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lightning_media_image.install in Lightning Media 8.2

Contains install and update routines for Lightning Media Image.


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 * @file
 * Contains install and update routines for Lightning Media Image.
use Drupal\lightning_core\ConfigHelper as Config;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\ServiceNotFoundException;

 * Implements hook_install().
function lightning_media_image_install() {

  // Don't do anything during config sync.
  if (\Drupal::isConfigSyncing()) {
  $module_exists = [

  // Grants image browser access to the creator content role and the
  // media_creator and media_manager roles.
  if ($module_exists('lightning_roles')) {
  if ($module_exists('image_widget_crop')) {

    // Use the cropping widgets for every form display of the Image media type.
    $form_displays = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
      'targetEntityType' => 'media',
      'bundle' => 'image',

    /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\Display\EntityFormDisplayInterface $form_display */
    foreach ($form_displays as $form_display) {
      $component = $form_display
      if ($component && $component['type'] == 'image_image') {
        $component['type'] = 'image_widget_crop';
        $component['settings']['crop_list'] = [
        $component['settings']['show_crop_area'] = TRUE;
          ->setComponent('image', $component)

    // Try to use a local copy of Cropper over the CDN-hosted fallback.
    $lib = 'libraries/cropper/dist';
    $lib = [
      drupal_get_path('module', \Drupal::installProfile()) . "/{$lib}",
    $lib = array_filter($lib, 'is_dir');
    if ($lib) {
      $lib = reset($lib);
        ->set('settings.library_url', "{$lib}/cropper.min.js")
        ->set('settings.css_url', "{$lib}/cropper.min.css")

 * Creates the media_browser form display.
function lightning_media_image_update_8001() {
    ->getEntity('entity_form_display', 'media.image.media_browser')

 * Installs the image_browser entity browser.
function lightning_media_image_update_8002() {

  // A widget validation service was added to Entity Browser after alpha6, and
  // it will almost certainly be instantiated by the widget plugins during the
  // creation of a new entity browser.
  try {
  } catch (ServiceNotFoundException $e) {

    // Rebuild the container to ensure the widget validation service exists.
    ->getEntity('entity_browser', 'image_browser')

 * Removed in Lightning 8.x-2.21.
 * Formerly created the image browser display of the media view.
 * @deprecated
 * @see lightning_media_image_view_insert()
function lightning_media_image_update_8003() {

 * Removed in Lightning 8.x-2.10.
 * Formerly added the 'access image_browser entity browser pages' permission to
 * the media_creator and media_manager roles, as well as the creator content
 * role.
 * @deprecated
function lightning_media_image_update_8004() {

 * Removes the file link(s) and Remove button from the media_browser form.
function lightning_media_image_update_8005() {
  $display = entity_get_form_display('media', 'image', 'media_browser');
  $component = $display
  if ($component && $component['type'] == 'image_image') {
    $component['third_party_settings']['lightning_media'] = [
      'file_links' => FALSE,
      'remove_button' => FALSE,
      ->setComponent('image', $component)

 * Creates the thumbnail display for images.
function lightning_media_image_update_8006() {
    ->getEntity('entity_view_display', 'media.image.thumbnail')

 * Implements hook_update_dependencies().
function lightning_media_image_update_dependencies() {
  return [
    'lightning_media_image' => [
      8003 => [
        // 8003 modifies the image_browser entity browser, which is created by
        // Lightning Media Image 8002.
        'lightning_media_image' => 8002,
      // 8006 depends on the thumbnail view mode, which is created by
      // lightning_media 8015.
      8006 => [
        'lightning_media' => 8015,


Namesort descending Description
lightning_media_image_install Implements hook_install().
lightning_media_image_update_8001 Creates the media_browser form display.
lightning_media_image_update_8002 Installs the image_browser entity browser.
lightning_media_image_update_8003 Removed in Lightning 8.x-2.21.
lightning_media_image_update_8004 Removed in Lightning 8.x-2.10.
lightning_media_image_update_8005 Removes the file link(s) and Remove button from the media_browser form.
lightning_media_image_update_8006 Creates the thumbnail display for images.
lightning_media_image_update_dependencies Implements hook_update_dependencies().