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lightning_layout.module in Lightning Layout 8

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 8.2 lightning_layout.module

Contains layout functionality for Lightning.


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 * @file
 * Contains layout functionality for Lightning.
use Drupal\block_content\BlockContentInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\Entity\EntityFormDisplay;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\Entity\EntityViewDisplay;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\Entity\EntityViewMode;
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Url;
use Drupal\lightning_core\ConfigHelper as Config;
use Drupal\lightning_core\Element;
use Drupal\lightning_core\OverrideHelper as Override;
use Drupal\lightning_layout\Plugin\Field\FieldWidget\PanelizerWidget;
use Drupal\node\Entity\NodeType;
use Drupal\node\NodeTypeInterface;
use Drupal\user\Entity\Role;
use Drupal\user\RoleInterface;

 * Implements hook_modules_installed().
function lightning_layout_modules_installed(array $modules) {

  // Don't do anything during config sync.
  if (\Drupal::isConfigSyncing()) {
  if (in_array('lightning_roles', $modules, TRUE)) {
      ->grantPermissions('creator', [
      'access panels in-place editing',
      'change layouts in place editing',
      'administer panelizer node ? content',
      'administer panelizer node ? layout',

 * Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_insert().
function lightning_layout_user_role_insert(RoleInterface $role) {

  // Don't do anything during config sync.
  if (\Drupal::isConfigSyncing()) {
  elseif ($role
    ->id() == 'layout_manager' && Config::isBundled($role)) {
    $node_types = NodeType::loadMultiple();
    array_walk($node_types, 'lightning_layout_node_type_insert');

 * Implements hook_block_content_delete().
function lightning_layout_block_content_delete(BlockContentInterface $block_content) {

 * Implements hook_block_alter().
function lightning_layout_block_alter(array &$blocks) {
  $allow = \Drupal::config('lightning_layout.settings')

  // Suppress all entity_block derivatives for non-whitelisted entity types.
  $plugins = preg_grep('/^entity_block:/', array_keys($blocks));
  foreach ($plugins as $plugin_id) {
    if (!in_array(substr($plugin_id, 13), $allow)) {

 * Implements hook_field_widget_info_alter().
function lightning_layout_field_widget_info_alter(array &$info) {
  Override::pluginClass($info['panelizer'], PanelizerWidget::class);

 * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
function lightning_layout_form_entity_view_display_edit_form_alter(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
  $form['#process'][] = 'lightning_layout_tweak_panelizer_ui';

 * Tweaks the Panelizer stuff on an entity view display form.
 * @param array $element
 *   The form element containing Panelizer's entity view display options.
 * @param \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state
 *   The current form state.
 * @return array
 *   The processed element.
function lightning_layout_tweak_panelizer_ui(array $element, FormStateInterface $form_state) {

  /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\Display\EntityViewDisplayInterface $display */
  $display = $form_state
  $panelizer_enabled = $display
    ->getThirdPartySetting('panelizer', 'enable', FALSE);

  // Check if this display is for an internal view mode.
  $view_mode = EntityViewMode::load($display
    ->getTargetEntityTypeId() . '.' . $display
  if ($view_mode) {
    $internal = $view_mode
      ->getThirdPartySetting('lightning_core', 'internal');
    if ($internal) {

      // If it's not already applied, don't allow Panelizer.
      $element['panelizer']['#access'] = $panelizer_enabled;

      // Inform the user what's up.
        ->addWarning(t('This display is internal and will not be seen by normal users.'));

  // If Panelizer isn't enabled, there's nothing else to do.
  if (empty($panelizer_enabled)) {
    return $element;

  // Don't show the table caption.
  // TODO: Is there an accessible way to hide this?
  $route_parameters = \Drupal::routeMatch()
  $route_parameters = array_filter($route_parameters, 'is_scalar');

  // We got rid of the local action for this, so jury-rig a new local action
  // that we can mix in with the rest of the UI elements.
  // See lightning_layout_menu_local_actions_alter().
  $element['panelizer']['add_link'] = [
    '#theme' => 'menu_local_action',
    '#link' => [
      'title' => t('Create a layout'),
      'url' => Url::fromRoute('panelizer.wizard.add', $route_parameters),
    // @TODO: Use a theme wrapper if possible.
    '#prefix' => '<ul class="action-links">',
    '#suffix' => '</ul>',
  Element::order($element['panelizer'], [
  return $element;

