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public function LingotekFieldBodyTranslationTest::testLanguageDisabled in Lingotek Translation 8

Tests that no translation can be requested if the language is disabled.


src/Tests/LingotekFieldBodyTranslationTest.php, line 147


Tests translating a field.




public function testLanguageDisabled() {

  // Add a language.
  $italian = ConfigurableLanguage::createFromLangcode('it')
    ->setThirdPartySetting('lingotek', 'locale', 'it_IT');

  // Login as admin.
    ->assertText(t('Body uploaded successfully'));

  // Check that only the translatable fields have been uploaded.
  $data = json_decode(\Drupal::state()
    ->get('lingotek.uploaded_content', '[]'), TRUE);
    ->verbose(var_export($data, TRUE));
    ->assertEqual(2, count($data['field.field.node.article.body']));
    ->assertTrue(array_key_exists('label', $data['field.field.node.article.body']));

  // Cannot use isset, the key exists but we are not providing values, so NULL.
    ->assertTrue(array_key_exists('description', $data['field.field.node.article.body']));
    ->assertIdentical('en_US', \Drupal::state()

  // Check that the profile used was the right one.
  $used_profile = \Drupal::state()
    ->assertIdentical('automatic', $used_profile, 'The automatic profile was used.');

  // The document should have been automatically uploaded, so let's check
  // the upload status.
    ->clickLink('Check upload status');
    ->assertText('Body status checked successfully');

  // There are two links for requesting translations, or we can add them
  // manually.

  /** @var LingotekConfigurationServiceInterface $lingotek_config */
  $lingotek_config = \Drupal::service('lingotek.configuration');

  // Check that the translate tab is in the node.

  // Italian is not present anymore, but still can add a translation.