You are here in Lingotek Translation 7.6

Sync and management

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 * @file
 * Sync and management

// ----  Other Functions

 * Generate and return the site callback url.
 * This URL will be called when a document translation is complete, and can be downloaded.
 * Format:  ?doc_id={document_id}&target_code={target_language}&project_id={project_id}&completed={completed}
 * */
function lingotek_notify_url_generate($security_token = NULL) {
  global $base_url;
  if (is_null($security_token)) {
    $security_token = variable_get('lingotek_notify_security_token', NULL);
    if (is_null($security_token)) {
      $security_token = md5(time());
      variable_set('lingotek_notify_security_token', $security_token);
  return $base_url . '/?q=' . LINGOTEK_NOTIFY_URL . '&doc_id={document_uuid}&doc_idx={document_id}&target_code={target_language}&completed={completed}&project_id={project_id}&security_token=' . $security_token;

 * Update the Notify URL (via API)
function lingotek_notify_url_update($show_messages = TRUE) {
  $integration_id = variable_get('lingotek_integration_id', NULL);
  $success = LingotekSync::updateNotifyUrl();
  if ($show_messages) {
    if ($success) {
      drupal_set_message(t("Notification callback URL successfully updated."));
    else {
      drupal_set_message(t("Notification callback URL was not successfully updated."), 'error');
  return $success;

 * Notify URL Check - call lingotek_notify_url_update when lingotek_notify_url no longer matches lingotek_notify_url_generate
function lingotek_notify_url_check() {
  if (strcasecmp(variable_get('lingotek_notify_url', ''), lingotek_notify_url_generate()) != 0) {
function lingotek_get_trans_obj($document_id, $document_idx) {

  // Adding a delay in the update.  Without the delay all the different language updates hit at once, causing node lock issues as multiple languages try to update the same node at once.
  $min = 0;
  $max = 3;
  $sleep = rand($min, $max);
  $trans_obj = NULL;

  // try 3 times if by chance we don't find the document in the database yet..
  $attempts = 0;
  while ($attempts < 3) {
    list($id, $type) = LingotekSync::getEntityIdFromDocId($document_id);
    if (!$id) {

      // check for the old style document_id
      list($id, $type) = LingotekSync::getEntityIdFromDocId($document_idx);
      if ($id) {
        $document_id = $document_idx;
    if ($id) {
      $entity = lingotek_entity_load_single($type, $id);
      $trans_obj = LingotekEntity::load($entity, $type);
    if ($trans_obj = LingotekConfigSet::loadByLingotekDocumentId($document_id)) {
    LingotekLog::info('Did not find doc ID @doc_id yet on attempt #@attempt, retrying...', array(
      '@attempt' => $attempts,
      '@doc_id' => $document_id,
  if (!$trans_obj) {
    LingotekLog::error('Did not find doc ID @doc_id after all attempts.  Giving up.', array(
      '@doc_id' => $document_id,
  return $trans_obj;

 * Registers the site translation notfication callback.
function lingotek_notifications() {
  LingotekLog::trace('Received <pre>@data</pre>', array(
    '@data' => var_export($_GET, TRUE),
  ), 'callback');
  $document_id = isset($_GET['doc_id']) ? $_GET['doc_id'] : NULL;

  // uuid
  $document_idx = isset($_GET['doc_idx']) ? $_GET['doc_idx'] : NULL;

  // this is the deprecated document number
  $lingotek_locale = isset($_GET['target_code']) ? $_GET['target_code'] : NULL;
  $project_id = isset($_GET['project_id']) ? $_GET['project_id'] : NULL;
  $completed = isset($_GET['completed']) ? $_GET['completed'] : 1;
  $security_token = isset($_GET['security_token']) ? $_GET['security_token'] : NULL;
  $stored_security_token = variable_get('lingotek_notify_security_token', NULL);
  if (!is_null($stored_security_token)) {

