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LingotekConfigTranslationService.php in Lingotek Translation 3.5.x




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namespace Drupal\lingotek;

use Drupal\config_translation\ConfigEntityMapper;
use Drupal\config_translation\ConfigMapperManagerInterface;
use Drupal\config_translation\ConfigNamesMapper;
use Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Language\LanguageInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Language\LanguageManagerInterface;
use Drupal\Core\TypedData\TraversableTypedDataInterface;
use Drupal\language\Entity\ConfigurableLanguage;
use Drupal\lingotek\Entity\LingotekConfigMetadata;
use Drupal\lingotek\Exception\LingotekApiException;
use Drupal\lingotek\Exception\LingotekDocumentArchivedException;
use Drupal\lingotek\Exception\LingotekDocumentLockedException;
use Drupal\lingotek\Exception\LingotekPaymentRequiredException;

 * Service for managing Lingotek configuration translations.
class LingotekConfigTranslationService implements LingotekConfigTranslationServiceInterface {

   * @var \Drupal\lingotek\LingotekInterface
  protected $lingotek;

   * The Lingotek configuration service.
   * @var \Drupal\lingotek\LingotekConfigurationServiceInterface
  protected $lingotekConfiguration;

   * The language-locale mapper.
   * @var \Drupal\lingotek\LanguageLocaleMapperInterface
  protected $languageLocaleMapper;

   * The entity manager.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface
  protected $entityTypeManager;

   * The language manager.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Language\LanguageManagerInterface
  protected $languageManager;

   * A array of configuration mapper instances.
   * @var \Drupal\config_translation\ConfigMapperInterface[]
  protected $mappers;

   * Constructs a new LingotekConfigTranslationService object.
   * @param \Drupal\lingotek\LingotekInterface $lingotek
   *   An lingotek object.
   * @param \Drupal\lingotek\LanguageLocaleMapperInterface $language_locale_mapper
   *   The language-locale mapper.
   * @param \Drupal\lingotek\LingotekConfigurationServiceInterface $lingotek_configuration
   *   The Lingotek configuration service.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface $entity_type_manager
   *   An entity manager object.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Language\LanguageManagerInterface $language_manager
   *   The language manager.
   * @param \Drupal\config_translation\ConfigMapperManagerInterface $mapper_manager
   *   The configuration mapper manager.
  public function __construct(LingotekInterface $lingotek, LanguageLocaleMapperInterface $language_locale_mapper, LingotekConfigurationServiceInterface $lingotek_configuration, EntityTypeManagerInterface $entity_type_manager, LanguageManagerInterface $language_manager, ConfigMapperManagerInterface $mapper_manager) {
    $this->lingotek = $lingotek;
    $this->languageLocaleMapper = $language_locale_mapper;
    $this->lingotekConfiguration = $lingotek_configuration;
    $this->entityTypeManager = $entity_type_manager;
    $this->languageManager = $language_manager;
    $this->configMapperManager = $mapper_manager;
    $this->mappers = $mapper_manager

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public function getEnabledConfigTypes() {
    $enabled_types = [];
    foreach ($this->mappers as $mapper) {
      if ($mapper instanceof ConfigEntityMapper) {
        $enabled = $this
        if ($enabled) {
          $enabled_types[] = $mapper
    return $enabled_types;

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public function isEnabled($plugin_id) {
    $config = \Drupal::config('lingotek.settings');
    $key = 'translate.config.' . $plugin_id . '.enabled';
    $result = !!$config
    return $result;

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public function setEnabled($plugin_id, $enabled = TRUE) {
    $config = \Drupal::configFactory()
    $key = 'translate.config.' . $plugin_id . '.enabled';
      ->set($key, $enabled)

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public function getConfigTranslatableProperties(ConfigNamesMapper $mapper) {

    /** @var \Drupal\Core\Config\TypedConfigManagerInterface $typed_config */
    $typed_config = \Drupal::service('config.typed');
    $properties = [];
    foreach ($mapper
      ->getConfigNames() as $name) {
      $schema = $typed_config
      $properties[$name] = $this
        ->getTranslatableProperties($schema, NULL);
    return $properties;

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public function getTranslatableProperties(TraversableTypedDataInterface $schema, $base_key) {
    $properties = [];
    $definition = $schema
    if (isset($definition['form_element_class'])) {
      foreach ($schema as $key => $element) {
        $element_key = isset($base_key) ? "{$base_key}.{$key}" : $key;
        $definition = $element
        if ($element instanceof TraversableTypedDataInterface) {
          $properties = array_merge($properties, $this
            ->getTranslatableProperties($element, $element_key));
        else {
          if (isset($definition['form_element_class'])) {
            $properties[] = $element_key;
    return $properties;
  public function getDocumentId(ConfigEntityInterface $entity) {
    $metadata = LingotekConfigMetadata::loadByConfigName($entity
      ->getEntityTypeId() . '.' . $entity
    return $metadata
  public function setDocumentId(ConfigEntityInterface &$entity, $document_id) {
    $metadata = LingotekConfigMetadata::loadByConfigName($entity
      ->getEntityTypeId() . '.' . $entity
    return $entity;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getSourceStatus(ConfigEntityInterface &$entity) {
    $status = Lingotek::STATUS_UNTRACKED;
    $metadata = LingotekConfigMetadata::loadByConfigName($entity
      ->getEntityTypeId() . '.' . $entity
    $source_status = $metadata
    if ($source_status !== NULL && isset($source_status[$entity
      ->getId()])) {
      $status = $source_status[$entity
    return $status;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setSourceStatus(ConfigEntityInterface &$entity, $status) {
    $source_language = NULL;
    $metadata = LingotekConfigMetadata::loadByConfigName($entity
      ->getEntityTypeId() . '.' . $entity
    $translation_source = $metadata
    if ($translation_source) {
      $source_language = key($translation_source);
    if ($source_language == LanguageInterface::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED || $source_language == NULL) {
      $source_language = $entity
    $status_value = [
      $source_language => $status,

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getTargetStatus(ConfigEntityInterface &$entity, $langcode) {
    $status = Lingotek::STATUS_UNTRACKED;
    $metadata = LingotekConfigMetadata::loadByConfigName($entity
      ->getEntityTypeId() . '.' . $entity
    $translation_status = $metadata
    if (count($translation_status) > 0 && isset($translation_status[$langcode])) {
      $status = $translation_status[$langcode];
    return $status;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getTargetStatuses(ConfigEntityInterface &$entity) {
    $metadata = LingotekConfigMetadata::loadByConfigName($entity
      ->getEntityTypeId() . '.' . $entity
    $translation_status = $metadata
    return $translation_status;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setTargetStatus(ConfigEntityInterface &$entity, $langcode, $status, $save = TRUE) {
    $metadata = LingotekConfigMetadata::loadByConfigName($entity
      ->getEntityTypeId() . '.' . $entity
    $translation_status = $metadata
    $translation_status[$langcode] = $status;
    if ($save) {
    return $entity;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setTargetStatuses(ConfigEntityInterface &$entity, $status) {
    $target_languages = $this->languageManager
    $entity_langcode = $entity
    foreach ($target_languages as $langcode => $language) {
      if ($langcode != $entity_langcode && ($current_status = $this
        ->getTargetStatus($entity, $langcode))) {
        if ($current_status === Lingotek::STATUS_PENDING && $status === Lingotek::STATUS_REQUEST) {

