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README.txt in Lightbox2 6

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 8 README.txt
  2. 5.2 README.txt
  3. 5 README.txt
  4. 7.2 README.txt
  5. 7 README.txt

  * Introduction
  * Installation
  * Adding Lightbox Functionality to your Images
    - No Grouping
    - With Grouping
    - Slideshow
    - Video
    - HTML Content Support
    - Inline Content Support
    - Turning the Image Caption into a Link
  * Keyboard Shortcuts
  * Translation of Configured Strings
  * Known Issues
    - Keyboard Shortcuts in Opera

  Stella Power (
  Daniel F. Kudwien (
  Mark Ashmead (


Licensed under the GNU/GPL License
Based on Lightbox v2.03.3 by Lokesh Dhakar

Originally written to make use of the Prototype framework, and,
now altered to use jQuery.

Permission has been granted to Mark Ashmead & other Drupal Lightbox2 module
maintainers to distribute the original lightbox.js via under this
license scheme.  This file has been subsequently modified to make use of jQuery
instead of prototype /

This module enables the use of lightbox2 which places images above your
current page, not within. This frees you from the constraints of the layout,
particularly column widths.

This module will include the lightbox CSS and JS files in your Drupal
Installation without the need to edit the theme. The module comes with a
Lightbox2 Lite option which does not use the jQuery libraries; it is therefore
less likely to conflict with anything else.

1. Copy lightbox2 folder to modules directory.
2. At admin/build/modules enable the lightbox2 module.
3. Enable permissions at admin/user/permissions.
4. Configure the module at admin/settings/lightbox2.
5. Modify your image links to open in a lightbox where necessary, see "Adding
   Lightbox Functionality to your Images' section below.
6. If you need to play flv files, then you may need to install a FLV player.
   There are a number of freely available ones on the Internet, including

No Grouping
Add rel="lightbox" attribute to any link tag to activate the lightbox.
For example:
<a href="images/image-1.jpg" rel="lightbox">image #1</a>
<a href="images/image-1.jpg" rel="lightbox[][my caption]">image #1</a>

Optional: To show a caption either use the title attribute or put in the second
set of [] of the rel attribute.

With Grouping
If you have a set of related images that you would like to group, follow step
one but additionally include a group name between square brackets in the rel
attribute. For example:

<a href="images/image-1.jpg" rel="lightbox[roadtrip]">image #1</a>
<a href="images/image-2.jpg" rel="lightbox[roadtrip][caption 2]">image #2</a>
<a href="images/image-3.jpg" rel="lightbox[roadtrip][caption 3]">image #3</a>

No limits to the number of image sets per page or how many images are allowed
in each set. Go nuts!

If you have a set of images that you would like to group together in a
lightbox, but only wish for one of these images to be visible on your page, you
can assign the "lightbox_hide_image" class to hide the additional images.  For

<a href="images/image-1.jpg" rel="lightbox[roadtrip]">image #1</a>
<a href="images/image-2.jpg" rel="lightbox[roadtrip]" class="lightbox_hide_image">image #2</a>
<a href="images/image-3.jpg" rel="lightbox[roadtrip]" class="lightbox_hide_image">image #3</a>

This is very similar to the grouping functionality described above.  The only
difference is that "rel" attribute should be set to "lightshow" instead of
"lightbox".  Using the same example as above, we could launch the images in a
slideshow by doing:

<a href="images/image-1.jpg" rel="lightshow[roadtrip]">image #1</a>
<a href="images/image-2.jpg" rel="lightshow[roadtrip][caption 2]">image #2</a>
<a href="images/image-3.jpg" rel="lightshow[roadtrip][caption 3]">image #3</a>

It's possible to show video content in the lightbox.  In this case the "rel"
attribute should be set to "lightvideo".  It's possible to group videos and 
to control the size of the lightbox by setting the 'width' and 'height
properties.  The properties can be configured like
"lightvideo[group|width:300px; height: 200px;]" and
"lightvideo[|width:300px; height: 200px;][my caption]".  The properties should
all be of the format "property: value;" - note the closing semi-colon.  If no
properties are set, then the default width and height of 400px will be used.
See below for more detailed examples.

