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9 calls to lingotek_extend_metadata_tables() in Lingotek Translation 7.6

lingotek_update_7404 in ./lingotek.install
Upgrade the callback URL signature and adds translation profiles.
lingotek_update_7408 in ./lingotek.install
Creates an upgrade path for existing translated content to be inserted into entity_translation module table if necessary
lingotek_update_7500 in ./lingotek.install
Adds support for translating additional entity types
lingotek_update_7501 in ./lingotek.install
Updates 'lingotek_account_plan_type' to be 'advanced' when 'enterprise'
lingotek_update_7502 in ./lingotek.install
Migrates comment profile settings
lingotek_update_7503 in ./lingotek.install
Migrate any CUSTOM profile usage within entity_profiles
lingotek_update_7504 in ./lingotek.install
Add indexes to the lingotek_entity_metadata table
lingotek_update_7505 in ./lingotek.install
Remove unused entries from lingotek_entity_metadata table
lingotek_update_7506 in ./lingotek.install
Add created and modified timestamps to lingotek schemas.