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public function OAuthStoreSQL::checkServerNonce in Lingotek Translation 7.4

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.7 lib/oauth-php/library/store/OAuthStoreSQL.php \OAuthStoreSQL::checkServerNonce()
  2. 7.2 lib/oauth-php/library/store/OAuthStoreSQL.php \OAuthStoreSQL::checkServerNonce()
  3. 7.3 lib/oauth-php/library/store/OAuthStoreSQL.php \OAuthStoreSQL::checkServerNonce()
  4. 7.5 lib/oauth-php/library/store/OAuthStoreSQL.php \OAuthStoreSQL::checkServerNonce()
  5. 7.6 lib/oauth-php/library/store/OAuthStoreSQL.php \OAuthStoreSQL::checkServerNonce()

* Check an nonce/timestamp combination. Clears any nonce combinations * that are older than the one received. * *


string consumer_key: * @param string token * @param int timestamp * @param string nonce * @exception OAuthException2 thrown when the timestamp is not in sequence or nonce is not unique

Overrides OAuthStoreAbstract::checkServerNonce


lib/oauth-php/library/store/OAuthStoreSQL.php, line 1606




public function checkServerNonce($consumer_key, $token, $timestamp, $nonce) {
  $r = $this
							SELECT MAX(osn_timestamp), MAX(osn_timestamp) > %d + %d
							FROM oauth_server_nonce
							WHERE osn_consumer_key = \'%s\'
							  AND osn_token        = \'%s\'
							', $timestamp, $this->max_timestamp_skew, $consumer_key, $token);
  if (!empty($r) && $r[1]) {
    throw new OAuthException2('Timestamp is out of sequence. Request rejected. Got ' . $timestamp . ' last max is ' . $r[0] . ' allowed skew is ' . $this->max_timestamp_skew);

  // Insert the new combination
				INSERT IGNORE INTO oauth_server_nonce
				SET osn_consumer_key	= \'%s\',
					osn_token			= \'%s\',
					osn_timestamp		= %d,
					osn_nonce			= \'%s\'
				', $consumer_key, $token, $timestamp, $nonce);
  if ($this
    ->query_affected_rows() == 0) {
    throw new OAuthException2('Duplicate timestamp/nonce combination, possible replay attack.  Request rejected.');

  // Clean up all timestamps older than the one we just received
				DELETE FROM oauth_server_nonce
				WHERE osn_consumer_key	= \'%s\'
				  AND osn_token			= \'%s\'
				  AND osn_timestamp     < %d - %d
				', $consumer_key, $token, $timestamp, $this->max_timestamp_skew);