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6 calls to LingotekSync::getEntityIdFromDocId() in Lingotek Translation 7.5

LingotekSync::getNodeIdFromDocId in lib/Drupal/lingotek/LingotekSync.php
LingotekSync::getTargetStatus in lib/Drupal/lingotek/LingotekSync.php
lingotek_get_and_update_target_progress in ./
Updates the 'target_sync_status_[lang-code]' field for every target in the lingotek table with the overall progress returned by TMS
lingotek_get_sync_download_batch_elements in ./
Sync - Download Batch Elements: Creates the batch elements for nodes/documents that need to be downloaded.
lingotek_get_trans_obj in ./
lingotek_get_workbench_url_by_phases in ./
Get the url to open the Lingotek Workbench.