          // Don't allow to pass from pending to request. We have been already
          // requested this one.
        if (in_array($current_status, [
        ]) && $status === Lingotek::STATUS_PENDING) {
        if ($current_status == $status) {
        if ($current_status != Lingotek::STATUS_EDITED && $current_status !== Lingotek::STATUS_CURRENT) {
            ->setTargetStatus($entity, $langcode, $status);
        elseif ($current_status == Lingotek::STATUS_EDITED && in_array($status, [
        ])) {
            ->setTargetStatus($entity, $langcode, $status);
        if ($status === Lingotek::STATUS_CANCELLED) {
            ->setTargetStatus($entity, $langcode, $status);
        if ($status === Lingotek::STATUS_DISABLED) {
            ->setTargetStatus($entity, $langcode, $status);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function hasEntityChanged(ConfigEntityInterface &$entity) {
    $source_data = json_encode($this
    $hash = md5($source_data);
    $metadata = LingotekConfigMetadata::loadByConfigName($entity
      ->getEntityTypeId() . '.' . $entity
    $old_hash = $metadata
    if (!$old_hash || strcmp($hash, $old_hash)) {
      return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function markTranslationsAsDirty(ConfigEntityInterface &$entity) {
    $target_languages = $this->languageManager
    $entity_langcode = $entity

    // Only mark as out of date the current ones.
    $to_change = [
    foreach ($target_languages as $langcode => $language) {
      if ($langcode != $entity_langcode && ($current_status = $this
        ->getTargetStatus($entity, $langcode))) {
        if (in_array($current_status, $to_change)) {
            ->setTargetStatus($entity, $langcode, Lingotek::STATUS_PENDING);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getSourceData(ConfigEntityInterface $entity) {

    /** @var \Drupal\config_translation\ConfigEntityMapper $mapper */
    if ($entity
      ->getEntityTypeId() == 'field_config') {
      $id = $entity
      $mapper = clone $this->mappers[$id . '_fields'];
    else {
      $mapper = clone $this->mappers[$entity
    $data = $this

    // For retro-compatibility, if there is only one config name, we plain our
    // data.
    $names = $mapper
    if (count($names) == 1) {
      $data = $data[$names[0]];
    return $data;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getSourceLocale(ConfigEntityInterface &$entity) {
    $locale = NULL;
    $source_language = $entity
    if (!in_array($source_language, [
    ])) {
      $locale = $this->languageLocaleMapper
    return $locale;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function uploadDocument(ConfigEntityInterface $entity, $job_id = NULL) {
    $profile = $this->lingotekConfiguration

    // We can reupload if the document is cancelled.
    if ($profile
      ->id() === Lingotek::PROFILE_DISABLED) {
      return FALSE;

    // If job id was not set in the form, it may be already assigned.
    if ($job_id === NULL) {
      $job_id = $this
        ->getJobId($entity) ?: NULL;
    if (!empty($this
      ->getDocumentId($entity))) {
      return $this
        ->updateDocument($entity, $job_id);
    $source_data = $this
    $extended_name = $entity
      ->id() . ' (config): ' . $entity
    $profile_preference = $profile
    $global_preference = $this->lingotekConfiguration
    switch ($profile_preference) {
      case 'yes':
        $document_name = $extended_name;
      case 'no':
        $document_name = $entity
      case 'global_setting':
        $document_name = $global_preference ? $extended_name : $entity
        $document_name = $extended_name;
    $url = $entity
      ->hasLinkTemplate('edit-form') ? $entity
      ->toString() : NULL;

    // Allow other modules to alter the data before is uploaded.
      ->invokeAll('lingotek_config_entity_document_upload', [
    $encoded_data = json_encode($source_data);
    try {
      $document_id = $this->lingotek
        ->uploadDocument($document_name, $encoded_data, $this
        ->getSourceLocale($entity), $url, $this->lingotekConfiguration
        ->getConfigEntityProfile($entity), $job_id);
    } catch (LingotekPaymentRequiredException $exception) {
        ->setSourceStatus($entity, Lingotek::STATUS_ERROR);
      throw $exception;
    } catch (LingotekApiException $exception) {
        ->setSourceStatus($entity, Lingotek::STATUS_ERROR);
      throw $exception;
    if ($document_id) {
        ->setDocumentId($entity, $document_id);
        ->setConfigEntityProfile($entity, $profile
        ->setSourceStatus($entity, Lingotek::STATUS_IMPORTING);
        ->setTargetStatuses($entity, Lingotek::STATUS_REQUEST);
        ->setJobId($entity, $job_id);
        ->setLastUploaded($entity, \Drupal::time()
      return $document_id;
    if ($this
      ->getSourceStatus($entity) == Lingotek::STATUS_DISABLED) {
        ->setTargetStatuses($entity, Lingotek::STATUS_DISABLED);
    return FALSE;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function checkSourceStatus(ConfigEntityInterface &$entity) {
    $profile = $this->lingotekConfiguration
    if ($profile
      ->id() === Lingotek::PROFILE_DISABLED || $this
      ->getSourceStatus($entity) === Lingotek::STATUS_CANCELLED) {
      return FALSE;
    $document_id = $this
    if ($document_id && $this->lingotek
      ->getDocumentStatus($document_id)) {
        ->setSourceStatus($entity, Lingotek::STATUS_CURRENT);
      return TRUE;
    if ($this
      ->getSourceStatus($entity) == Lingotek::STATUS_DISABLED) {
        ->setTargetStatuses($entity, Lingotek::STATUS_DISABLED);
    return FALSE;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function updateDocument(ConfigEntityInterface &$entity, $job_id = NULL) {
    $profile = $this->lingotekConfiguration
    if ($profile
      ->id() === Lingotek::PROFILE_DISABLED || $this
      ->getSourceStatus($entity) === Lingotek::STATUS_CANCELLED) {
      return FALSE;

    // If job id was not set in the form, it may be already assigned.
    if ($job_id === NULL) {
      $job_id = $this
        ->getJobId($entity) ?: NULL;
    $source_data = $this
    $document_id = $this
    $extended_name = $entity
      ->id() . ' (config): ' . $entity
    $profile_preference = $profile
    $global_preference = $this->lingotekConfiguration
    switch ($profile_preference) {
      case 'yes':
        $document_name = $extended_name;
      case 'no':
        $document_name = $entity
      case 'global_setting':
        $document_name = $global_preference ? $extended_name : $entity
        $document_name = $extended_name;
    $url = $entity
      ->hasLinkTemplate('edit-form') ? $entity
      ->toString() : NULL;

    // Allow other modules to alter the data before is uploaded.
      ->invokeAll('lingotek_config_entity_document_upload', [
    $encoded_data = json_encode($source_data);
    $newDocumentID = NULL;
    try {
      $newDocumentID = $this->lingotek
        ->updateDocument($document_id, $source_data, $url, $document_name, $this->lingotekConfiguration
        ->getConfigEntityProfile($entity), $job_id, $this
    } catch (LingotekDocumentLockedException $exception) {
        ->setDocumentId($entity, $exception

