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public function LingotekNodeMultivaluedFieldTest::testMultivaluedFields in Lingotek Translation 3.6.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 tests/src/Functional/LingotekNodeMultivaluedFieldTest.php \Drupal\Tests\lingotek\Functional\LingotekNodeMultivaluedFieldTest::testMultivaluedFields()
  2. 4.0.x tests/src/Functional/LingotekNodeMultivaluedFieldTest.php \Drupal\Tests\lingotek\Functional\LingotekNodeMultivaluedFieldTest::testMultivaluedFields()
  3. 3.0.x tests/src/Functional/LingotekNodeMultivaluedFieldTest.php \Drupal\Tests\lingotek\Functional\LingotekNodeMultivaluedFieldTest::testMultivaluedFields()
  4. 3.1.x tests/src/Functional/LingotekNodeMultivaluedFieldTest.php \Drupal\Tests\lingotek\Functional\LingotekNodeMultivaluedFieldTest::testMultivaluedFields()
  5. 3.2.x tests/src/Functional/LingotekNodeMultivaluedFieldTest.php \Drupal\Tests\lingotek\Functional\LingotekNodeMultivaluedFieldTest::testMultivaluedFields()
  6. 3.3.x tests/src/Functional/LingotekNodeMultivaluedFieldTest.php \Drupal\Tests\lingotek\Functional\LingotekNodeMultivaluedFieldTest::testMultivaluedFields()
  7. 3.4.x tests/src/Functional/LingotekNodeMultivaluedFieldTest.php \Drupal\Tests\lingotek\Functional\LingotekNodeMultivaluedFieldTest::testMultivaluedFields()
  8. 3.5.x tests/src/Functional/LingotekNodeMultivaluedFieldTest.php \Drupal\Tests\lingotek\Functional\LingotekNodeMultivaluedFieldTest::testMultivaluedFields()
  9. 3.7.x tests/src/Functional/LingotekNodeMultivaluedFieldTest.php \Drupal\Tests\lingotek\Functional\LingotekNodeMultivaluedFieldTest::testMultivaluedFields()
  10. 3.8.x tests/src/Functional/LingotekNodeMultivaluedFieldTest.php \Drupal\Tests\lingotek\Functional\LingotekNodeMultivaluedFieldTest::testMultivaluedFields()

Tests node translation with multivalued fields.


tests/src/Functional/LingotekNodeMultivaluedFieldTest.php, line 102


Tests translating a node including multivalued fields.




public function testMultivaluedFields() {

  // Login as admin.

  // Create a node.
  $edit = [];
  $edit['title[0][value]'] = 'Llamas are cool';
  $edit['body[0][value]'] = 'Llamas are very cool';
  $edit['foo[0][value]'] = 'Llamas are very cool field 1';
  $edit['foo[1][value]'] = 'Llamas are very cool field 2';
  $edit['foo[2][value]'] = 'Llamas are very cool field 3';
  $edit['langcode[0][value]'] = 'en';

  // Ensure we added the two new values in the form.
    ->submitForm([], 'Add another item');
    ->submitForm([], 'Add another item');
    ->saveAndPublishNodeForm($edit, NULL);
  $this->node = Node::load(1);

  // Check that only the translatable fields have been uploaded.
  $data = json_decode(\Drupal::state()
    ->get('lingotek.uploaded_content', '[]'), TRUE);
    ->verbose(var_export($data, TRUE));
    ->assertIdentical($data['foo'][0]['value'], 'Llamas are very cool field 1');
    ->assertIdentical($data['foo'][1]['value'], 'Llamas are very cool field 2');
    ->assertIdentical($data['foo'][2]['value'], 'Llamas are very cool field 3');

  // There is a link for checking status.
    ->assertText('The import for node Llamas are cool is complete.');

  // Request the Spanish translation.
    ->assertText("Locale 'es_MX' was added as a translation target for node Llamas are cool.");
    ->assertIdentical('es_MX', \Drupal::state()

  // Check status of the Spanish translation.
    ->assertIdentical('es_MX', \Drupal::state()
    ->assertText('The es_MX translation for node Llamas are cool is ready for download.');

  // This is a hack for avoiding writing different lingotek endpoint mocks.
    ->set('lingotek.uploaded_content_type', 'node+multivalue0');

  // Download the Spanish translation.
    ->assertText('The translation of node Llamas are cool into es_MX has been downloaded.');
    ->clickLink('Llamas are cool');
    ->clickLink('Las llamas son chulas');
    ->assertNoText('Las llamas son muy chulas campo 1');
    ->assertNoText('Las llamas son muy chulas campo 2');
    ->assertNoText('Las llamas son muy chulas campo 3');

  // This is a hack for avoiding writing different lingotek endpoint mocks.
    ->set('lingotek.uploaded_content_type', 'node+multivalue1');

  // We re-download, now with different values for the multivalued field.
  $key = $this
    ->getBulkSelectionKey('en', 1);
  $edit = [
    $key => TRUE,
      ->getBulkOperationFormName() => $this
      ->getBulkOperationNameForDownloadTranslation('es', 'node'),
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, $this
    ->assertIdentical('es_MX', \Drupal::state()
    ->clickLink('Llamas are cool');
    ->clickLink('Las llamas son chulas');
    ->assertText('Las llamas son muy chulas campo 1');
    ->assertText('Las llamas son muy chulas campo 2');
    ->assertText('Las llamas son muy chulas campo 3');

  // This is a hack for avoiding writing different lingotek endpoint mocks.
    ->set('lingotek.uploaded_content_type', 'node+multivalue2');

  // We re-download, now with different values for the multivalued field.
  $key = $this
    ->getBulkSelectionKey('en', 1);
  $edit = [
    $key => TRUE,
      ->getBulkOperationFormName() => $this
      ->getBulkOperationNameForDownloadTranslation('es', 'node'),
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, $this
    ->assertIdentical('es_MX', \Drupal::state()
    ->clickLink('Llamas are cool');
    ->clickLink('Las llamas son chulas');
    ->assertText('Las llamas son muy chulas campo 1');
    ->assertText('Las llamas son muy chulas con distinto campo 2');
    ->assertNoText('Las llamas son muy chulas campo 3');

  // This is a hack for avoiding writing different lingotek endpoint mocks.
    ->set('lingotek.uploaded_content_type', 'node+multivalue3');

  // We re-download, now with different values for the multivalued field.
  $key = $this
    ->getBulkSelectionKey('en', 1);
  $edit = [
    $key => TRUE,
      ->getBulkOperationFormName() => $this
      ->getBulkOperationNameForDownloadTranslation('es', 'node'),
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, $this
    ->assertIdentical('es_MX', \Drupal::state()
    ->clickLink('Llamas are cool');
    ->clickLink('Las llamas son chulas');
    ->assertText('Las llamas son muy chulas campo 1');
    ->assertText('Las llamas son muy chulas con distinto campo 2');
    ->assertText('Las llamas son muy chulas con distinto campo 3');
    ->assertText('Las llamas son muy chulas con distinto campo 4');
    ->assertText('Las llamas son muy chulas con distinto campo 5');
    ->assertText('Las llamas son muy chulas con distinto campo 6');