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lightbox2-insert-image.tpl.php in Lightbox2 6

Template file for Lightbox2 content inserted via the Insert module.

Available variables:

  • $item: The complete item being inserted.
  • $url: The URL to the image.
  • $linkurl: The URL to the image being linked to.
  • $class: A set of classes assigned to this image (if any).
  • $image_preset_name: The ImageCache preset being used for the image.
  • $link_preset_name: The ImageCache preset being used for the linked to image.
  • $download_link: The download original link.

Note that ALT and Title fields should not be filled in here, instead they should use placeholders that will be updated through JavaScript when the image is inserted.

Available placeholders:

  • __alt__: The ALT text, intended for use in the <img> tag.
  • __title__: The Title text, intended for use in the <img> tag.
  • __description__: A description of the image, sometimes used as a caption.


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 * @file
 * Template file for Lightbox2 content inserted via the Insert module.
 * Available variables:
 * - $item: The complete item being inserted.
 * - $url: The URL to the image.
 * - $linkurl: The URL to the image being linked to.
 * - $class: A set of classes assigned to this image (if any).
 * - $image_preset_name: The ImageCache preset being used for the image.
 * - $link_preset_name: The ImageCache preset being used for the linked to image.
 * - $download_link: The download original link.
 * Note that ALT and Title fields should not be filled in here, instead they
 * should use placeholders that will be updated through JavaScript when the
 * image is inserted.
 * Available placeholders:
 * - __alt__: The ALT text, intended for use in the <img> tag.
 * - __title__: The Title text, intended for use in the <img> tag.
 * - __description__: A description of the image, sometimes used as a caption.
<a rel="lightbox[group1][__description__<?php

print $download_link;
?>]" href="<?php

print $linkurl;
?>"><img src="<?php

print $url;
?>" alt="__alt__" title="__title__" class="imagecache-<?php

print $image_preset_name;
print $class ? ' ' . $class : '';
?>" /></a>