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namespace Drupal\lightning_core in Lightning Core 8.3

Same name in other branches
  1. 8.5 Drupal\lightning_core
  2. 8 Drupal\lightning_core
  3. 8.2 Drupal\lightning_core
  4. 8.4 Drupal\lightning_core
Classsort descending Location Description
BundleEntityStorage src/BundleEntityStorage.php A storage handler for entity types that are bundles of other entity types.
ComponentDiscovery src/ComponentDiscovery.php Helper object to locate Lightning components and sub-components.
ConfigEntityDescriptionTrait src/ConfigEntityDescriptionTrait.php Provides a third-party settings implementation of EntityDescriptionInterface.
ConfigHelper src/ConfigHelper.php A facade to assist with manipulating default config.
DisplayHelper src/DisplayHelper.php Helps query and configure various display settings.
Element src/Element.php Helpful functions for dealing with renderable arrays and elements.
EntityDescriptionFormTrait src/EntityDescriptionFormTrait.php Adds description support to entity forms.
OverrideHelper src/OverrideHelper.php Helps tweak and override implementations of various things.
UpdateManager src/UpdateManager.php
UpdateTask src/UpdateTask.php
YieldToArgumentTrait src/YieldToArgumentTrait.php Allows exposed an Views filter to disappear if an argument is present.