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public function LingotekNodeWithCyclesTranslationTest::testNodeTranslation in Lingotek Translation 8

Tests that a node can be translated.


src/Tests/LingotekNodeWithCyclesTranslationTest.php, line 77


Tests translating a node.




public function testNodeTranslation() {

  // Login as admin.

  // Create a node.
  $edit = array();
  $edit['title[0][value]'] = 'Llamas are cool';
  $edit['body[0][value]'] = 'Llamas are very cool';
  $edit['langcode[0][value]'] = 'en';
    ->drupalPostForm('node/add/article', $edit, t('Save and publish'));
  $node2 = $this
    'title' => 'Node 2',
    'type' => 'article',
    'langcode' => 'en',
    'field_reference' => [
      'target_id' => 1,
  $this->node = Node::load(1);
  $this->node->field_reference = $node2

  // Check that the translate tab is in the node.

  // Upload our node.

  // Check that only the configured fields have been uploaded.
  $data = json_decode(\Drupal::state()
    ->get('lingotek.uploaded_content', '[]'), true);
    ->verbose(var_export($data, TRUE));
    ->assertUploadedDataFieldCount($data, 3);
    ->assertEqual(1, count($data['body'][0]));
    ->assertIdentical('en_US', \Drupal::state()

  // Check that the profile used was the right one.
  $used_profile = \Drupal::state()
    ->assertIdentical('manual', $used_profile, 'The automatic profile was used.');

  // The document should have been automatically uploaded, so let's check
  // the upload status.
    ->clickLink('Check Upload Status');
    ->assertText('The import for node Llamas are cool is complete.');

  // Request translation.
    ->clickLink('Request translation');
    ->assertText("Locale 'es_MX' was added as a translation target for node Llamas are cool.");
    ->assertIdentical('es_MX', \Drupal::state()

  // Check translation status.
    ->clickLink('Check translation status');
    ->assertIdentical('es_MX', \Drupal::state()
    ->assertText('The es_MX translation for node Llamas are cool is ready for download.');

  // Check that the Edit link points to the workbench and it is opened in a new tab.
  $url = Url::fromRoute('lingotek.workbench', array(
    'doc_id' => 'dummy-document-hash-id',
    'locale' => 'es_MX',
  ), array(
    'language' => ConfigurableLanguage::load('es'),
    ->assertRaw('<a href="' . $url . '" target="_blank" hreflang="es">');

  // Download translation.
    ->clickLink('Download completed translation');
    ->assertText('The translation of node Llamas are cool into es_MX has been downloaded.');
    ->assertIdentical('es_MX', \Drupal::state()

  // The content is translated and published.
    ->clickLink('Las llamas son chulas');
    ->assertText('Las llamas son chulas');
    ->assertText('Las llamas son muy chulas');