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 * @file
 * Utilities

 * Helper function, for storing additional information with a Node.
 * @param $nid
 *  NodeId.
 * @param $key
 *  (optional) "" Key to look up in the database.  If no key is specified, then
 *  every key for the Node is returned with it's value.
 * @param $value
 *  (optional) "" Value to save.  If "" or no value is given for $value, then
 *  it will return the $value of the first found instance of the specified $key
 *  in the database.  Returns FALSE if no value is found.
function lingotek_lingonode($nid, $key = "", $value = "") {
  if ($nid == 'all') {
    $lingo_node = array();
    $result = db_query('SELECT n.nid, n.lingokey, n.lingovalue FROM {lingotek} n');
    while ($row = db_fetch_object($result)) {
      $lingo_node[$row->nid][$row->lingokey] = check_plain($row->lingovalue);
    return $lingo_node;
  elseif (is_numeric($nid) && $nid) {

    //Return an array with all of the keys and values.
    if ($key == "") {
      $lingo_node = array();
      $result = db_query('SELECT n.lingokey, n.lingovalue FROM {lingotek} n WHERE n.nid = %d', $nid);
      while ($row = db_fetch_object($result)) {
        $lingo_node[$row->lingokey] = check_plain($row->lingovalue);
      return $lingo_node;
    elseif ($value == "") {
      $result = db_query("SELECT n.lingovalue FROM {lingotek} n WHERE n.nid = %d AND n.lingokey = '%s'", $nid, $key);
      $row = db_fetch_object($result);
      if ($row) {
        return check_plain($row->lingovalue);
      else {
        return FALSE;
    else {

      //insert or update

      // Insert
      if (lingotek_lingonode($nid, $key) === FALSE) {
        db_query("INSERT INTO {lingotek} VALUES(%d, '%s', '%s')", $nid, $key, $value);
      else {
        db_query("UPDATE {lingotek} SET lingovalue = '%s' WHERE nid = %d AND lingokey = '%s'", $value, $nid, $key);

 * Revert from having been embedded in XML
 * @param $text
 *  Text to be unescaped
 * @return
 *  Text that has been unescaped
function lingotek_xml_decode($text) {
  $text = str_replace("&lt;", "<", $text);
  $text = str_replace("&gt;", ">", $text);
  $text = str_replace("&apos;", "'", $text);
  $text = str_replace("&quot;", "\"", $text);
  $text = str_replace("&amp;", "&", $text);
  return $text;

 * Match Lingotek's language code to what drupal uses
 * @param $string
 *  Language Code returned from Lingotek
 * @return
 *  Language Code as used by drupal (only uses default, not dynamic)
function lingotek_language_matching($string) {
  switch ($string) {
    case 'pt_BR':
      return "pt-br";
    case 'pt_PT':
      return "pt-pt";
    case 'zh_CN':
      return "zh-hans";
    case 'zh_TW':
      return "zh-hant";
      return preg_replace("/_.*\$/", "", $string);

 * Debug/Trace error logging
function lingotek_trace($msg, $data = NULL) {
  if (variable_get('lingotek_trace_log', TRUE)) {
  lingotek_error($msg, $data, $depth = 1, WATCHDOG_DEBUG);

 * Error output
 * @param $msg
 *  Text to display in the error as the cause
 * @param $data
 *  default = NULL, Additional useful data as an associative array to print for diagnosing the problem.
 * @param $depth
 *  default = 0, How far to look for the calling function and it's parameters
 * @param $severity
 *  default = WATCHDOG_ERROR, watchdog severity
function lingotek_error($msg, $data = NULL, $depth = 0, $severity = WATCHDOG_ERROR) {
  if ($severity == WATCHDOG_WARNING && variable_get('lingotek_warning_log', FALSE)) {
  $backtrace = debug_backtrace();
  $location = $backtrace[$depth]['file'] . ':' . $backtrace[$depth]['line'];
  $function = $backtrace[$depth + 1]['function'];
  $args = @json_encode($backtrace[$depth + 1]['args']);
  $data_output = "";
  if (isset($data)) {
    $data_output = json_encode($data);
  watchdog('lingotek', '<span style="word-break: break-all;"><b>MESSAGE:</b> %msg <br /><b>DATA:</b> %data <br /><b>FILE:</b> %location<br /><b>FUNCTION:</b>%function<br /><b>ARGS:</b> %args</span>', array(
    '%msg' => $msg,
    '%data' => $data_output,
    '%location' => $location,
    '%function' => $function,
    '%args' => $args,
  ), $severity);
  if (variable_get('lingotek_error_log', FALSE)) {
    error_log("MESSAGE: {$msg} DATA: {$data_output} FILE: {$location} FUNCTION: {$function} ARGS: {$args}");

 * Get a string representation of an object
 * @param $obj
 *  Object to be var_dump'ed
 * @return
 *  String with the output of var_dump
function lingotek_dump($obj) {
  $string = ob_get_contents();
  return $string;

 * Returns whether caching is enabled.
 * @return
 *   Boolean value.
function lingotek_do_cache() {
  return !(variable_get('lingotek_flush_cache', FALSE) && user_access('access access lingotek developer features'));
function lingotek_event_begin($node) {
  return TRUE;

  //lingotek_lingonode($node->nid, 'document_id');
function lingotek_event_complete($node) {
  $result = FALSE;
  if (!lingotek_lingonode($node->nid, 'finished')) {
    $result = lingotek_lingonode($node->nid, 'percent_complete') == "100";
    if ($result) {
      lingotek_lingonode($node->nid, 'finished', TRUE);
  return $result;