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public function LingotekConfigManagementForm::requestTranslation in Lingotek Translation 3.8.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 src/Form/LingotekConfigManagementForm.php \Drupal\lingotek\Form\LingotekConfigManagementForm::requestTranslation()
  2. 8.2 src/Form/LingotekConfigManagementForm.php \Drupal\lingotek\Form\LingotekConfigManagementForm::requestTranslation()
  3. 4.0.x src/Form/LingotekConfigManagementForm.php \Drupal\lingotek\Form\LingotekConfigManagementForm::requestTranslation()
  4. 3.0.x src/Form/LingotekConfigManagementForm.php \Drupal\lingotek\Form\LingotekConfigManagementForm::requestTranslation()
  5. 3.1.x src/Form/LingotekConfigManagementForm.php \Drupal\lingotek\Form\LingotekConfigManagementForm::requestTranslation()
  6. 3.2.x src/Form/LingotekConfigManagementForm.php \Drupal\lingotek\Form\LingotekConfigManagementForm::requestTranslation()
  7. 3.3.x src/Form/LingotekConfigManagementForm.php \Drupal\lingotek\Form\LingotekConfigManagementForm::requestTranslation()
  8. 3.4.x src/Form/LingotekConfigManagementForm.php \Drupal\lingotek\Form\LingotekConfigManagementForm::requestTranslation()
  9. 3.5.x src/Form/LingotekConfigManagementForm.php \Drupal\lingotek\Form\LingotekConfigManagementForm::requestTranslation()
  10. 3.6.x src/Form/LingotekConfigManagementForm.php \Drupal\lingotek\Form\LingotekConfigManagementForm::requestTranslation()
  11. 3.7.x src/Form/LingotekConfigManagementForm.php \Drupal\lingotek\Form\LingotekConfigManagementForm::requestTranslation()

Request translations for a given content in a given language.


\Drupal\config_translation\ConfigMapperInterface $mapper: The mapper.

string $langcode: The language to download.


src/Form/LingotekConfigManagementForm.php, line 1104


Form for bulk management of content.




public function requestTranslation(ConfigMapperInterface $mapper, $langcode, $job_id, &$context) {
  $context['message'] = $this
    ->t('Requesting translation for %label to language @language.', [
    '%label' => $mapper
    '@language' => $langcode,
  $locale = $this->languageLocaleMapper
  $entity = $mapper instanceof ConfigEntityMapper ? $mapper
    ->getEntity() : NULL;
  $profile = $mapper instanceof ConfigEntityMapper ? $this->lingotekConfiguration
    ->getConfigEntityProfile($entity, FALSE) : $this->lingotekConfiguration
    ->getPluginId(), FALSE);

  // If there is no entity, it's a config object and we don't abort based on
  // the profile.
  if ($entity === NULL || $profile !== NULL) {
    if ($mapper instanceof ConfigEntityMapper) {
      try {
          ->addTarget($entity, $locale);
      } catch (LingotekDocumentNotFoundException $exc) {
          ->addError(t('Document @entity_type %title was not found. Please upload again.', [
          '@entity_type' => $entity
          '%title' => $entity
      } catch (LingotekPaymentRequiredException $exception) {
          ->addError(t('Community has been disabled. Please contact to re-enable your community.'));
      } catch (LingotekDocumentArchivedException $exception) {
          ->addWarning(t('Document @entity_type %title has been archived. Uploading again.', [
          '@entity_type' => $entity
          '%title' => $entity
        return $this
          ->uploadDocument($mapper, $langcode, $job_id, $context);
      } catch (LingotekDocumentLockedException $exception) {
          ->addError(t('Document @entity_type %title has a new version. The document id has been updated for all future interactions. Please try again.', [
          '@entity_type' => $entity
          '%title' => $entity
      } catch (LingotekApiException $e) {
          ->t('Document @entity_type %title @locale translation request failed. Please try again.', [
          '@entity_type' => $entity
          '%title' => $entity
          '@locale' => $locale,
    else {
      try {
          ->getPluginId(), $locale);
      } catch (LingotekPaymentRequiredException $exception) {
          ->addError(t('Community has been disabled. Please contact to re-enable your community.'));
      } catch (LingotekDocumentNotFoundException $exc) {
          ->addError(t('Document %label was not found. Please upload again.', [
          '%label' => $mapper
      } catch (LingotekDocumentArchivedException $exception) {
          ->addError(t('Document %label has been archived. Uploading again.', [
          '%label' => $mapper
        return $this
          ->uploadDocument($mapper, $langcode, $job_id, $context);
      } catch (LingotekDocumentLockedException $exception) {
          ->addError(t('Document %label has a new version. The document id has been updated for all future interactions. Please try again.', [
          '%label' => $mapper
      } catch (LingotekApiException $e) {
          ->t('Document %label @locale translation request failed. Please try again.', [
          '%label' => $mapper
          '@locale' => $locale,
  else {
      ->t('%label has no profile assigned so it was not processed.', [
      '%label' => $mapper