You are here in Lingotek Translation 6

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 * @file
 * Call the Lingotek APIs
$GLOBALS['_lingotek_client'] = new LingotekSession();

 * Can we log in and are the credentials right for logging in?
function lingotek_can_log_in() {
  global $_lingotek_client;
  if ($_lingotek_client
    ->canLogIn()) {
    return t("True");
  else {
    return t("False");

 * Get the most recent export of the document in the target language
 * @param $source_node
 *  Node containing the source language
 * @param $target_node
 *  Node containing the target language desired in the sync
 * @param $save
 *  (optional) TRUE
 *  Should the currently used target node be saved within this process?
function lingotek_download_document($source_node, $target_node, $save = TRUE) {
  global $_lingotek_client, $_lingotek_locale;
  $document_id = lingotek_lingonode($source_node->nid, 'document_id');
  $target_language = $_lingotek_locale[$target_node->language];
  $params = array(
    'documentId' => $document_id,
    'targetLanguage' => $target_language,
    'useSource' => 'TRUE',
  if (!isset($target_language) || !isset($document_id)) {
    lingotek_error('downloadDocument was not called because it was missing parameters', $params);

  //Get the finished document
  $text = $_lingotek_client
    ->download("downloadDocument", $params);
  try {
    $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($text);
  } catch (Exception $e) {
    lingotek_error("downloadDocument FAILED", array(
      'xml' => $text,
      'error' => $e

  //Update the Node details to show the translated document
  $titles = $xml
  $bodies = $xml
  $target_node->title = decode_entities(lingotek_xml_decode($titles[0]));
  $target_node->body = lingotek_xml_decode($bodies[0]);
  $target_node->teaser = node_teaser($target_node->body, $source_node->format);

  // Publish the node if the source was published
  $target_node->status = $source_node->status;
  $target_node->promote = $source_node->promote;
  $target_node->sticky = $source_node->sticky;
  $target_node->tnid = $source_node->nid;
  if ($save) {
    if (!isset($target_node->vid)) {
      $target_node->vid = $target_node->nid;

 * Save a segment
 * Helper method so that if a node has the tnid deferred until later, it will
 * get it from the database instead.
 * @param $source_text
 *  Source text
 * @param $target_text
 *  Target text that should be saved in the segment
 * @param $target_language
 *  Target language as used by lingotek (locale_country)
 * @param $doc_id
 *  Document Id
 * @return
 *  boolean, true if the api call was successful
function lingotek_save_segment($source_text, $target_text, $target_language, $doc_id) {
  global $_lingotek_client;
  $param = array(
    "sourceText" => $source_text,
    "targetText" => $target_text,
    "targetLanguage" => $target_language,
    "documentId" => $doc_id,
    "overwrite" => 0,
  $save_segment = $_lingotek_client
    ->request("saveSegment", $param);
  return $save_segment->results == "success";


 * Create a project and return it's id.
 * @param $name
 *  Project name being created
function lingotek_add_project($name) {
  global $_lingotek_client;
  $output = $_lingotek_client
    ->request('addProject', array(
    'projectName' => $name,
  if ($output->results == "success") {
    variable_set('lingotek_project', $output->id);
    return $output->id;

 * Create a vault, and return it's id.
 * @param $name
 *  Vault name being created
function lingotek_add_vault($name) {
  global $_lingotek_client;
  $output = $_lingotek_client
    ->request('addTMVault', array(
    'tmVaultName' => $name,
  if ($output->results == "success") {
    variable_set('lingotek_vault', $output->id);
    return $output->id;

 * Add the current vault to the current project.  It doesn't hurt to call this more than once.
function lingotek_add_vault_to_project() {
  global $_lingotek_client;
  $vault_id = variable_get('lingotek_vault', '');
  $project_id = variable_get('lingotek_project', '');
  if ($vault_id != '' && $project_id != '') {
    $param = array(
      'project_id' => $project_id,
      'index_id' => $vault_id,
      ->request('addProjectTMVault', $param);


 * Retrieve a tnid
 * Helper method so that if a node has the tnid deferred until later, it will
 * get it from the database instead.
 * @param $node
 *  Node object which we want the tnid for
 * @return
 *  tnid
function lingotek_tnid($node) {
  $tnid = lingotek_lingonode($node->nid, 'tnid');
  if ($tnid) {
    return $tnid;
  else {
    return $node->tnid;

 * Retrieve a translation set from the database for the defined $tnid.
 * @param $tnid
 *  Translation Node Id
 * @return
 *  Return an associative array of the nodes translated, keyed by language
function lingotek_node_get_translations($tnid) {
  static $translations = array();
  if (is_numeric($tnid) && $tnid) {
    if (!isset($translations[$tnid])) {
      $translations[$tnid] = array();
      $query = 'SELECT n.nid, n.title, n.language FROM {node} n LEFT JOIN lingotek ln ON n.nid = ln.nid AND ln.{lingokey} = \'tnid\' WHERE n.tnid = %d OR ln.lingovalue = \'%d\'';
      $result = db_query($query, $tnid, $tnid);
      while ($node = db_fetch_object($result)) {
        $translations[$tnid][$node->language] = $node;
    $source = node_load(array(
      'nid' => $tnid,
    return $translations[$tnid];

