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6 calls to lingotek_get_source_language() in Lingotek Translation 7.4

LingotekApi::addContentDocument in lib/Drupal/lingotek/LingotekApi.php
Add a document to the Lingotek platform.
lingotek_field_language_data_cleanup_batch_create in ./
Field Language Data Cleanup Utility
lingotek_form_node_form_alter in ./lingotek.module
Implements hook_form_BASE_FORM_ID_alter().
lingotek_get_source_language_json in ./
Outputs the language code with page count in json format. Supplied to the dashboard. Output Format (example): {'code':'en_US','docs':'500'}
lingotek_notifications in ./
Registers the site translation notfication callback.
lingotek_setup_node_updates_form in ./
Future Page - Form Layout