 * Implements hook_menu_local_actions_alter().
function lightning_layout_menu_local_actions_alter(array &$local_actions) {
  foreach ($local_actions as $id => $action) {
    if ($action['id'] == 'panelizer.default.add') {

 * Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_insert().
function lightning_layout_node_type_insert(NodeTypeInterface $node_type) {

  // Don't do anything during config sync.
  if (\Drupal::isConfigSyncing()) {
  user_role_grant_permissions('layout_manager', [
    'administer panelizer node ' . $node_type
      ->id() . ' defaults',

 * Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_presave().
function lightning_layout_user_role_presave(RoleInterface $role) {
  if ($role
    ->isNew() && $role
    ->id() === 'layout_manager') {
    $node_types = NodeType::loadMultiple();
    array_walk($node_types, 'lightning_layout_node_type_insert');

 * Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_delete().
function lightning_layout_node_type_delete(NodeTypeInterface $node_type) {

  // Don't do anything during config sync.
  if (\Drupal::isConfigSyncing()) {

  /** @var \Drupal\user\RoleInterface $role */
  $role = Role::load('layout_manager');
  if ($role) {
      ->id(), [
      'administer panelizer node ' . $node_type
        ->id() . ' defaults',

 * Implements hook_panels_ipe_blocks_alter().
function lightning_layout_panels_ipe_blocks_alter(array &$blocks = []) {

  // Lightning includes the Entity Block module, which renders CTools'
  // entity_view block unnecessary. So don't show it in Panels IPE.
  foreach ($blocks as $i => $block) {
    if ($block['provider'] == 'ctools' && strpos($block['plugin_id'], 'entity_view:') === 0) {

 * Returns the entity view display associated with a bundle and view mode.
 * This is an exact copy of the deprecated entity_get_display() from Core 8.6.x
 *  except for one change: the default value of the $view_mode parameter.
 * @todo Eliminate this in favor of
 *   \Drupal::service('entity_display.repository')->getViewDisplay() in Core
 *   8.8.x once that is the lowest supported version.
 * @param string $entity_type
 *   The entity type.
 * @param string $bundle
 *   The bundle.
 * @param string $view_mode
 *   The view mode, or 'default' to retrieve the 'default' display object for
 *   this bundle.
 * @return \Drupal\Core\Entity\Display\EntityViewDisplayInterface
 *   The entity view display associated with the view mode.
 * @see \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageInterface::create()
 * @see \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageInterface::load()
function lightning_layout_entity_get_display($entity_type, $bundle, $view_mode = 'default') {

  // Try loading the display from configuration.
  $display = EntityViewDisplay::load($entity_type . '.' . $bundle . '.' . $view_mode);

  // If not found, create a fresh display object. We do not preemptively create
  // new entity_view_display configuration entries for each existing entity type
  // and bundle whenever a new view mode becomes available. Instead,
  // configuration entries are only created when a display object is explicitly
  // configured and saved.
  if (!$display) {
    $display = EntityViewDisplay::create([
      'targetEntityType' => $entity_type,
      'bundle' => $bundle,
      'mode' => $view_mode,
      'status' => TRUE,
  return $display;

 * Returns the entity form display associated with a bundle and form mode.
 * This is an exact copy of the deprecated entity_get_form_display() from Core
 * 8.6.x except for one change: the default value of the $form_mode parameter.
 * @todo Eliminate this in favor of
 *   \Drupal::service('entity_display.repository')->getFormDisplay() in Core
 *   8.8.x once that is the lowest supported version.
 * @param string $entity_type
 *   The entity type.
 * @param string $bundle
 *   The bundle.
 * @param string $form_mode
 *   The form mode.
 * @return \Drupal\Core\Entity\Display\EntityFormDisplayInterface
 *   The entity form display associated with the given form mode.
 * @see \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageInterface::create()
 * @see \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageInterface::load()
function lightning_layout_entity_get_form_display($entity_type, $bundle, $form_mode = 'default') {

  // Try loading the entity from configuration.
  $entity_form_display = EntityFormDisplay::load($entity_type . '.' . $bundle . '.' . $form_mode);

  // If not found, create a fresh entity object. We do not preemptively create
  // new entity form display configuration entries for each existing entity type
  // and bundle whenever a new form mode becomes available. Instead,
  // configuration entries are only created when an entity form display is
  // explicitly configured and saved.
  if (!$entity_form_display) {
    $entity_form_display = EntityFormDisplay::create([
      'targetEntityType' => $entity_type,
      'bundle' => $bundle,
      'mode' => $form_mode,
      'status' => TRUE,
  return $entity_form_display;