      // TODO: It shouldn't be needed here, EDITED status should already be set.
        ->setSourceStatus($entity, Lingotek::STATUS_EDITED);
      throw $exception;
    } catch (LingotekDocumentArchivedException $exception) {
        ->setDocumentId($entity, NULL);
      throw $exception;
    } catch (LingotekPaymentRequiredException $exception) {
        ->setSourceStatus($entity, Lingotek::STATUS_ERROR);
      throw $exception;
    } catch (LingotekApiException $exception) {
        ->setSourceStatus($entity, Lingotek::STATUS_ERROR);
      throw $exception;
    if ($newDocumentID) {
      if (is_string($newDocumentID)) {
          ->setDocumentId($entity, $newDocumentID);
        ->setSourceStatus($entity, Lingotek::STATUS_IMPORTING);
        ->setTargetStatuses($entity, Lingotek::STATUS_PENDING);
        ->setJobId($entity, $job_id);
        ->setLastUpdated($entity, \Drupal::time()
      return $newDocumentID;
    if ($this
      ->getSourceStatus($entity) == Lingotek::STATUS_DISABLED) {
        ->setTargetStatuses($entity, Lingotek::STATUS_DISABLED);
    return FALSE;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function addTarget(ConfigEntityInterface &$entity, $locale) {
    $profile = $this->lingotekConfiguration
    $drupal_language = $this->languageLocaleMapper
    if ($profile
      ->id() === Lingotek::PROFILE_DISABLED || $this
      ->getSourceStatus($entity) === Lingotek::STATUS_CANCELLED || $profile
      ->getId())) {
      return FALSE;
    if ($locale == $this->languageLocaleMapper
      ->getId())) {

      // We don't want to translate from one language to itself.
      return FALSE;
    if ($document_id = $this
      ->getDocumentId($entity)) {
      $source_status = $this
      $current_status = $this
        ->getTargetStatus($entity, $this->languageLocaleMapper
      if ($current_status !== Lingotek::STATUS_PENDING && $current_status !== Lingotek::STATUS_CURRENT && $current_status !== Lingotek::STATUS_READY) {
        try {
          $result = $this->lingotek
            ->addTarget($document_id, $locale, $this->lingotekConfiguration
        } catch (LingotekDocumentLockedException $exception) {
            ->setDocumentId($entity, $exception
          throw $exception;
        } catch (LingotekDocumentArchivedException $exception) {
            ->setDocumentId($entity, NULL);
          throw $exception;
        } catch (LingotekPaymentRequiredException $exception) {
          throw $exception;
        } catch (LingotekApiException $exception) {
          throw $exception;
        if ($result) {
            ->setTargetStatus($entity, $this->languageLocaleMapper
            ->getId(), Lingotek::STATUS_PENDING);

          // If the status was "Importing", and the target was added
          // successfully, we can ensure that the content is current now.
          if ($source_status == Lingotek::STATUS_IMPORTING) {
              ->setSourceStatus($entity, Lingotek::STATUS_CURRENT);
          return TRUE;
    if ($this
      ->getSourceStatus($entity) == Lingotek::STATUS_DISABLED) {
        ->setTargetStatuses($entity, Lingotek::STATUS_DISABLED);
    return FALSE;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function requestTranslations(ConfigEntityInterface &$entity) {
    $profile = $this->lingotekConfiguration
    if ($profile
      ->id() === Lingotek::PROFILE_DISABLED || $this
      ->getSourceStatus($entity) === Lingotek::STATUS_CANCELLED) {
      return FALSE;
    $languages = [];
    if ($document_id = $this
      ->getDocumentId($entity)) {
      $target_languages = $this->languageManager
      $target_languages = array_filter($target_languages, function (LanguageInterface $language) {
        $configLanguage = ConfigurableLanguage::load($language
        return $this->lingotekConfiguration
      $entity_langcode = $entity
      foreach ($target_languages as $langcode => $language) {
        $locale = $this->languageLocaleMapper
        if ($langcode !== $entity_langcode) {
          if (!$profile
            ->hasDisabledTarget($langcode)) {
            $source_status = $this
            $current_status = $this
              ->getTargetStatus($entity, $langcode);
            if ($current_status !== Lingotek::STATUS_PENDING && $current_status !== Lingotek::STATUS_CURRENT && $current_status !== Lingotek::STATUS_EDITED && $current_status !== Lingotek::STATUS_READY) {
              try {
                $result = $this->lingotek
                  ->addTarget($document_id, $locale, $this->lingotekConfiguration
              } catch (LingotekDocumentLockedException $exception) {
                  ->setDocumentId($entity, $exception
                throw $exception;
              } catch (LingotekDocumentArchivedException $exception) {
                  ->setDocumentId($entity, NULL);
                throw $exception;
              } catch (LingotekPaymentRequiredException $exception) {
                throw $exception;
              } catch (LingotekApiException $exception) {
                throw $exception;
              if ($result) {
                $languages[] = $langcode;
                  ->setTargetStatus($entity, $langcode, Lingotek::STATUS_PENDING);

                // If the status was "Importing", and the target was added
                // successfully, we can ensure that the content is current now.
                if ($source_status == Lingotek::STATUS_IMPORTING) {
                    ->setSourceStatus($entity, Lingotek::STATUS_CURRENT);
    if ($this
      ->getSourceStatus($entity) == Lingotek::STATUS_DISABLED) {
        ->setTargetStatuses($entity, Lingotek::STATUS_DISABLED);
    return $languages;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function checkTargetStatus(ConfigEntityInterface &$entity, $locale) {
    $profile = $this->lingotekConfiguration
    $langcode = $this->languageLocaleMapper
    if ($profile
      ->id() === Lingotek::PROFILE_DISABLED || $this
      ->getSourceStatus($entity) === Lingotek::STATUS_CANCELLED) {
      return FALSE;
    if ($profile !== NULL && $profile
      ->hasDisabledTarget($langcode)) {
      return FALSE;
    $current_status = $this
      ->getTargetStatus($entity, $langcode);
    $document_id = $this
    $source_status = $this
    if (($current_status == Lingotek::STATUS_PENDING || $current_status == Lingotek::STATUS_EDITED) && $source_status !== Lingotek::STATUS_EDITED) {
      $translation_status = $this->lingotek
        ->getDocumentTranslationStatus($document_id, $locale);
      if ($translation_status === Lingotek::STATUS_CANCELLED) {
          ->setTargetStatus($entity, $langcode, Lingotek::STATUS_CANCELLED);
      elseif ($translation_status === TRUE) {
        $current_status = Lingotek::STATUS_READY;
          ->setTargetStatus($entity, $langcode, $current_status);
      elseif ($this->lingotek
        ->downloadDocument($document_id, $locale)) {

        // TODO: Set Status to STATUS_READY_INTERIM when that status is
        // available. See ticket
    if ($this
      ->getSourceStatus($entity) == Lingotek::STATUS_DISABLED) {
        ->setTargetStatuses($entity, Lingotek::STATUS_DISABLED);
    return $current_status;

   * Clear the target statuses.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityInterface $entity
  protected function clearTargetStatuses(ConfigEntityInterface &$entity) {
    $profile = $this->lingotekConfiguration
    if ($profile
      ->id() === Lingotek::PROFILE_DISABLED || $this
      ->getSourceStatus($entity) === Lingotek::STATUS_CANCELLED) {
      return FALSE;

    // Clear the target statuses. As we save the source status with the target,
    // we need to keep that one.
    $source_status = $this
    $metadata = LingotekConfigMetadata::loadByConfigName($entity
      ->getEntityTypeId() . '.' . $entity

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function checkTargetStatuses(ConfigEntityInterface &$entity) {

