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public function LingotekSystemSiteBulkTranslationTest::testEditedConfigTranslationUsingLinks in Lingotek Translation 8

Tests that a config can be translated using the links on the management page.


src/Tests/LingotekSystemSiteBulkTranslationTest.php, line 149


Tests translating a config object using the bulk management form.




public function testEditedConfigTranslationUsingLinks() {

  // We need a config object with translations first.

  // Add a language so we can check that it's not marked as dirty if there are
  // no translations.
    ->setThirdPartySetting('lingotek', 'locale', 'eu_ES')

  // Add a language so we can check that it's not marked as for requesting if
  // it was already requested.
    ->setThirdPartySetting('lingotek', 'locale', 'ko_KR')

  // Edit the object
    ->drupalPostForm('/admin/config/system/site-information', [
    'site_name' => 'My site',
  ], t('Save configuration'));

  // Go to the bulk config management page.

  // Check the status is edited for Spanish.
  $untracked = $this
    ->xpath("//a[contains(@class,'language-icon') and contains(@class, 'target-edited')  and contains(text(), 'ES')]");
    ->assertEqual(count($untracked), 1, 'Edited translation is shown.');

  // Check the status is not edited for Vasque, but available to request
  // translation.
  $eu_edited = $this
    ->xpath("//a[contains(@class,'language-icon') and contains(@class, 'target-edited')  and contains(text(), 'EU')]");
    ->assertEqual(count($eu_edited), 0, 'Vasque is not marked as edited.');
  $eu_request = $this
    ->xpath("//a[contains(@class,'language-icon') and contains(@class, 'target-request')  and contains(text(), 'EU')]");
    ->assertEqual(count($eu_request), 1, 'Vasque is ready for request.');

  // Request korean, with outdated content available.
    ->assertText("Translation to ko_KR requested successfully");

  // Reupload the content.
    ->clickLink('EN', 1);
    ->assertText('System information has been updated.');

  // Korean should be marked as requested, so we can check target.
  $status = $this
    ->xpath("//a[contains(@class,'language-icon') and contains(@class, 'target-pending')  and contains(text(), 'KO')]");
    ->assertEqual(count($status), 1, 'Korean is requested, so we can still check the progress status of the translation');

  // Recheck status.
    ->clickLink('EN', 1);
    ->assertText('System information status checked successfully');

  // Check the translation after having been edited.
  // Check status of the Spanish translation.
  $edit = [
    'table[system.site_information_settings]' => TRUE,
    // System information.
    'operation' => 'check_translation:es',
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Execute'));
    ->assertText('Operations completed.');

  // Download the translation.
    ->assertText('Translation to es_MX downloaded successfully');