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namespace Acquia\LightningExtension\Context;

use Behat\Gherkin\Node\PyStringNode;
use Behat\Mink\Element\ElementInterface;
use Behat\Mink\Exception\ElementNotFoundException;
use Behat\Mink\Exception\ExpectationException;
use Behat\Mink\Exception\UnsupportedDriverActionException;
use Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\DrupalSubContextBase;

 * Contains miscellaneous step definitions for working with HTML elements.
 * @internal
 *   This is an internal part of Lightning Core's testing system and may be
 *   changed or removed at any time without warning. It should not be extended,
 *   instantiated, or used in any way by external code! If you need to use this
 *   functionality, you should copy the relevant code into your own project.
final class ElementContext extends DrupalSubContextBase {

   * Asserts that an element is empty.
   * @param string $selector
   *   The element's CSS selector.
   * @throws \Behat\Mink\Exception\ExpectationException
   *   If the element contains any HTML (leading and trailing white space is
   *   trimmed out).
   * @Then the :selector element(s) should be empty
  public function assertEmptyElement($selector) {
    $content = $this
      ->elementExists('css', $selector)
    if (trim($content)) {
      throw new ExpectationException("Expected element '{$selector}' to be empty, but it is not.", $this

   * Clears a field.
   * @param string $field
   *   The field to clear.
   * @param \Behat\Mink\Element\ElementInterface $container
   *   (optional) The element that contains the field.
   * @When I clear :field
  public function clearField($field, ElementInterface $container = NULL) {
      ->fieldExists($field, $container)

   * Asserts that a form field is present.
   * Oddly, MinkContext does not appear to provide a step definition for this.
   * @param string $field
   *   The field locator.
   * @return \Behat\Mink\Element\NodeElement
   *   The form field element.
   * @Then I should see a(n) :field field
  public function assertField($field) {
    return $this

   * Asserts that a field element exists and is disabled.
   * @param string $field
   *   The field locator.
   * @return \Behat\Mink\Element\NodeElement
   *   The disabled form field element.
   * @Then I should see a disabled :field field
   * @Then the :field field should be disabled
  public function assertDisabledField($field) {
    return $this
      ->elementAttributeExists('named', [
    ], 'disabled');

   * Asserts that a form field is not present.
   * Oddly, MinkContext does not appear to provide a step definition for this.
   * @param string $field
   *   The field locator.
   * @Then I should not see a(n) :field field
  public function assertNoField($field) {

   * Asserts that a select list has a particular option.
   * @param string $select
   *   The select list to check.
   * @param string $option
   *   The option to look for.
   * @Then the :select field should have a(n) :option option
  public function assertOption($select, $option) {
      ->elementExists('named', [
    ], $this

   * Asserts that a select list does not have a particular option.
   * @param string $select
   *   The select list to check.
   * @param string $option
   *   The option to look for.
   * @Then the :select field should not have a(n) :option option
  public function assertNoOption($select, $option) {
      ->elementNotExists('named', [
    ], $this

   * Asserts that a select list has a set of options.
   * @param string $select
   *   The select list to check.
   * @param \Behat\Gherkin\Node\PyStringNode $options
   *   The options to look for.
   * @Then the :select field should have options:
  public function assertOptions($select, PyStringNode $options) {
    foreach ($options
      ->getStrings() as $option) {
        ->assertOption($select, $option);

   * Asserts that a select list does not have a set of options.
   * @param string $select
   *   The select list to check.
   * @param \Behat\Gherkin\Node\PyStringNode $options
   *   The options to look for.
   * @Then the :select field should not have options:
  public function assertNoOptions($select, PyStringNode $options) {
    foreach ($options
      ->getStrings() as $option) {
        ->assertNoOption($select, $option);

   * Switches to a frame.
   * @param string $name
   *   The frame name.
   * @When I switch to the :name frame
   * @When I enter the :name frame
  public function enterFrame($name) {

   * Switches out of an frame, into the main window.
   * @When I (switch|return) to the window
   * @When I (exit|leave) the frame
  public function exitFrame() {

   * Asserts that vertical tab set exists.
   * @param \Behat\Mink\Element\ElementInterface $container
   *   (optional) The element containing the vertical tab set.
   * @return \Behat\Mink\Element\NodeElement
   *   The vertical tab set.
   * @Then I should see a set of vertical tabs
  public function assertVerticalTabs(ElementInterface $container = NULL) {
    return $this
      ->elementExists('css', 'ul.vertical-tabs__menu', $container);

