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8 uses of LINGOTEK_MENU_LANG_BASE_URL in Lingotek Translation 7.3

LingotekFunctionalTest::connectToLingotek in tests/lingotek.base.test
Sets up the association between this test instance and the Lingotek system.
lingotek_admin_node_translation_settings_form_submit in ./
Node Translation Settings - Form Submit
lingotek_dashboard in ./
Tab: Dashboard - The main Lingotek dashboard page.
lingotek_get_dashboard_code in ./
Generates the code for the embedded Javascript dashboard.
lingotek_setup_additional_translation_settings_form_submit in ./
lingotek_sync_batch_create in ./
Batch Create - Sync: Uploads new and changed documents for translation and Downloads translated documents.
lingotek_sync_batch_create_old in ./
lingotek_upload_document in ./lingotek.module