 * Get the Lingotek user's cms key for the community they are currently logged in with
function lingotek_get_cms_key() {
  global $_lingotek_client;
  $output = $_lingotek_client
  if ($output->results == "success") {
    return $output->cms;
  else {
    return "";

 * Get the Lingotek user's current communities
function lingotek_get_communities() {
  global $_lingotek_client;
  $options = array();
  if (!$_lingotek_client
    ->canLogIn()) {
    return $options;
  $list_communities = $_lingotek_client
    ->request("listCommunities", array());
  if ($list_communities->results == "success") {
    foreach ($list_communities->communities as $community) {
      $options[$community->id] = t($community->name);
  return $options;

 * Get machine translation engines available to this module
function lingotek_get_machine_translation_engines() {
  $engines = array();
  $engines['google'] = t("Google MT");
  $engines['microsoft'] = t("Microsoft MT");
  return $engines;

 * Retrieve a translation set from the database for the defined $tnid.
 * @param $lang_prefix
 *  Language code for the wanted node
 * @param $tnid
 *  Translation Node Id
 * @return
 *  Node object
function lingotek_get_node($lang_prefix, $tnid) {
  $result = db_query("SELECT n.nid FROM {node} n INNER JOIN {lingotek} ln ON n.nid = ln.nid AND ln.lingokey = 'tnid' WHERE n.language = '%s' AND ln.lingovalue = '%s'", $lang_prefix, $tnid);
  $row = db_fetch_object($result);
  if ($row) {
    return node_load(array(
      'nid' => $row->nid,
  else {
    return node_load(array(
      'language' => $lang_prefix,
      'tnid' => $tnid,

 * Get the Lingotek user's phase (workflow) templates
function lingotek_get_phase_templates() {
  global $_lingotek_client;
  $options = array();
  $options[1] = t("Translation Only");
  $options[2] = t("Translation + 1 review");
  $options[3] = t("Translation + 2 reviews");
  $options[4] = t("Translation + 3 reviews");
  if (!$_lingotek_client
    ->canLogIn()) {
    return $options;

  //Add custom phase templates:
  $list_phase_templates = $_lingotek_client
  if ($list_phase_templates->results == "success") {
    foreach ($list_phase_templates->phaseTemplates as $phase_template) {
      $options[$phase_template->id] = t($phase_template->name);
  return $options;

 * Get the Lingotek user's current projects
function lingotek_get_projects() {
  global $_lingotek_client;
  $options = array();
  if (!$_lingotek_client
    ->canLogIn()) {
    return $options;
  $list_projects = $_lingotek_client
  if ($list_projects->results == "success") {
    foreach ($list_projects->projects as $project) {
      $options[$project->id] = t($project->name);
  return $options;

 * Get available synchronization methods for keeping nodes up-to-date
function lingotek_get_sync_methods() {
  $methods = array();
  $methods[0] = t("Never");
  $methods[1] = t("Always");
  $methods[100] = t("100%");
  return $methods;

 * Get the Lingotek user's current vaults
function lingotek_get_vaults() {
  global $_lingotek_client;
  $options = array();
  if (!$_lingotek_client
    ->isLoggedIn()) {
    return $options;
  $list_TM_vaults = $_lingotek_client
  if ($list_TM_vaults->results == "success") {
    foreach ($list_TM_vaults->personalVaults as $vault) {
      $options["Personal Vaults"][$vault->id] = t($vault->name);
    foreach ($list_TM_vaults->publicVaults as $vault) {
      $options["Public Vaults"][$vault->id] = t($vault->name);
  return $options;

 * Link to the Workbench for the given phase
 * @param $document_id
 *  Lingotek Document Id
 * @param $phase_id
 *  Lingotek Phase Id
 * @param $label
 *  Text to use for the link
 * @return
 *  link source
function lingotek_workbench_phase_link($document_id, $phase_id, $label) {
  global $user;
  $arr = array(
    'community' => variable_get('lingotek_community', ''),
    'id' => $user->name,
    'time' => time(),
    'document' => $document_id,
    'phase' => $phase_id,
  $mode = 'cmsWorkbench.action';
  $json_str = json_encode($arr);
  $path = variable_get('lingotek_url', '') . "/lingopoint/portal/" . $mode . "?auth_json=" . urlencode($json_str) . "&hmac=" . urlencode(LingotekSession::create_mac($json_str));
  if (module_exists('lightbox2') && variable_get('lingotek_use_lightbox', FALSE)) {
    return l(t($label), $path, array(
      'attributes' => array(
        'rel' => 'lightframe',
  else {
    return l(t($label), '#', array(
      'attributes' => array(
        'onclick' => '\'' . $path . '\'); return false;',

 * Get the xliff information for a document
 * This fetches an xliff representation of the source document.
 * @param $doc_id
 *  Document id that associates the node to the Lingotek platform
 * @return
 *  xml text of the xliff
function lingotek_get_xliff($doc_id) {
  global $_lingotek_client;
  $xliff_text = "";
  $params = array(
    'documentId' => $doc_id,
  return $_lingotek_client
    ->download("downloadDocumentAsXliff", $params);