    // only enforce security token matching if set as variable
    if (strcmp($security_token, $stored_security_token) != 0) {
      return drupal_json_output(array(
        "message" => "Invalid security token",
  if (!isset($document_id) && !isset($document_idx) || !isset($lingotek_locale)) {
    return drupal_json_output(array(
      "message" => "Missing Required Parameter(s).  Required: doc_id, target_code",
  include_once '';
  $target_drupal_language_code = Lingotek::convertLingotek2Drupal($lingotek_locale);
  $trans_obj = lingotek_get_trans_obj($document_id, $document_idx);
  $downloaded = FALSE;
  if ($trans_obj) {
      ->preDownload($lingotek_locale, $completed);
    $replacements = array(
      '@trans_type' => get_class($trans_obj),
      '@document' => $document_id,
      '@language_code' => $lingotek_locale,
      '@project_id' => $project_id,
      '@id' => $trans_obj
    if ($downloaded = $trans_obj
      ->downloadTriggered($lingotek_locale)) {
      LingotekLog::trace('Updated local content for <strong>@trans_type</strong> @id based on hit
            from external API for document: @document, language code @language_code, project ID: @project_id', $replacements, 'api');
    else {
      LingotekLog::trace('Unable to update local content for <strong>@trans_type</strong> @id based on hit
            from external API for document: @document, language code @language_code, project ID: @project_id', $replacements, 'api');
      ->postDownload($lingotek_locale, $completed);
  else {
    LingotekLog::error('Lingotek document ID (@doc_id) not found.', array(
      '@doc_id' => $document_id,
    return drupal_json_output(array(
      "message" => "The doc_id was not found on the site.",
  LingotekLog::info('[notify] <br/><b>code:</b> @lingotek_locale <br/><b>doc_id:</b> @document_id<br/><b>project:</b> @project_id <br/><b>entity:</b> @entity_type #@entity_id (@target_drupal_language_code) <br/><b>completed</b>: @completed', array(
    '@document_id' => $document_id,
    '@lingotek_locale' => $lingotek_locale,
    '@project_id' => $project_id,
    '@target_drupal_language_code' => $target_drupal_language_code,
    '@entity_type' => isset($trans_obj) ? $trans_obj
      ->getEntityType() : '',
    '@entity_id' => isset($trans_obj) ? $trans_obj
      ->getId() : '',
    '@completed' => $completed,
  ), 'callback');
  $found = isset($trans_obj) && $trans_obj;
  $response = array_merge($_GET, array(
    'target_drupal_language_code' => $target_drupal_language_code,
    'type' => isset($trans_obj) ? $trans_obj
      ->getEntityType() : '',
    'id' => isset($trans_obj) ? $trans_obj
      ->getId() : '',
    'found' => $found,
    'download' => $downloaded,
  return drupal_json_output($response);

 * The API endpoint for bulk translation management
function lingotek_sync_endpoint() {
  $parameters = array();
  $method = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'];
  $status = "200";
  $request = array(
    'method' => $method,
  $response = array();
  switch ($method) {
    case 'GET':
      $request['parameters'] = $parameters = $_GET;

      /* $request['doc_ids'] = $document_ids = isset($parameters['doc_ids']) ? array_map(function($val) {
         return trim($val);
         }, explode(',', $parameters['doc_ids'])) : array(); */
      $response = LingotekSync::getReport();
    case 'POST':
    case 'PUT':
    case 'DELETE':
      parse_str(file_get_contents("php://input"), $parameters);
      $status = "405 Method Not Allowed";
  return lingotek_json_output_cors($response, $status, array(
    'methods_allowed' => 'GET',