    /** @var \Drupal\lingotek\LingotekProfileInterface $profile */
    $profile = $this->lingotekConfiguration
    if ($profile
      ->id() === Lingotek::PROFILE_DISABLED || $this
      ->getSourceStatus($entity) === Lingotek::STATUS_CANCELLED) {
      return FALSE;
    $document_id = $this
    $source_status = $this
    $translation_statuses = $this->lingotek
    $statuses = [];
    $languages = $this->languageManager
    foreach ($languages as $language) {
        ->getId()] = $this
        ->getTargetStatus($entity, $language

    // Let's reset all statuses, but keep the source one.
    foreach ($translation_statuses as $lingotek_locale => $progress) {
      $drupal_language = $this->languageLocaleMapper
      if ($drupal_language == NULL) {

        // languages existing in TMS, but not configured on Drupal
      $langcode = $drupal_language
      $current_target_status = $statuses[$langcode];
      if (in_array($current_target_status, [
      ])) {
        if ($progress === Lingotek::STATUS_CANCELLED) {
            ->setTargetStatus($entity, $langcode, Lingotek::STATUS_CANCELLED);
        elseif ($progress === Lingotek::PROGRESS_COMPLETE) {
            ->setTargetStatus($entity, $langcode, Lingotek::STATUS_READY);
        else {
          if (!$profile
            ->hasDisabledTarget($langcode)) {
              ->setTargetStatus($entity, $langcode, Lingotek::STATUS_PENDING);
          else {
              ->setTargetStatus($entity, $langcode, Lingotek::STATUS_DISABLED);
      if ($source_status !== Lingotek::STATUS_CURRENT && $statuses[$langcode] === Lingotek::STATUS_EDITED && $langcode !== $entity
        ->getId()) {
          ->setTargetStatus($entity, $langcode, Lingotek::STATUS_EDITED);
      if ($source_status === Lingotek::STATUS_CURRENT && $statuses[$langcode] === Lingotek::STATUS_CURRENT && $langcode !== $entity
        ->getId()) {
          ->setTargetStatus($entity, $langcode, Lingotek::STATUS_CURRENT);
    if ($this
      ->getSourceStatus($entity) === Lingotek::STATUS_DISABLED) {
        ->setTargetStatuses($entity, Lingotek::STATUS_DISABLED);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function downloadDocument(ConfigEntityInterface $entity, $locale) {
    $profile = $this->lingotekConfiguration
    if ($profile
      ->id() === Lingotek::PROFILE_DISABLED || $this
      ->getSourceStatus($entity) === Lingotek::STATUS_CANCELLED) {
      return FALSE;
    if ($document_id = $this
      ->getDocumentId($entity)) {
      $langcode = $this->languageLocaleMapper
      $data = [];
      try {
        if ($this->lingotek
          ->getDocumentTranslationStatus($document_id, $locale) !== FALSE) {
          $data = $this->lingotek
            ->downloadDocument($document_id, $locale);
        else {
          return NULL;
      } catch (LingotekApiException $exception) {

        // TODO: log issue
          ->setTargetStatus($entity, $langcode, Lingotek::STATUS_ERROR);
        return FALSE;
      if ($data) {

        // Check the real status, because it may still need review or anything.
        $status = $this->lingotek
          ->getDocumentTranslationStatus($document_id, $locale);
          ->saveTargetData($entity, $langcode, $data);

        // If the status was "Importing", and the target was added
        // successfully, we can ensure that the content is current now.
        $source_status = $this
        if ($source_status == Lingotek::STATUS_IMPORTING) {
            ->setSourceStatus($entity, Lingotek::STATUS_CURRENT);
        if ($source_status == Lingotek::STATUS_EDITED) {
            ->setTargetStatus($entity, $langcode, Lingotek::STATUS_EDITED);
        elseif ($status === TRUE) {
            ->setTargetStatus($entity, $langcode, Lingotek::STATUS_CURRENT);
        else {
            ->setTargetStatus($entity, $langcode, Lingotek::STATUS_INTERMEDIATE);
        return TRUE;
    if ($this
      ->getSourceStatus($entity) == Lingotek::STATUS_DISABLED) {
        ->setTargetStatuses($entity, Lingotek::STATUS_DISABLED);
    return FALSE;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function cancelDocument(ConfigEntityInterface &$entity) {
    $result = FALSE;
    $doc_id = $this
    if ($doc_id) {
      $result = $this->lingotek
        ->setConfigEntityProfile($entity, NULL);
        ->setDocumentId($entity, NULL);
      ->setSourceStatus($entity, Lingotek::STATUS_CANCELLED);
      ->setTargetStatuses($entity, Lingotek::STATUS_CANCELLED);
    return $result;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function cancelDocumentTarget(ConfigEntityInterface &$entity, $locale) {
    $profile = $this->lingotekConfiguration
    if ($profile
      ->id() === Lingotek::PROFILE_DISABLED || $this
      ->getSourceStatus($entity) === Lingotek::STATUS_CANCELLED) {
      return FALSE;
    $source_langcode = $entity
    $source_locale = $this->languageLocaleMapper
    if ($locale == $source_locale) {

      // This is not a target, but the source language itself.
      return FALSE;
    if ($document_id = $this
      ->getDocumentId($entity)) {
      $drupal_language = $this->languageLocaleMapper
      if ($this->lingotek
        ->cancelDocumentTarget($document_id, $locale)) {
          ->setTargetStatus($entity, $drupal_language
          ->id(), Lingotek::STATUS_CANCELLED);
        return TRUE;
    if ($this
      ->getSourceStatus($entity) == Lingotek::STATUS_DISABLED) {
        ->setTargetStatuses($entity, Lingotek::STATUS_DISABLED);
    return FALSE;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function deleteMetadata(ConfigEntityInterface &$entity) {
    $doc_id = $this
    if ($doc_id) {
    $metadata = LingotekConfigMetadata::loadByConfigName($entity
      ->getEntityTypeId() . '.' . $entity
    if (!$metadata
      ->isNew()) {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function saveTargetData(ConfigEntityInterface $entity, $langcode, $data) {

    // Allow other modules to alter the translation before it is saved.
      ->invokeAll('lingotek_config_entity_translation_presave', [
    if ($entity
      ->getEntityTypeId() == 'field_config') {
      $id = $entity
      $mapper = clone $this->mappers[$id . '_fields'];
    else {
      $mapper = clone $this->mappers[$entity