   * Asserts that a specific vertical tab exists.
   * @param string $tab
   *   The text of the tab.
   * @param \Behat\Mink\Element\ElementInterface $container
   *   (optional) The element containing the vertical tab set.
   * @return \Behat\Mink\Element\NodeElement
   *   The vertical tab.
   * @Then I should see a :tab vertical tab
   * @Then I should see the :tab vertical tab
  public function assertVerticalTab($tab, ElementInterface $container = NULL) {
    return $this
      ->elementExists('named', [
    ], $this

   * Asserts that a specific vertical tab does not exist.
   * @param string $tab
   *   The text of the tab.
   * @param \Behat\Mink\Element\ElementInterface $container
   *   (optional) The element containing the vertical tab set.
   * @Then I should not see a :tab vertical tab
   * @Then I should not see the :tab vertical tab
  public function assertNoVerticalTab($tab, ElementInterface $container = NULL) {
      ->elementNotExists('named', [
    ], $this

   * Asserts that a specific set of vertical tabs exists.
   * @param \Behat\Gherkin\Node\PyStringNode $tabs
   *   The text of the tabs, one per line.
   * @param \Behat\Mink\Element\ElementInterface $container
   *   (optional) The element containing the vertical tab set.
   * @Then I should see (the )vertical tabs:
  public function assertVerticalTabMultiple(PyStringNode $tabs, ElementInterface $container = NULL) {
    foreach ($tabs
      ->getStrings() as $tab) {
        ->assertVerticalTab($tab, $container);

   * Asserts that a set of specific vertical tabs exists.
   * @param \Behat\Gherkin\Node\PyStringNode $tabs
   *   The text of the tabs, one per line.
   * @param \Behat\Mink\Element\ElementInterface $container
   *   (optional) The element containing the vertical tab set.
   * @Then I should not see (the )vertical tabs:
  public function assertNotVerticalTabMultiple(PyStringNode $tabs, ElementInterface $container = NULL) {
    foreach ($tabs
      ->getStrings() as $tab) {
        ->assertNoVerticalTab($tab, $container);

   * Asserts the existence of a <details> element by its summary text.
   * @param string $summary
   *   The summary text (case-insensitive).
   * @param \Behat\Mink\Element\ElementInterface $container
   *   The element in which to search for the <details> element.
   * @return \Behat\Mink\Element\NodeElement|bool
   *   The <details> element, or FALSE if it was not found.
  private function findDetails($summary, ElementInterface $container) {
    $lowercase_summary = mb_strtolower($summary);

    /** @var \Behat\Mink\Element\NodeElement $element */
    foreach ($container
      ->findAll('css', 'details > summary') as $element) {
      $lowercase_element_text = mb_strtolower($element
      if ($lowercase_element_text === $lowercase_summary) {
        return $element
    return FALSE;

   * Asserts the existence of a <details> element by its summary text.
   * @param string $summary
   *   The exact summary text.
   * @param \Behat\Mink\Element\ElementInterface $container
   *   (optional) The element in which to search for the <details> element.
   * @return \Behat\Mink\Element\NodeElement
   *   The <details> element.
   * @throws \Behat\Mink\Exception\ElementNotFoundException
   *   If the element is not found in the container.
   * @Then I should see a(n) :summary details element
  public function assertDetails($summary, ElementInterface $container = NULL) {
    $session = $this
    $element = $this
      ->findDetails($summary, $container ?: $session
    if ($element) {
      return $element;
    else {
      throw new ElementNotFoundException($session
        ->getDriver(), 'details', 'summary', $summary);

   * Asserts the existence of an open <details> element by its summary text.
   * @param string $summary
   *   The exact summary text.
   * @param \Behat\Mink\Element\ElementInterface $container
   *   (optional) The element in which to search for the <details> element.
   * @throws \Behat\Mink\Exception\ExpectationException
   *   If the <details> element is closed.
   * @Then I should see an open :summary details element
  public function assertOpenDetails($summary, ElementInterface $container = NULL) {
    $open = $this
      ->assertDetails($summary, $container)
    if (!$open) {
      throw new ExpectationException("Expected '{$summary}' details to be open, but it is closed.", $this