* Updates the 'target_sync_status_[lang-code]' field for every target in the lingotek table
* with the overall progress returned by TMS
* @param int array $document_ids
*    array of Document IDs that you want to update
function lingotek_get_and_update_target_progress($entity_type, $document_ids, $current_nids, $total_nids, &$context) {
  $context['message'] = t('Checking status of translations (@current of @total complete)', array(
    '@current' => $current_nids,
    '@total' => $total_nids,
  $api = LingotekApi::Instance();
  if (empty($document_ids)) {
  if (!is_array($document_ids)) {
    $document_ids = array(
  $project_id = variable_get('lingotek_project', NULL);
  $progress_report = $api
    ->getProgressReport($project_id, $document_ids);
  $targets_count = LingotekSync::getTargetCountByDocumentIds($document_ids);
  if (isset($progress_report) && $progress_report->results == 'success') {
    $delete_nids_maybe = array();
    $entity_values = array();
    $trans_obj = NULL;
    if (!empty($progress_report->errors)) {
      foreach (get_object_vars($progress_report->errors) as $doc_id => $error) {
        list($entity_id, $entity_type) = LingotekSync::getEntityIdFromDocId($doc_id, $entity_type);
        switch ($error->status) {
          case 'IN_QUEUE':
            lingotek_keystore($entity_type, $entity_id, 'upload_status', LingotekSync::STATUS_PENDING);
          case 'NOT_FOUND':
            lingotek_keystore($entity_type, $entity_id, 'upload_status', LingotekSync::STATUS_FAILED);
            lingotek_keystore($entity_type, $entity_id, 'last_sync_error', substr($error, 0, 255));
            LingotekLog::error('Received unexpected error status (@status) from Lingotek for @entity_type #@id: <pre>@error</pre>', array(
              '@status' => $error->status,
              '@entity_type' => $entity_type,
              '@id' => $entity_id,
              '@error' => $error,
    foreach ($progress_report->byDocumentIdAndTargetLocale as $doc_id => $completion) {
      list($entity_id, $entity_type_from_table) = LingotekSync::getEntityIdFromDocId($doc_id);
      if (!$entity_id) {
        LingotekLog::error("Lingotek doc ID '@doc_id' not found", array(
          '@doc_id' => $doc_id,
      else {
        $delete_nids_maybe[] = $entity_id;
        $target_number = isset($targets_count[$entity_id]->targets) ? $targets_count[$entity_id]->targets : 0;
      foreach ($completion as $language => $percent) {
        $status = LingotekSync::getTargetStatus($doc_id, $language);
        if (isset($progress_report->workflowCompletedByDocumentIdAndTargetLocale->{$doc_id}->{$language})) {
          if ($progress_report->workflowCompletedByDocumentIdAndTargetLocale->{$doc_id}->{$language}) {

            // If the workflow is complete
            if ($status != LingotekSync::STATUS_CURRENT) {

              // If the status is not current
              $to_status = LingotekSync::STATUS_READY;

              // Set it to ready
            else {
              $to_status = LingotekSync::STATUS_CURRENT;

              // Otherwise keep it at current
          else {

            // If the workflow is not complete
            $to_status = LingotekSync::STATUS_PENDING;

            // Set it to pending
          $entity_values[] = array(
            'target_sync_status_' . $language,

      // update source status when necessary
      $entity_source_status = lingotek_keystore($entity_type, $entity_id, 'upload_status');
      if ($entity_source_status == LingotekSync::STATUS_FAILED || $entity_source_status == LingotekSync::STATUS_PENDING) {
        lingotek_keystore($entity_type, $entity_id, 'upload_status', LingotekSync::STATUS_CURRENT);

    // merge status info for entities
    foreach ($entity_values as $record) {
      $entity_id = isset($record['entity_id']) ? $record['entity_id'] : $record[1];
      $entity_key = isset($record['entity_key']) ? $record['entity_key'] : $record[2];
      $value = isset($record['value']) ? $record['value'] : $record[3];
      $query = db_merge('lingotek_entity_metadata')
        'entity_id' => $entity_id,
        'entity_type' => $entity_type,
        'entity_key' => $entity_key,
        'entity_type' => $entity_type,
        'entity_id' => $entity_id,
        'entity_key' => $entity_key,
        'value' => $value,
    return $progress_report;
  else {
    $error_message = t("API Error(s):") . " <ul>";
    if (is_array($progress_report->errors)) {
      foreach ($progress_report->errors as $error) {
        $error_message .= "<li>" . $error . "</li>";
    $error_message .= "</ul><i>" . t('For additional information, check your <a href="@link">recent log messages</a>', array(
      '@link' => url('admin/reports/dblog'),
    )) . "</i>";
    drupal_set_message($error_message, 'error');

