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public function LingotekSystemSiteLocaleTranslationTest::testSystemSiteTranslation in Lingotek Translation 8

Tests that a node type can be translated.


src/Tests/LingotekSystemSiteLocaleTranslationTest.php, line 63


Tests translating a node with multiple locales.




public function testSystemSiteTranslation() {

  // This is a hack for avoiding writing different lingotek endpoint mocks.
    ->set('lingotek.uploaded_content_type', '');

  // Login as admin.
    ->clickLink(t('Translate'), 2);
    ->assertText(t('System information uploaded successfully'));

  // Check that only the translatable fields have been uploaded.
  $data = json_decode(\Drupal::state()
    ->get('lingotek.uploaded_content', '[]'), TRUE);
    ->assertEqual(1, count($data));
    ->assertTrue(array_key_exists('', $data));
    ->assertEqual(2, count($data['']));
    ->assertTrue(array_key_exists('name', $data['']));
    ->assertTrue(array_key_exists('slogan', $data['']));

  // Check that the url used was the right one.
  $uploaded_url = \Drupal::state()
    ->assertIdentical(NULL, $uploaded_url, 'The automatic profile was used.');

  // Check that the profile used was the right one.
  $used_profile = \Drupal::state()
    ->assertIdentical('automatic', $used_profile, 'The automatic profile was used.');
    ->clickLink(t('Check upload status'));
    ->assertText(t('System information status checked successfully'));

  // Ensure that we request the es_AR translation.
    ->clickLinkHelper(t('Request translation'), 0, '//a[normalize-space()=:label and contains(@href,\'es_AR\')]');
    ->assertText(t('Translation to es_AR requested successfully'));
    ->assertIdentical('es_AR', \Drupal::state()
    ->clickLink(t('Check Download'));
    ->assertText(t('Translation to es_AR checked successfully'));
    ->assertText(t('Translation to es_AR downloaded successfully'));

  // Check that the edit link is there.
  $basepath = \Drupal::request()
    ->assertLinkByHref($basepath . '/admin/config/system/site-information/translate/es-ar/edit');