_content' => [
          'profiles' => 'automatic',
          'fields' => [
            'title' => 1,
            'field_paragraph_container' => 1,
      'paragraph' => [
        'image_text' => [
          'fields' => [
            'field_image_demo' => [
            'field_text_demo' => 1,
        'paragraph_container' => [
          'fields' => [
            'field_paragraphs_demo' => 1,

    // This is a hack for avoiding writing different lingotek endpoint mocks.
      ->set('lingotek.uploaded_content_type', 'node+nestedparagraphs');
  public function testNodeMarkedAsEditedIfParagraphEdited() {

    // This is a hack for avoiding writing different lingotek endpoint mocks.
      ->set('lingotek.uploaded_content_type', 'node+nestedparagraphs_multiple');

    // Add paragraphed content.
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, NULL, t('Add Image + Text'));
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, NULL, t('Add Image + Text'));
    $this->node = Node::load(1);

    // Check that the translate tab is in the node.

    // Check that only the configured fields have been uploaded.
    $data = json_decode(\Drupal::state()
      ->get('lingotek.uploaded_content', '[]'), TRUE);
      ->verbose(var_export($data, TRUE));
      ->assertUploadedDataFieldCount($data, 2);
      ->assertEqual($data['title'][0]['value'], 'Llamas are cool');
      ->assertEqual($data['field_paragraph_container'][0]['field_paragraphs_demo'][0]['field_text_demo'][0]['value'], 'Llamas are very cool for the first time');
      ->assertEqual($data['field_paragraph_container'][0]['field_paragraphs_demo'][1]['field_text_demo'][0]['value'], 'Llamas are very cool for the second time');

    // Check that the url used was the right one.
    $uploaded_url = \Drupal::state()
      ->getUriForPath('/node/1'), $uploaded_url, 'The node url was used.');

    // Check that the profile used was the right one.
    $used_profile = \Drupal::state()
      ->assertIdentical('manual', $used_profile, 'The automatic profile was used.');

    // Check that the translate tab is in the node.

    // The document should have been automatically uploaded, so let's check
    // the upload status.
      ->clickLink('Check Upload Status');
      ->assertText('The import for node Llamas are cool is complete.');

    // Request translation.
    $link = $this
      ->xpath('//a[normalize-space()="Request translation" and contains(@href,"es_AR")]');
      ->assertText("Locale 'es_AR' was added as a translation target for node Llamas are cool.");

    // Check translation status.
      ->clickLink('Check translation status');
      ->assertText('The es_AR translation for node Llamas are cool is ready for download.');

    // Check that the Edit link points to the workbench and it is opened in a new tab.

    // Edit the original node.
    $edit = [];
    $edit['field_paragraph_container[0][subform][field_paragraphs_demo][0][subform][field_text_demo][0][value]'] = 'Cats are very cool for the first time';
    $edit['field_paragraph_container[0][subform][field_paragraphs_demo][1][subform][field_text_demo][0][value]'] = 'Cats are very cool for the second time';
      ->saveAndKeepPublishedNodeForm($edit, 1, FALSE);
      ->assertText('Paragraphed nested content Llamas are cool has been updated.');
      ->assertText('Cats are very cool for the first time');
      ->assertText('Cats are very cool for the second time');
      ->assertText('Dogs are very cool for the first time');
      ->assertText('Dogs are very cool for the second time');
      ->assertSourceStatus('EN', Lingotek::STATUS_EDITED);
      ->assertTargetStatus('ES', Lingotek::STATUS_REQUEST);
      ->assertTargetStatus('ES-AR', Lingotek::STATUS_READY);
  protected function createNestedParagraphedNode($profile = 'manual') {
    $nestedParagraph1 = Paragraph::create([
      'type' => 'image_text',
      'field_text_demo' => 'Llamas are very cool for the first time',
    $nestedParagraph2 = Paragraph::create([
      'type' => 'image_text',
      'field_text_demo' => 'Llamas are very cool for the second time',
    $paragraph1 = Paragraph::create([
      'type' => 'paragraph_container',
      'field_paragraphs_demo' => [
    $nestedParagraph3 = Paragraph::create([
      'type' => 'image_text',
      'field_text_demo' => 'Dogs are very cool for the first time',
    $nestedParagraph4 = Paragraph::create([
      'type' => 'image_text',
      'field_text_demo' => 'Dogs are very cool for the second time',
    $paragraph2 = Paragraph::create([
      'type' => 'paragraph_container',
      'field_paragraphs_demo' => [
    $metadata = LingotekContentMetadata::create([
      'profile' => $profile,
    $node = Node::create([
      'type' => 'paragraphed_nested_content',
      'title' => 'Llamas are cool',
      'lingotek_metadata' => $metadata,
      'field_paragraph_container' => [
      'status' => TRUE,
  protected function setParagraphFieldsTranslatability() : void {
    $edit = [];
    $edit['settings[node][paragraphed_nested_content][fields][field_paragraph_container]'] = 1;
    $edit['settings[paragraph][paragraph_container][fields][field_paragraphs_demo]'] = 1;
      ->drupalPostForm('/admin/config/regional/content-language', $edit, 'Save configuration');
      ->responseContains('Settings successfully updated.');



Namesort descending Description
LingotekNodeNestedParagraphsEditedTranslationTest Tests translating a node with multiple locales including nested paragraphs.