   * Asserts the existence of a closed <details> element by its summary text.
   * @param string $summary
   *   The exact summary text.
   * @param \Behat\Mink\Element\ElementInterface $container
   *   (optional) The element in which to search for the <details> element.
   * @throws \Behat\Mink\Exception\ExpectationException
   *   If the <details> element is open.
   * @Then I should see a closed :summary details element
  public function assertClosedDetails($summary, ElementInterface $container = NULL) {
    try {
        ->assertOpenDetails($summary, $container);
    } catch (ExpectationException $e) {
    throw new ExpectationException("Expected '{$summary}' details to be closed, but it is open.", $this

   * Clicks an arbitrary element, found by CSS selector.
   * @param string $selector
   *   The CSS selector.
   * @When I click the :selector element
  public function click($selector) {
    $element = $this
      ->elementExists('css', $selector);
    try {
    } catch (UnsupportedDriverActionException $e) {

      // Don't worry about it.

   * Scrolls an element into the viewport.
   * @param string $selector
   *   The element's CSS selector.
   * @When I scroll to the :selector element
  public function scrollTo($selector) {
      ->executeScript('document.querySelector("' . addslashes($selector) . '").scrollIntoView()');

   * Asserts that a minimum number of elements match a CSS selector.
   * @param string $selector
   *   The selector.
   * @param int $n
   *   The number of elements expected to match the selector.
   * @throws \Behat\Mink\Exception\ExpectationException
   *   If the fewer elements than expected match the selector.
   * @Then at least :n element(s) should match :selector
  public function matchAtLeast($selector, $n) {
    $session = $this
    $count = count($session
      ->findAll('css', $selector));
    if ($count < $n) {
      throw new ExpectationException("Expected '{$selector}' to match at least {$n} elements, but it matched {$count}.", $session

   * Asserts that a number of elements match a CSS selector.
   * @param string $selector
   *   The selector.
   * @param int $n
   *   The number of elements expected to match the selector.
   * @Then exactly :n element(s) should match :selector
  public function matchExactly($selector, $n) {
      ->elementsCount('css', $selector, $n);

   * Asserts that a block with a specific plugin ID is present.
   * @param string $plugin_id
   *   The block plugin ID.
   * @return \Behat\Mink\Element\ElementInterface
   *   The block element.
   * @Then I should see a :plugin_id block
  public function assertBlockExists($plugin_id) {
    return $this
      ->elementExists('css', "[data-block-plugin-id='{$plugin_id}']");

   * Asserts that a block with a specific plugin ID is not present.
   * @param string $plugin_id
   *   The block plugin ID.
   * @Then I should not see a :plugin_id block
  public function assertBlockNotExists($plugin_id) {
      ->elementNotExists('css', "[data-block-plugin-id='{$plugin_id}']");

   * Asserts that an element has contextual links.
   * @param \Behat\Mink\Element\ElementInterface $element
   *   The element which is expected to contain contextual links.
   * @return \Behat\Mink\Element\ElementInterface
   *   The list of contextual links.
  private function assertContextualLinks(ElementInterface $element) {
    return $this
      ->elementExists('css', 'ul.contextual-links', $element);

   * Asserts that an element has a specific contextual link.
   * @param \Behat\Mink\Element\ElementInterface $element
   *   The element which is expectd to contain the contextual link.
   * @param string $link_class
   *   The CSS class of the contextual link.
   * @return \Behat\Mink\Element\ElementInterface
   *   The contextual link.
  private function assertContextualLink(ElementInterface $element, $link_class) {
    return $this
      ->elementExists('css', "li.{$link_class}", $this

   * Asserts that a block has contextual link(s).
   * @param string $plugin_id
   *   The block plugin ID.
   * @param string $link_class
   *   (optional) The CSS class of a specific contextual link.
   * @see ::assertContextualLinks()
   * @see ::assertContextualLink()
   * @see ::assertBlockExists()
   * @Then the :plugin_id block should have contextual links
   * @Then the :plugin_id block should have a :link_class contextual link
   * @Then I should see a :plugin_id block with contextual links
   * @Then I should see a :plugin_id block with a :link_class contextual link
  public function assertBlockHasContextual($plugin_id, $link_class = NULL) {
    $element = $this
    return $link_class ? $this
      ->assertContextualLink($element, $link_class) : $this



Namesort descending Description
ElementContext Contains miscellaneous step definitions for working with HTML elements.