Basic example:
<a href=""
rel="lightvideo">Google video example - default size</a>

Basic example with caption:
<a href=""
rel="lightvideo[][my caption]">Google video example - default size</a>

Grouped example:
<a href=""
rel="lightvideo[group][caption 1]">Grouped example 1</a>
<a href=""
rel="lightvideo[group][caption 2]">Grouped example 2</a>

Controlling lightbox size example:
<a href=""
rel="lightvideo[|width:400px; height:300px;][my caption]">Google video example -
custom size</a>

Supported Video Formats
asx, wmv, mov and swf videos should all be supported.  A number of video
providers are also supported, for example YouTube and Google Video. For full
details on how to integrate these with lightbox, please see the online

HTML Content Support
It's possible to show webpage content in the lightbox, using iframes.  In this
case the "rel" attribute should be set to "lightframe".  Again it's possible to
group the content, (e.g. "lightframe[search]") but in addition to that, it's
possible to control some of the iframe properties.  It's possible to set the
'width', 'height' and 'scrolling' properties of the iframe.  The properties are
separated from the group name by a '|', for example
"lightframe[search|width:100px;]" and
"lightframe[search|width:100px;][my caption]".  If no grouping is being used,
then the '|' is still used and the format would be "lightframe[|width:100px;]".
The properties should all be of the format "property: value;" - note the closing
semi-colon.  If no iframe properties are set, then the default width and height
of 400px will be used. See below for more detailed examples.

Basic example:
<a href="" rel="lightframe">Search google</a>

Basic example with caption:
<a href="" rel="lightframe[][my caption]">Search google</a>

Grouped example:
<a href="" rel="lightframe[search]">Search google</a>
<a href="" rel="lightframe[search][Search Yahoo]">Search yahoo</a>

Controlling iframe property example:
<a href="" rel="lightframe[|width:400px; height:300px; scrolling: auto;]">Search google</a>

Controlling iframe property when grouped example:
<a href="" rel="lightframe[search|width:400px; height:300px; scrolling: auto;][Search Google]">Search google</a>
<a href="" rel="lightframe[search|width:400px; height:300px;]">Search yahoo</a>
<a href="" rel="lightframe[search|width:400px; height:300px;][Search Yahoo]">Search yahoo</a>

Inline Content Support
It's possible to show HTML snippets in the lightbox, that is on the same domain.
In this case the "rel" attribute should be set to "lightmodal".  Again it's
possible to group the content, (e.g. "lightmodal[search]") but in addition to
that, it's possible to control some of the inline / modal properties.  It's
possible to set the 'width', 'height' and 'scrolling' properties of the inline
content.  The properties are separated from the group name by a '|', for example
"lightmodal[search|width:100px;]" and
"lightmodal[search|width:100px;][my caption]".  If no grouping is being used,
then the '|' is still used and the format would be "lightmodal[|width:100px;]".
The properties should all be of the format "property: value;" - note the closing
semi-colon.  If no properties are set, then the default width and height of
400px will be used. See below for more detailed examples.

Basic example:
<a href="search.php" rel="lightmodal">Search</a>

Basic example with caption:
<a href="search.php" rel="lightmodal[][my caption]">Search</a>

Grouped example:
<a href="search.php" rel="lightmodal[search]">Search</a>
<a href="search.php?status=1" rel="lightmodal[search][published]">Search published content</a>

Controlling modal property example:
<a href="search.php" rel="lightmodal[|width:400px; height:300px; scrolling: auto;]">Search</a>

Controlling modal property when grouped example:
<a href="search.php" rel="lightmodal[search|width:400px; height:300px; scrolling: auto;]">Search</a>
<a href="search.php?status=1" rel="lightmodal[search|width:400px; height:300px;][Search published]">Search published content</a>
<a href="search.php?status=0" rel="lightmodal[search|width:400px; height:300px;][Search Unpublished]">Search unpublished content</a>

Turning the Image Caption into a Link
If you wish to turn the caption into a link, format your caption in the
following way:

<a href="images/image-1.jpg" rel="lightbox[][&lt;a href=\"\"&gt;Clicky Visit Link&lt;/a&gt;'>image #1</a>

Note, the < and > characters have been changed to their HTML entities, and the "
have been escaped.

Not all of the default keyboard shortcuts work in the Opera browser, for example
'z' for toggling the zoom and 'spacebar' for toggling play / pause in
slideshows.  This can be overcome by updating your shortcut settings in the
Opera preferences editor.