    // For retro-compatibility, if there is only one config name, we expand our
    // data.
    $names = $mapper
    if (count($names) == 1) {
      $expanded[$names[0]] = $data;
    else {
      $expanded = $data;
      ->saveConfigTargetData($mapper, $langcode, $expanded);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getConfigDocumentId(ConfigNamesMapper $mapper) {
    $document_id = NULL;
    $metadata = NULL;
    foreach ($mapper
      ->getConfigNames() as $config_name) {
      $metadata = LingotekConfigMetadata::loadByConfigName($config_name);
    if ($metadata) {
      $document_id = $metadata
    return $document_id;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setConfigDocumentId(ConfigNamesMapper $mapper, $document_id) {
    foreach ($mapper
      ->getConfigNames() as $config_name) {
      $metadata = LingotekConfigMetadata::loadByConfigName($config_name);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getConfigSourceLocale(ConfigNamesMapper $mapper) {
    $locale = NULL;
    $source_langcode = $mapper
    if (!in_array($source_langcode, [
    ])) {
      $locale = $this->languageLocaleMapper
    return $locale;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getConfigSourceStatus(ConfigNamesMapper $mapper) {
    $config_names = $mapper
    $source_language = $mapper
    $status = Lingotek::STATUS_UNTRACKED;
    foreach ($config_names as $config_name) {
      $metadata = LingotekConfigMetadata::loadByConfigName($config_name);
      $source_status = $metadata
      if (count($source_status) > 0 && isset($source_status[$source_language])) {
        $status = $source_status[$source_language];
    return $status;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setConfigSourceStatus(ConfigNamesMapper $mapper, $status) {
    $config_names = $mapper
    $source_language = $mapper
    $status_value = [
      $source_language => $status,
    foreach ($config_names as $config_name) {
      $metadata = LingotekConfigMetadata::loadByConfigName($config_name);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getConfigTargetStatuses(ConfigNamesMapper $mapper) {
    $status = [];
    $config_names = $mapper
    if (!empty($config_names)) {
      $config_name = reset($config_names);
      $metadata = LingotekConfigMetadata::loadByConfigName($config_name);
      $status = $metadata
    return $status;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getConfigTargetStatus(ConfigNamesMapper $mapper, $langcode) {
    $status = Lingotek::STATUS_UNTRACKED;
    foreach ($mapper
      ->getConfigNames() as $config_name) {
      $metadata = LingotekConfigMetadata::loadByConfigName($config_name);
      $translation_status = $metadata
      if (count($translation_status) > 0 && isset($translation_status[$langcode])) {
        $status = $translation_status[$langcode];
    return $status;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setConfigTargetStatus(ConfigNamesMapper $mapper, $langcode, $status, $save = TRUE) {
    foreach ($mapper
      ->getConfigNames() as $config_name) {
      $metadata = LingotekConfigMetadata::loadByConfigName($config_name);
      $target_status = $metadata
      $target_status[$langcode] = $status;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setConfigTargetStatuses(ConfigNamesMapper $mapper, $status) {
    $target_languages = $this->languageManager
    $entity_langcode = $mapper
    foreach ($target_languages as $langcode => $language) {
      if ($langcode != $entity_langcode && ($current_status = $this
        ->getConfigTargetStatus($mapper, $langcode))) {
        if ($current_status === Lingotek::STATUS_PENDING && $status === Lingotek::STATUS_REQUEST) {

          // Don't allow to pass from pending to request. We have been already
          // requested this one.
        if (in_array($current_status, [
        ]) && $status === Lingotek::STATUS_PENDING) {
        if ($current_status == $status) {
        if ($current_status != Lingotek::STATUS_EDITED && $current_status !== Lingotek::STATUS_CURRENT) {
            ->setConfigTargetStatus($mapper, $langcode, $status);
        elseif ($current_status == Lingotek::STATUS_EDITED && in_array($status, [
        ])) {
            ->setConfigTargetStatus($mapper, $langcode, $status);
        if ($status === Lingotek::STATUS_CANCELLED) {
            ->setConfigTargetStatus($mapper, $langcode, $status);
        if ($status === Lingotek::STATUS_DISABLED) {
            ->setConfigTargetStatus($mapper, $langcode, $status);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getConfigSourceData(ConfigNamesMapper $mapper) {
    $properties = $this
    $values = [];
    foreach ($properties as $config_name => $config_properties) {
      $config = \Drupal::configFactory()
      foreach ($config_properties as $property) {
        $values[$config_name][$property] = $config
    return $values;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function uploadConfig($mapper_id, $job_id = NULL) {
    $mapper = $this->mappers[$mapper_id];
    $profile = $this->lingotekConfiguration
      ->getConfigProfile($mapper_id, FALSE);

    // We can reupload if the document is cancelled.
    if ($profile !== NULL && $profile
      ->id() === Lingotek::PROFILE_DISABLED) {
      return FALSE;

    // If job id was not set in the form, it may be already assigned.
    if ($job_id === NULL) {
      $job_id = $this
        ->getConfigJobId($mapper) ?: NULL;
    if (!empty($this
      ->getConfigDocumentId($mapper))) {
      return $this

    // Get the provide providing a default.
    $profile = $this->lingotekConfiguration
    $source_data = $this

    // Allow other modules to alter the data before is uploaded.
    $config_names = $mapper
    $config_name = reset($config_names);
      ->invokeAll('lingotek_config_object_document_upload', [
    $source_data = json_encode($source_data);
    $extended_name = $mapper_id . ' (config): ' . $mapper
    $profile_preference = $profile
    $global_preference = $this->lingotekConfiguration
    switch ($profile_preference) {
      case 'yes':
        $document_name = $extended_name;
      case 'no':
        $document_name = (string) $mapper
      case 'global_setting':
        $document_name = $global_preference ? $extended_name : (string) $mapper
        $document_name = $extended_name;
    try {
      $document_id = $this->lingotek
        ->uploadDocument($document_name, $source_data, $this
        ->getConfigSourceLocale($mapper), NULL, $this->lingotekConfiguration
        ->getConfigProfile($mapper_id), $job_id);
    } catch (LingotekPaymentRequiredException $exception) {
        ->setConfigSourceStatus($mapper, Lingotek::STATUS_ERROR);
      throw $exception;
    } catch (LingotekApiException $exception) {
        ->setConfigSourceStatus($mapper, Lingotek::STATUS_ERROR);
      throw $exception;
    if ($document_id) {
        ->setConfigDocumentId($mapper, $document_id);
        ->setConfigSourceStatus($mapper, Lingotek::STATUS_IMPORTING);
        ->setConfigTargetStatuses($mapper, Lingotek::STATUS_REQUEST);
        ->setConfigJobId($mapper, $job_id);
        ->setConfigLastUploaded($mapper, \Drupal::time()
      return $document_id;
    if ($this
      ->getConfigSourceStatus($mapper) == Lingotek::STATUS_DISABLED) {
        ->setConfigTargetStatuses($mapper, Lingotek::STATUS_DISABLED);
    return FALSE;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function checkConfigSourceStatus($mapper_id) {
    $mapper = $this->mappers[$mapper_id];
    $profile = $this->lingotekConfiguration
    if ($profile
      ->id() === Lingotek::PROFILE_DISABLED || $this
      ->getConfigSourceStatus($mapper) === Lingotek::STATUS_CANCELLED) {
      return FALSE;
    $document_id = $this
    if ($document_id && $this->lingotek
      ->getDocumentStatus($document_id)) {
        ->setConfigSourceStatus($mapper, Lingotek::STATUS_CURRENT);
      return TRUE;
    if ($this
      ->getConfigSourceStatus($mapper) == Lingotek::STATUS_DISABLED) {
        ->setConfigTargetStatuses($mapper, Lingotek::STATUS_DISABLED);
    return FALSE;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function addConfigTarget($mapper_id, $locale) {
    $mapper = $this->mappers[$mapper_id];
    $profile = $this->lingotekConfiguration
    $drupal_language = $this->languageLocaleMapper
    if ($profile
      ->id() === Lingotek::PROFILE_DISABLED || $this
      ->getConfigSourceStatus($mapper) === Lingotek::STATUS_CANCELLED || $profile
      ->getId())) {
      return FALSE;
    if ($locale == $this->languageLocaleMapper
      ->getLangcode())) {

