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28 calls to LingotekIntelligenceService::setValue() in Lingotek Translation 3.1.x

LingotekIntelligenceService::setAuthorEmailPermission in src/LingotekIntelligenceService.php
Sets the Permission setting for whether or not an Author Email should be used in the Intelligence Metadata.
LingotekIntelligenceService::setAuthorPermission in src/LingotekIntelligenceService.php
Sets the Permission setting for whether or not the author information should be sent.
LingotekIntelligenceService::setBaseDomainPermission in src/LingotekIntelligenceService.php
Sets the Permission setting for whether or not to include the Base Domain in the metadata.
LingotekIntelligenceService::setBusinessDivision in src/LingotekIntelligenceService.php
Set the Business Division responsible for the content with this metadata. A Business Division is defined as a discrete part of a company that may operate under the same name and legal responsibility or as a separate corporate and legal entity under…
LingotekIntelligenceService::setBusinessDivisionPermission in src/LingotekIntelligenceService.php
Sets the Permission setting for whether or not to use the Business Division.
LingotekIntelligenceService::setBusinessUnit in src/LingotekIntelligenceService.php
Sets the Business Unit responsible for the content with this metadata. A business unit is a relatively autonomous division of a large company that operates as an independent enterprise with responsibility for a particular range of products or activities.
LingotekIntelligenceService::setBusinessUnitPermission in src/LingotekIntelligenceService.php
Sets the Permission setting for whether or not to use the Business Unit.
LingotekIntelligenceService::setCampaignId in src/LingotekIntelligenceService.php
Set the Campaign ID associated with this content. The Campaign ID could be for a marketing or other campaign. This allows particular content to be associated with the campaign and then be able to see how a campaign is doing by only looking at content…
LingotekIntelligenceService::setCampaignIdPermission in src/LingotekIntelligenceService.php
Sets the Permission setting for whether or not to use the Campaign Id.
LingotekIntelligenceService::setCampaignRating in src/LingotekIntelligenceService.php
Sets the Campaign Rating. The Campaign rating must be numeric, but can otherwise be used to rate the campaign and its effect on this content.
LingotekIntelligenceService::setCampaignRatingPermission in src/LingotekIntelligenceService.php
Sets the Permission setting for whether or not the Campaign Rating should be used and tracked.
LingotekIntelligenceService::setChannel in src/LingotekIntelligenceService.php
Sets the Channel associated with the content. A channel is a way or outlet to market and sell products. This can be used to associate the content with a particular marketing channel.
LingotekIntelligenceService::setChannelPermission in src/LingotekIntelligenceService.php
Sets the Permission setting for whether or not the Channel should be used and tracked.
LingotekIntelligenceService::setContactEmail in src/LingotekIntelligenceService.php
Sets the Contact Email for the Contact Person responsible for this content.
LingotekIntelligenceService::setContactEmailForAuthorPermission in src/LingotekIntelligenceService.php
Sets the Permission setting for whether or not to use the Contact Email as the author's email.
LingotekIntelligenceService::setContactEmailPermission in src/LingotekIntelligenceService.php
Sets the Permission setting for whether or not to include the Contact Email.
LingotekIntelligenceService::setContactName in src/LingotekIntelligenceService.php
Sets the name of the person to contact in regards to this content.
LingotekIntelligenceService::setContactNamePermission in src/LingotekIntelligenceService.php
Sets the Permission setting for whether or not to include the Contact Name.
LingotekIntelligenceService::setContentDescription in src/LingotekIntelligenceService.php
Sets the description for this content.
LingotekIntelligenceService::setContentDescriptionPermission in src/LingotekIntelligenceService.php
Sets the Permission setting for whether or not to include the Content Description.
LingotekIntelligenceService::setDefaultAuthorEmail in src/LingotekIntelligenceService.php
Sets the Default Author Email that should be used.
LingotekIntelligenceService::setExternalStyleId in src/LingotekIntelligenceService.php
Sets the External Style ID that is associated with the marketing and style the content is using.
LingotekIntelligenceService::setExternalStyleIdPermission in src/LingotekIntelligenceService.php
Sets the Permission setting for whether or not to include the External Style Id.
LingotekIntelligenceService::setPurchaseOrder in src/LingotekIntelligenceService.php
Sets the Purchase Order associated with the purchase of the translation.
LingotekIntelligenceService::setPurchaseOrderPermission in src/LingotekIntelligenceService.php
Sets the Permission setting for whether or not to include the Purchase Order.
LingotekIntelligenceService::setReferenceUrlPermission in src/LingotekIntelligenceService.php
Sets the Permission setting for whether or not the Reference URL for this content should be included in the metadata.
LingotekIntelligenceService::setRegion in src/LingotekIntelligenceService.php
Sets the Region the content is meant for, presented to, or created in.
LingotekIntelligenceService::setRegionPermission in src/LingotekIntelligenceService.php
Sets the Permission setting for whether or not to include the Region.