The default keyboard shortcuts are listed below.  You can override these on

Close : x, o, c, ESC
Previous Image : p, Left Arrow
Next Image : n, Right Arrow
Toggle Zoom : z (not available in slideshow)
Toggle Play / Pause : Spacebar (slideshow only)

In order to translate the lightbox2 configuration strings, such as the text for
the "View Image Details" link and the image count, please install the i18n:
internationalization module and follow the instructions at


Keyboard Shortcuts in Opera
Not all of the default keyboard shortcuts work in the Opera browser, for example
'z' for toggling the zoom and 'spacebar' for toggling play / pause in
slideshows.  This can be overcome by updating your shortcut settings in the
Opera preferences editor.


View source
  2. ----------------------
  3. * Introduction
  4. * Installation
  5. * Adding Lightbox Functionality to your Images
  6. - No Grouping
  7. - With Grouping
  8. - Slideshow
  9. - Video
  10. - HTML Content Support
  11. - Inline Content Support
  12. - Turning the Image Caption into a Link
  13. * Keyboard Shortcuts
  14. * Translation of Configured Strings
  15. * Known Issues
  16. - Keyboard Shortcuts in Opera
  18. ------------
  19. Maintainers:
  20. Stella Power (
  21. Daniel F. Kudwien (
  22. Mark Ashmead (
  23. Documentation:
  24. Licensed under the GNU/GPL License
  25. Based on Lightbox v2.03.3 by Lokesh Dhakar
  26. Originally written to make use of the Prototype framework, and,
  27. now altered to use jQuery.
  28. Permission has been granted to Mark Ashmead & other Drupal Lightbox2 module
  29. maintainers to distribute the original lightbox.js via under this
  30. license scheme. This file has been subsequently modified to make use of jQuery
  31. instead of prototype /
  32. This module enables the use of lightbox2 which places images above your
  33. current page, not within. This frees you from the constraints of the layout,
  34. particularly column widths.
  35. This module will include the lightbox CSS and JS files in your Drupal
  36. Installation without the need to edit the theme. The module comes with a
  37. Lightbox2 Lite option which does not use the jQuery libraries; it is therefore
  38. less likely to conflict with anything else.
  40. ------------
  41. 1. Copy lightbox2 folder to modules directory.
  42. 2. At admin/build/modules enable the lightbox2 module.
  43. 3. Enable permissions at admin/user/permissions.
  44. 4. Configure the module at admin/settings/lightbox2.
  45. 5. Modify your image links to open in a lightbox where necessary, see "Adding
  46. Lightbox Functionality to your Images' section below.
  47. 6. If you need to play flv files, then you may need to install a FLV player.
  48. There are a number of freely available ones on the Internet, including
  51. --------------------------------------------
  52. No Grouping
  53. ===========
  54. Add rel="lightbox" attribute to any link tag to activate the lightbox.
  55. For example:
  56. image #1
  57. image #1
  58. Optional: To show a caption either use the title attribute or put in the second
  59. set of [] of the rel attribute.
  60. With Grouping
  61. ==============
  62. If you have a set of related images that you would like to group, follow step
  63. one but additionally include a group name between square brackets in the rel
  64. attribute. For example:
  65. image #1
  66. image #2
  67. image #3
  68. No limits to the number of image sets per page or how many images are allowed
  69. in each set. Go nuts!
  70. If you have a set of images that you would like to group together in a
  71. lightbox, but only wish for one of these images to be visible on your page, you
  72. can assign the "lightbox_hide_image" class to hide the additional images. For
  73. example:
  74. image #1
  75. image #2
  76. image #3
  77. Slideshow
  78. =========
  79. This is very similar to the grouping functionality described above. The only
  80. difference is that "rel" attribute should be set to "lightshow" instead of
  81. "lightbox". Using the same example as above, we could launch the images in a
  82. slideshow by doing:
  83. image #1
  84. image #2
  85. image #3
  86. Video
  87. =====
  88. It's possible to show video content in the lightbox. In this case the "rel"
  89. attribute should be set to "lightvideo". It's possible to group videos and
  90. to control the size of the lightbox by setting the 'width' and 'height
  91. properties. The properties can be configured like
  92. "lightvideo[group|width:300px; height: 200px;]" and
  93. "lightvideo[|width:300px; height: 200px;][my caption]". The properties should
  94. all be of the format "property: value;" - note the closing semi-colon. If no
  95. properties are set, then the default width and height of 400px will be used.
  96. See below for more detailed examples.
  97. Basic example:
  98. rel="lightvideo">Google video example - default size
  99. Basic example with caption:
