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constant LingotekFunctionalTest::LINGOTEK_URL in Lingotek Translation 7.4

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.7 tests/lingotek.base.test \LingotekFunctionalTest::LINGOTEK_URL
  2. 7.2 tests/lingotek.base.test \LingotekFunctionalTest::LINGOTEK_URL
  3. 7.3 tests/lingotek.base.test \LingotekFunctionalTest::LINGOTEK_URL
  4. 7.5 tests/lingotek.base.test \LingotekFunctionalTest::LINGOTEK_URL
  5. 7.6 tests/lingotek.base.test \LingotekFunctionalTest::LINGOTEK_URL

The connection URL for a Lingotek account.

Note: Fill in this value when testing on a local instance. Do not commit any actual data to Git.

@todo: Read this data from some pre-determined place in the file system or some other non-source-controlled location.


tests/lingotek.base.test, line 43
Declares a parent class to be used with Lingotek automated tests.


A parent class for Lingotek autoamted tests.


const LINGOTEK_URL = '';