* Updates the 'target_sync_status_[lang-code]' field for every target in the
* lingotek_config_metadata table with the overall progress returned by TMS
* @param int array $document_ids
*    array of Document IDs to be updated
function lingotek_update_config_progress($document_ids) {
  $api = LingotekApi::Instance();
  if (empty($document_ids)) {
  if (!is_array($document_ids)) {
    $document_ids = array(
  $config_profile = lingotek_get_profile_settings(LingotekSync::PROFILE_CONFIG);
  $project_id = array_key_exists('project_id', $config_profile) ? $config_profile['project_id'] : variable_get('lingotek_project', '');
  $progress_report = $api
    ->getProgressReport($project_id, $document_ids);
  if (isset($progress_report) && $progress_report->results == 'success') {
    $cids = array();
    $cfg_values = array();
    $trans_obj = NULL;
    if (isset($progress_report->errors)) {
      foreach (get_object_vars($progress_report->errors) as $doc_id => $error) {
        $set = LingotekConfigSet::loadByLingotekDocumentId($doc_id);
        switch ($error->status) {
          case 'IN_QUEUE':
              ->setMetadataValue('upload_status', LingotekSync::STATUS_PENDING);
          case 'NOT_FOUND':
              ->setMetadataValue('upload_status', LingotekSync::STATUS_FAILED);
            LingotekLog::error('Received unexpected error status (@status) from Lingotek for config chunk #@id: <pre>@error</pre>', array(
              '@status' => $error->status,
              '@id' => $chunk,
              '@error' => $error,
    foreach ($progress_report->byDocumentIdAndTargetLocale as $doc_id => $completion) {
      $trans_obj = LingotekConfigSet::loadByLingotekDocumentId($doc_id);
      if (!$trans_obj) {
        LingotekLog::error("Lingotek doc ID '@doc_id' not found", array(
          '@doc_id' => $doc_id,
      foreach ($completion as $language => $percent) {
        $status = LingotekSync::getTargetStatus($doc_id, $language);
        if (isset($progress_report->workflowCompletedByDocumentIdAndTargetLocale->{$doc_id}->{$language})) {
          if ($progress_report->workflowCompletedByDocumentIdAndTargetLocale->{$doc_id}->{$language}) {

            // If the workflow is complete
            if ($status != LingotekSync::STATUS_CURRENT) {

              // If the status is not current
              $to_status = LingotekSync::STATUS_READY;

              // Set it to ready
            else {
              $to_status = LingotekSync::STATUS_CURRENT;

              // Otherwise keep it at current
          else {

            // If the workflow is not complete
            $to_status = LingotekSync::STATUS_PENDING;

            // Set it to pending
          $cfg_values[] = array(
            'target_sync_status_' . $language,

    // insert status info for config
    foreach ($cfg_values as $record) {
      $query = db_merge('lingotek_config_metadata')
        'id' => $record[0],
        'config_key' => $record[1],
        'id' => $record[0],
        'config_key' => $record[1],
        'value' => $record[2],
    return $progress_report;
  else {
    $error_message = t("API Error(s):") . " <ul>";
    if (is_array($progress_report->errors)) {
      foreach ($progress_report->errors as $error) {
        $error_message .= "<li>" . $error . "</li>";
    $error_message .= "</ul><i>" . t('For additional information, check your <a href="@link">recent log messages</a>', array(
      '@link' => url('admin/reports/dblog'),
    )) . "</i>";
    drupal_set_message($error_message, 'error');


Namesort descending Description
lingotek_get_and_update_target_progress Updates the 'target_sync_status_[lang-code]' field for every target in the lingotek table with the overall progress returned by TMS
lingotek_notifications Registers the site translation notfication callback.
lingotek_notify_url_check Notify URL Check - call lingotek_notify_url_update when lingotek_notify_url no longer matches lingotek_notify_url_generate
lingotek_notify_url_generate Generate and return the site callback url. This URL will be called when a document translation is complete, and can be downloaded. Format: ?doc_id={document_id}&target_code={target_language}&project_id={project_id}&completed={completed}
lingotek_notify_url_update Update the Notify URL (via API)
lingotek_sync_endpoint The API endpoint for bulk translation management
lingotek_update_config_progress Updates the 'target_sync_status_[lang-code]' field for every target in the lingotek_config_metadata table with the overall progress returned by TMS