      // We don't want to translate from one language to itself.
      return FALSE;
    if ($document_id = $this
      ->getConfigDocumentId($mapper)) {
      $source_status = $this
      $current_status = $this
        ->getConfigTargetStatus($mapper, $locale);
      if ($current_status !== Lingotek::STATUS_PENDING && $current_status !== Lingotek::STATUS_CURRENT && $current_status !== Lingotek::STATUS_READY) {
        try {
          $result = $this->lingotek
            ->addTarget($document_id, $locale);
        } catch (LingotekDocumentLockedException $exception) {
            ->setConfigDocumentId($mapper, $exception
          throw $exception;
        } catch (LingotekDocumentArchivedException $exception) {
            ->setConfigDocumentId($mapper, NULL);
          throw $exception;
        } catch (LingotekPaymentRequiredException $exception) {
          throw $exception;
        } catch (LingotekApiException $exception) {
          throw $exception;
        if ($result) {
            ->setConfigTargetStatus($mapper, $this->languageLocaleMapper
            ->getId(), Lingotek::STATUS_PENDING);

          // If the status was "Importing", and the target was added
          // successfully, we can ensure that the content is current now.
          if ($source_status == Lingotek::STATUS_IMPORTING) {
              ->setConfigSourceStatus($mapper, Lingotek::STATUS_CURRENT);
          return TRUE;
    if ($this
      ->getConfigSourceStatus($mapper) == Lingotek::STATUS_DISABLED) {
        ->setConfigTargetStatuses($mapper, Lingotek::STATUS_DISABLED);
    return FALSE;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function requestConfigTranslations($mapper_id) {
    $mapper = $this->mappers[$mapper_id];
    $profile = $this->lingotekConfiguration
    if ($profile
      ->id() === Lingotek::PROFILE_DISABLED || $this
      ->getConfigSourceStatus($mapper) === Lingotek::STATUS_CANCELLED) {
      return FALSE;
    $languages = [];
    if ($document_id = $this
      ->getConfigDocumentId($mapper)) {
      $target_languages = $this->languageManager
      $source_langcode = $mapper
      foreach ($target_languages as $langcode => $language) {
        $locale = $this->languageLocaleMapper
        if ($langcode !== $source_langcode) {
          if (!$profile
            ->hasDisabledTarget($langcode)) {
            $source_status = $this
            $current_status = $this
              ->getConfigTargetStatus($mapper, $langcode);
            if ($current_status !== Lingotek::STATUS_PENDING && $current_status !== Lingotek::STATUS_CURRENT && $current_status !== Lingotek::STATUS_EDITED && $current_status !== Lingotek::STATUS_READY) {
              try {
                $result = $this->lingotek
                  ->addTarget($document_id, $locale, $this->lingotekConfiguration
              } catch (LingotekDocumentLockedException $exception) {
                  ->setConfigDocumentId($mapper, $exception
                throw $exception;
              } catch (LingotekDocumentArchivedException $exception) {
                  ->setConfigDocumentId($mapper, NULL);
                throw $exception;
              } catch (LingotekPaymentRequiredException $exception) {
                throw $exception;
              } catch (LingotekApiException $exception) {
                throw $exception;
              if ($result) {
                $languages[] = $langcode;
                  ->setConfigTargetStatus($mapper, $langcode, Lingotek::STATUS_PENDING);

                // If the status was "Importing", and the target was added
                // successfully, we can ensure that the content is current now.
                if ($source_status == Lingotek::STATUS_IMPORTING) {
                    ->setConfigSourceStatus($mapper, Lingotek::STATUS_CURRENT);
    if ($this
      ->getConfigSourceStatus($mapper) == Lingotek::STATUS_DISABLED) {
        ->setConfigTargetStatuses($mapper, Lingotek::STATUS_DISABLED);
    return $languages;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function checkConfigTargetStatus($mapper_id, $locale) {
    $mapper = $this->mappers[$mapper_id];
    $profile = $this->lingotekConfiguration
    if ($profile
      ->id() === Lingotek::PROFILE_DISABLED || $this
      ->getConfigSourceStatus($mapper) === Lingotek::STATUS_CANCELLED) {
      return FALSE;
    $langcode = $this->languageLocaleMapper
    $current_status = $this
      ->getConfigTargetStatus($mapper, $langcode);
    $source_status = $this
    $document_id = $this
    if (($current_status == Lingotek::STATUS_PENDING || $current_status == Lingotek::STATUS_EDITED) && $source_status !== Lingotek::STATUS_EDITED) {
      $translation_status = $this->lingotek
        ->getDocumentTranslationStatus($document_id, $locale);
      if ($translation_status === Lingotek::STATUS_CANCELLED) {
          ->setConfigTargetStatus($mapper, $langcode, Lingotek::STATUS_CANCELLED);
      elseif ($translation_status === TRUE) {
        $current_status = Lingotek::STATUS_READY;
          ->setConfigTargetStatus($mapper, $langcode, $current_status);
      elseif ($this->lingotek
        ->downloadDocument($document_id, $locale)) {

        // TODO: Set Status to STATUS_READY_INTERIM when that status is
        // available. See ticket
    if ($this
      ->getConfigSourceStatus($mapper) == Lingotek::STATUS_DISABLED) {
        ->setConfigTargetStatuses($mapper, Lingotek::STATUS_DISABLED);
    return $current_status;

   * Clear the target statuses.
   * @param string $mapper_id
  protected function clearConfigTargetStatuses($mapper_id) {
    $mapper = $this->mappers[$mapper_id];
    $profile = $this->lingotekConfiguration
    if ($profile
      ->id() === Lingotek::PROFILE_DISABLED || $this
      ->getConfigSourceStatus($mapper) === Lingotek::STATUS_CANCELLED) {
      return FALSE;
    foreach ($mapper
      ->getConfigNames() as $config_name) {
      $metadata = LingotekConfigMetadata::loadByConfigName($config_name);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function checkConfigTargetStatuses($mapper_id) {
    $mapper = $this->mappers[$mapper_id];

    /** @var \Drupal\lingotek\LingotekProfileInterface $profile */
    $profile = $this->lingotekConfiguration
    if ($profile
      ->id() === Lingotek::PROFILE_DISABLED || $this
      ->getConfigSourceStatus($mapper) === Lingotek::STATUS_CANCELLED) {
      return FALSE;
    $document_id = $this
    $translation_statuses = $this->lingotek
    $source_status = $this
    $statuses = [];
    $languages = $this->languageManager
    foreach ($languages as $language) {
        ->getId()] = $this
        ->getConfigTargetStatus($mapper, $language

    // Let's reset all statuses, but keep the source one.
    foreach ($translation_statuses as $lingotek_locale => $progress) {
      $drupal_language = $this->languageLocaleMapper
      if ($drupal_language == NULL) {

