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16 calls to LingotekIntelligenceService::getPermission() in Lingotek Translation 3.6.x

LingotekIntelligenceService::getAuthorEmailPermission in src/LingotekIntelligenceService.php
Gets the Permission setting for whether or not the Author Email should be sent.
LingotekIntelligenceService::getAuthorPermission in src/LingotekIntelligenceService.php
Gets the Permission setting for Author Permission.
LingotekIntelligenceService::getBaseDomainPermission in src/LingotekIntelligenceService.php
Gets the Permission setting for whether or not to include the Base Domain in the metadata.
LingotekIntelligenceService::getBusinessDivisionPermission in src/LingotekIntelligenceService.php
Gets the Permission setting for whether or not to use the Business Division.
LingotekIntelligenceService::getBusinessUnitPermission in src/LingotekIntelligenceService.php
Gets the Permission setting for wheter or not to use the Business Unit.
LingotekIntelligenceService::getCampaignIdPermission in src/LingotekIntelligenceService.php
Gets the Permission setting for whether or not to use the Campaign Id.
LingotekIntelligenceService::getCampaignRatingPermission in src/LingotekIntelligenceService.php
Gets the Permission setting for whether or not the Campaign Rating should be used and tracked.
LingotekIntelligenceService::getChannelPermission in src/LingotekIntelligenceService.php
Gets the Permission setting for whether or not the Channel should be used and tracked.
LingotekIntelligenceService::getContactEmailForAuthorPermission in src/LingotekIntelligenceService.php
Gets the Permission setting for whether or not to use the Contact Email as the author's email.
LingotekIntelligenceService::getContactEmailPermission in src/LingotekIntelligenceService.php
Gets the Permission setting for whether or not to include the Contact Email.
LingotekIntelligenceService::getContactNamePermission in src/LingotekIntelligenceService.php
Gets the Permission setting for whether or not to include the Contact Name.
LingotekIntelligenceService::getContentDescriptionPermission in src/LingotekIntelligenceService.php
Gets the Permission setting for whether or not to include the Content Description.
LingotekIntelligenceService::getExternalStyleIdPermission in src/LingotekIntelligenceService.php
Gets the Permission setting for whether or not to include the External Style Id.
LingotekIntelligenceService::getPurchaseOrderPermission in src/LingotekIntelligenceService.php
Gets the Permission setting for whether or not to include the Purchase Order.
LingotekIntelligenceService::getReferenceUrlPermission in src/LingotekIntelligenceService.php
Gets the Permission setting for whether or not the Reference URL for this content should be included in the metadata.
LingotekIntelligenceService::getRegionPermission in src/LingotekIntelligenceService.php
Gets the Permission setting for whether or not to include the Region.