  100. rel="lightvideo[][my caption]">Google video example - default size
  101. Grouped example:
  102. rel="lightvideo[group][caption 1]">Grouped example 1
  103. rel="lightvideo[group][caption 2]">Grouped example 2
  104. Controlling lightbox size example:
  105. rel="lightvideo[|width:400px; height:300px;][my caption]">Google video example -
  106. custom size
  107. Supported Video Formats
  108. asx, wmv, mov and swf videos should all be supported. A number of video
  109. providers are also supported, for example YouTube and Google Video. For full
  110. details on how to integrate these with lightbox, please see the online
  111. documentation.
  112. HTML Content Support
  113. ====================
  114. It's possible to show webpage content in the lightbox, using iframes. In this
  115. case the "rel" attribute should be set to "lightframe". Again it's possible to
  116. group the content, (e.g. "lightframe[search]") but in addition to that, it's
  117. possible to control some of the iframe properties. It's possible to set the
  118. 'width', 'height' and 'scrolling' properties of the iframe. The properties are
  119. separated from the group name by a '|', for example
  120. "lightframe[search|width:100px;]" and
  121. "lightframe[search|width:100px;][my caption]". If no grouping is being used,
  122. then the '|' is still used and the format would be "lightframe[|width:100px;]".
  123. The properties should all be of the format "property: value;" - note the closing
  124. semi-colon. If no iframe properties are set, then the default width and height
  125. of 400px will be used. See below for more detailed examples.
  126. Basic example:
  127. Search google
  128. Basic example with caption:
  129. Search google
  130. Grouped example:
  131. Search google
  132. Search yahoo
  133. Controlling iframe property example:
  134. Search google
  135. Controlling iframe property when grouped example:
  136. Search google
  137. Search yahoo
  138. Search yahoo
  139. Inline Content Support
  140. =======================
  141. It's possible to show HTML snippets in the lightbox, that is on the same domain.
  142. In this case the "rel" attribute should be set to "lightmodal". Again it's
  143. possible to group the content, (e.g. "lightmodal[search]") but in addition to
  144. that, it's possible to control some of the inline / modal properties. It's
  145. possible to set the 'width', 'height' and 'scrolling' properties of the inline
  146. content. The properties are separated from the group name by a '|', for example
  147. "lightmodal[search|width:100px;]" and
  148. "lightmodal[search|width:100px;][my caption]". If no grouping is being used,
  149. then the '|' is still used and the format would be "lightmodal[|width:100px;]".
  150. The properties should all be of the format "property: value;" - note the closing
  151. semi-colon. If no properties are set, then the default width and height of
  152. 400px will be used. See below for more detailed examples.
  153. Basic example:
  154. Search
  155. Basic example with caption:
  156. Search
  157. Grouped example:
  158. Search
  159. Search published content
  160. Controlling modal property example:
  161. Search
  162. Controlling modal property when grouped example:
  163. Search
  164. Search published content
  165. Search unpublished content
  166. Turning the Image Caption into a Link
  167. =====================================
  168. If you wish to turn the caption into a link, format your caption in the
  169. following way:
  170. image #1
  171. Note, the < and > characters have been changed to their HTML entities, and the "
  172. have been escaped.
  174. ------------------
  175. Not all of the default keyboard shortcuts work in the Opera browser, for example
  176. 'z' for toggling the zoom and 'spacebar' for toggling play / pause in
  177. slideshows. This can be overcome by updating your shortcut settings in the
  178. Opera preferences editor.
  179. The default keyboard shortcuts are listed below. You can override these on
  180. admin/settings/lightbox2.
  181. Close : x, o, c, ESC
  182. Previous Image : p, Left Arrow
  183. Next Image : n, Right Arrow
  184. Toggle Zoom : z (not available in slideshow)
  185. Toggle Play / Pause : Spacebar (slideshow only)
  187. ----------------------------------
  188. In order to translate the lightbox2 configuration strings, such as the text for
  189. the "View Image Details" link and the image count, please install the i18n:
  190. internationalization module and follow the instructions at
  193. ------------
  194. Keyboard Shortcuts in Opera
  195. ---------------------------
  196. Not all of the default keyboard shortcuts work in the Opera browser, for example
  197. 'z' for toggling the zoom and 'spacebar' for toggling play / pause in
  198. slideshows. This can be overcome by updating your shortcut settings in the
  199. Opera preferences editor.