        // languages existing in TMS, but not configured on Drupal
      $langcode = $drupal_language
      $current_target_status = $statuses[$langcode];
      if (in_array($current_target_status, [
      ])) {
        if ($progress === Lingotek::STATUS_CANCELLED) {
            ->setConfigTargetStatus($mapper, $langcode, Lingotek::STATUS_CANCELLED);
        elseif ($progress === Lingotek::PROGRESS_COMPLETE) {
            ->setConfigTargetStatus($mapper, $langcode, Lingotek::STATUS_READY);
        else {
          if (!$profile
            ->hasDisabledTarget($langcode)) {
              ->setConfigTargetStatus($mapper, $langcode, Lingotek::STATUS_PENDING);
          else {
              ->setConfigTargetStatus($mapper, $langcode, Lingotek::STATUS_DISABLED);
      if ($source_status !== Lingotek::STATUS_CURRENT && $statuses[$langcode] === Lingotek::STATUS_EDITED && $langcode !== $mapper
        ->getLangcode()) {
          ->setConfigTargetStatus($mapper, $langcode, Lingotek::STATUS_EDITED);
      if ($source_status === Lingotek::STATUS_CURRENT && $statuses[$langcode] === Lingotek::STATUS_CURRENT && $langcode !== $mapper
        ->getLangcode()) {
          ->setConfigTargetStatus($mapper, $langcode, Lingotek::STATUS_CURRENT);
    if ($this
      ->getConfigSourceStatus($mapper) == Lingotek::STATUS_DISABLED) {
        ->setConfigTargetStatuses($mapper, Lingotek::STATUS_DISABLED);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function downloadConfig($mapper_id, $locale) {
    $mapper = $this->mappers[$mapper_id];
    $profile = $this->lingotekConfiguration
    if ($profile
      ->id() === Lingotek::PROFILE_DISABLED || $this
      ->getConfigSourceStatus($mapper) === Lingotek::STATUS_CANCELLED) {
      return FALSE;
    if ($document_id = $this
      ->getConfigDocumentId($mapper)) {
      $langcode = $this->languageLocaleMapper
      $data = [];
      try {
        if ($this->lingotek
          ->getDocumentTranslationStatus($document_id, $locale) === TRUE) {
          $data = $this->lingotek
            ->downloadDocument($document_id, $locale);
        else {
          return NULL;
      } catch (LingotekApiException $exception) {

        // TODO: log issue
          ->setConfigTargetStatus($mapper, $langcode, Lingotek::STATUS_ERROR);
        return FALSE;
      if ($data) {

        // Allow other modules to alter the data after it is downloaded.
        $config_names = $mapper
        $config_name = reset($config_names);
          ->invokeAll('lingotek_config_object_translation_presave', [

        // Check the real status, because it may still need review or anything.
        $status = $this->lingotek
          ->getDocumentTranslationStatus($document_id, $locale);
          ->saveConfigTargetData($mapper, $langcode, $data);

        // If the status was "Importing", and the target was added
        // successfully, we can ensure that the content is current now.
        $source_status = $this
        if ($source_status == Lingotek::STATUS_IMPORTING) {
            ->setConfigSourceStatus($mapper, Lingotek::STATUS_CURRENT);
        if ($source_status == Lingotek::STATUS_EDITED) {
            ->setConfigTargetStatus($mapper, $langcode, Lingotek::STATUS_EDITED);
        elseif ($status === TRUE) {
            ->setConfigTargetStatus($mapper, $langcode, Lingotek::STATUS_CURRENT);
        else {
            ->setConfigTargetStatus($mapper, $langcode, Lingotek::STATUS_INTERMEDIATE);
        return TRUE;
    if ($this
      ->getConfigSourceStatus($mapper) == Lingotek::STATUS_DISABLED) {
        ->setConfigTargetStatuses($mapper, Lingotek::STATUS_DISABLED);
    return FALSE;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function cancelConfigDocument($mapper_id) {
    $mapper = $this->mappers[$mapper_id];
    $result = FALSE;
    $doc_id = $this
    if ($doc_id) {
      $result = $this->lingotek
        ->setConfigDocumentId($mapper, NULL);
      ->setConfigSourceStatus($mapper, Lingotek::STATUS_CANCELLED);
      ->setConfigTargetStatuses($mapper, Lingotek::STATUS_CANCELLED);
    return $result;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function cancelConfigDocumentTarget($mapper_id, $locale) {
    $mapper = $this->mappers[$mapper_id];
    $profile = $this->lingotekConfiguration
    if ($profile
      ->id() === Lingotek::PROFILE_DISABLED || $this
      ->getConfigSourceStatus($mapper) === Lingotek::STATUS_CANCELLED) {
      return FALSE;
    $source_langcode = $mapper
    $source_locale = $this->languageLocaleMapper
    if ($locale == $source_locale) {

      // This is not a target, but the source language itself.
      return FALSE;
    if ($document_id = $this
      ->getConfigDocumentId($mapper)) {
      $drupal_language = $this->languageLocaleMapper
      if ($this->lingotek
        ->cancelDocumentTarget($document_id, $locale)) {
          ->setConfigTargetStatus($mapper, $drupal_language
          ->id(), Lingotek::STATUS_CANCELLED);
        return TRUE;
    if ($this
      ->getConfigSourceStatus($mapper) == Lingotek::STATUS_DISABLED) {
        ->setConfigTargetStatuses($mapper, Lingotek::STATUS_DISABLED);
    return FALSE;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function deleteConfigMetadata($mapper_id) {
    $mapper = $this->mappers[$mapper_id];
    $doc_id = $this
    if ($doc_id) {
    foreach ($mapper
      ->getConfigNames() as $config_name) {
      $metadata = LingotekConfigMetadata::loadByConfigName($config_name);
      if (!$metadata
        ->isNew()) {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function updateConfig($mapper_id, $job_id = NULL) {
    $mapper = $this->mappers[$mapper_id];
    $profile = $this->lingotekConfiguration
      ->getConfigProfile($mapper_id, FALSE);
    if ($profile !== NULL && $profile
      ->id() === Lingotek::PROFILE_DISABLED || $this
      ->getConfigSourceStatus($mapper) === Lingotek::STATUS_CANCELLED) {
      return FALSE;

    // Get the provide providing a default.
    $profile = $this->lingotekConfiguration

    // If job id was not set in the form, it may be already assigned.
    if ($job_id === NULL) {
      $job_id = $this
        ->getConfigJobId($mapper) ?: NULL;
    $source_data = json_encode($this
    $document_id = $this
    $extended_name = $mapper_id . ' (config): ' . $mapper
    $profile_preference = $profile
    $global_preference = $this->lingotekConfiguration
    switch ($profile_preference) {
      case 'yes':
        $document_name = $extended_name;
      case 'no':
        $document_name = (string) $mapper
      case 'global_setting':
        $document_name = $global_preference ? $extended_name : (string) $mapper
        $document_name = $extended_name;
    $newDocumentID = NULL;
    try {
      $newDocumentID = $this->lingotek
        ->updateDocument($document_id, $source_data, NULL, $document_name, $profile, $job_id, $this
    } catch (LingotekDocumentLockedException $exception) {
        ->setConfigDocumentId($mapper, $exception

      // TODO: It shouldn't be needed here, EDITED status should already be set.
        ->setConfigSourceStatus($mapper, Lingotek::STATUS_EDITED);
      throw $exception;
    } catch (LingotekDocumentArchivedException $exception) {
        ->setConfigSourceStatus($mapper, NULL);
      throw $exception;
    } catch (LingotekPaymentRequiredException $exception) {
        ->setConfigSourceStatus($mapper, Lingotek::STATUS_ERROR);
      throw $exception;
    } catch (LingotekApiException $exception) {
        ->setConfigSourceStatus($mapper, Lingotek::STATUS_ERROR);
      throw $exception;
    if ($newDocumentID) {
      if (is_string($newDocumentID)) {
          ->setConfigDocumentId($mapper, $newDocumentID);
        ->setConfigSourceStatus($mapper, Lingotek::STATUS_IMPORTING);
        ->setConfigTargetStatuses($mapper, Lingotek::STATUS_PENDING);
        ->setConfigJobId($mapper, $job_id);
        ->setConfigLastUpdated($mapper, \Drupal::time()
      return $document_id;
    if ($this
      ->getConfigSourceStatus($mapper) == Lingotek::STATUS_DISABLED) {
        ->setConfigTargetStatuses($mapper, Lingotek::STATUS_DISABLED);
    return FALSE;
  public function saveConfigTargetData(ConfigNamesMapper $mapper, $langcode, $data) {
    $names = $mapper
    if (!empty($names)) {
      foreach ($names as $name) {
        $config_translation = $this->languageManager
          ->getLanguageConfigOverride($langcode, $name);
        foreach ($data as $name => $properties) {
          foreach ($properties as $property => $value) {
              ->set($property, html_entity_decode($value));
  public function loadByDocumentId($document_id) {

    // We cannot use a mapping table as in content, because config can be staged.
    $entity = NULL;

    // Check config first.
    $config_mappers = array_filter($this->mappers, function ($mapper) {
      return $mapper instanceof ConfigNamesMapper && !$mapper instanceof ConfigEntityMapper && !$mapper instanceof ConfigFieldMapper;
    foreach ($config_mappers as $mapper_id => $mapper) {
      if ($this
        ->getConfigDocumentId($mapper) === $document_id) {
        return $mapper;

    // If we failed, check config entities.
    foreach ($this->mappers as $mapper_id => $mapper) {
      if (!isset($config_mappers[$mapper_id])) {
        $id = NULL;
        if (substr($mapper_id, -7) == '_fields') {

          // Hack for fields, the entity is field config.
          $mapper_id = 'field_config';
        $id = $this->entityTypeManager
          ->condition('document_id', $document_id)
        if (!empty($id)) {
          list($mapper_id, $entity_id) = explode('.', reset($id), 2);
          return $this->entityTypeManager
    return NULL;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function markConfigTranslationsAsDirty(ConfigNamesMapper $mapper) {
    $target_languages = $this->languageManager
    $source_langcode = $mapper
    foreach ($target_languages as $langcode => $language) {
      if ($langcode != $source_langcode && ($current_status = $this
        ->getConfigTargetStatus($mapper, $langcode))) {
        if ($current_status == Lingotek::STATUS_CURRENT) {
            ->setConfigTargetStatus($mapper, $langcode, Lingotek::STATUS_PENDING);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setConfigJobId(ConfigNamesMapper $mapper, $job_id, $update_tms = FALSE) {
    $newDocumentID = FALSE;
    if ($update_tms && ($document_id = $this
      ->getConfigDocumentId($mapper))) {
      try {
        $newDocumentID = $this->lingotek
          ->updateDocument($document_id, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, $job_id, $this
      } catch (LingotekDocumentLockedException $exception) {
          ->setConfigDocumentId($mapper, $exception
        throw $exception;
      } catch (LingotekDocumentArchivedException $exception) {
        $old_job_id = $this
          ->setConfigDocumentId($mapper, NULL);
        $config_names = $mapper
        foreach ($config_names as $config_name) {
          $metadata = LingotekConfigMetadata::loadByConfigName($config_name);
        throw $exception;
      } catch (LingotekPaymentRequiredException $exception) {
        throw $exception;
      } catch (LingotekApiException $exception) {
        throw $exception;
    $config_names = $mapper
    foreach ($config_names as $config_name) {
      $metadata = LingotekConfigMetadata::loadByConfigName($config_name);
      if (is_string($newDocumentID)) {
    return $mapper;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getConfigJobId(ConfigNamesMapper $mapper) {
    $config_names = $mapper
    foreach ($config_names as $config_name) {
      $metadata = LingotekConfigMetadata::loadByConfigName($config_name);
      return $metadata
    return NULL;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setJobId(ConfigEntityInterface $entity, $job_id, $update_tms = FALSE) {
    $newDocumentID = FALSE;
    $metadata = LingotekConfigMetadata::loadByConfigName($entity
      ->getEntityTypeId() . '.' . $entity
    if ($update_tms && ($document_id = $this
      ->getDocumentId($entity))) {
      try {
        $newDocumentID = $this->lingotek
          ->updateDocument($document_id, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, $job_id, $this
      } catch (LingotekDocumentLockedException $exception) {
          ->setDocumentId($entity, $exception
        throw $exception;
      } catch (LingotekDocumentArchivedException $exception) {
        $old_job_id = $this
          ->setDocumentId($entity, NULL);
        throw $exception;
      } catch (LingotekPaymentRequiredException $exception) {
        throw $exception;
      } catch (LingotekApiException $exception) {
        throw $exception;
    if (is_string($newDocumentID)) {
    return $entity;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getJobId(ConfigEntityInterface $entity) {
    $metadata = LingotekConfigMetadata::loadByConfigName($entity
      ->getEntityTypeId() . '.' . $entity
    return $metadata
  protected function getPluginIdFromConfigName($name) {

    // ToDo: This is inefficient.
    foreach ($this->mappers as $plugin_id => $mapper) {
      $names = $mapper
      foreach ($names as $the_name) {
        if ($the_name === $name) {
          return $plugin_id;
    return NULL;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setConfigLastUploaded(ConfigNamesMapper $mapper, int $timestamp) {
    foreach ($mapper
      ->getConfigNames() as $config_name) {
      $metadata = LingotekConfigMetadata::loadByConfigName($config_name);
    return $mapper;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setConfigLastUpdated(ConfigNamesMapper $mapper, int $timestamp) {
    foreach ($mapper
      ->getConfigNames() as $config_name) {
      $metadata = LingotekConfigMetadata::loadByConfigName($config_name);
    return $mapper;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getConfigLastUpdated(ConfigNamesMapper $mapper) {
    $config_names = $mapper
    foreach ($config_names as $config_name) {
      $metadata = LingotekConfigMetadata::loadByConfigName($config_name);
      return $metadata
    return NULL;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getConfigLastUploaded(ConfigNamesMapper $mapper) {
    $config_names = $mapper
    foreach ($config_names as $config_name) {
      $metadata = LingotekConfigMetadata::loadByConfigName($config_name);
      return $metadata
    return NULL;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getLastUploaded(ConfigEntityInterface $entity) {
    $metadata = LingotekConfigMetadata::loadByConfigName($entity
      ->getEntityTypeId() . '.' . $entity
    return $metadata

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getLastUpdated(ConfigEntityInterface $entity) {
    $metadata = LingotekConfigMetadata::loadByConfigName($entity
      ->getEntityTypeId() . '.' . $entity
    return $metadata

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setLastUploaded(ConfigEntityInterface $entity, int $timestamp) {
    $metadata = LingotekConfigMetadata::loadByConfigName($entity
      ->getEntityTypeId() . '.' . $entity
    return $entity;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setLastUpdated(ConfigEntityInterface $entity, int $timestamp) {
    $metadata = LingotekConfigMetadata::loadByConfigName($entity
      ->getEntityTypeId() . '.' . $entity
    return $entity;



Namesort descending Description
LingotekConfigTranslationService Service for managing Lingotek configuration translations.