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public function LibrariesLoadWebTest::testLibrariesDetectDependencies in Libraries API 7.2

Tests libraries_detect_dependencies().


tests/LibrariesLoadWebTest.test, line 39
Contains LibrariesLoadWebTest.


Tests basic detection and loading of libraries.


public function testLibrariesDetectDependencies() {
  $library = array(
    'name' => 'Example',
    'dependencies' => array(
    ->assertEqual($library['error'], 'missing dependency', 'libraries_detect_dependencies() detects missing dependency');
  $error_message = t('The %dependency library, which the %library library depends on, is not installed.', array(
    '%dependency' => 'Example missing',
    '%library' => $library['name'],
    ->verbose('Actual:<br>' . $library['error message']);
    ->assertEqual($library['error message'], $error_message, 'Correct error message for a missing dependency');

  // Test versioned dependencies.
  $version = '1.1';
  $compatible = array(
    '<1.2, >1.0',
    '>0.1, <=1.1',
  $incompatible = array(
    '<1.1, >0.9',
    '>=0.1, <1.1',
  $library = array(
    'name' => 'Example',
  foreach ($compatible as $version_string) {
    $library['dependencies'][0] = "example_dependency ({$version_string})";

    // libraries_detect_dependencies() is a post-detect callback, so
    // 'installed' is already set, when it is called. It sets the value to
    // FALSE for missing or incompatible dependencies.
    $library['installed'] = TRUE;
      ->verbose('Library:<pre>' . var_export($library, TRUE) . '</pre>');
      ->assertTrue($library['installed'], "libraries_detect_dependencies() detects compatible version string: '{$version_string}' is compatible with '{$version}'");
  foreach ($incompatible as $version_string) {
    $library['dependencies'][0] = "example_dependency ({$version_string})";
    $library['installed'] = TRUE;
    unset($library['error'], $library['error message']);
      ->verbose('Library:<pre>' . var_export($library, TRUE) . '</pre>');
      ->assertEqual($library['error'], 'incompatible dependency', "libraries_detect_dependencies() detects incompatible version strings: '{$version_string}' is incompatible with '{$version}'");

  // Instead of repeating this assertion for each version string, we just
  // re-use the $library variable from the foreach loop.
  $error_message = t('The version %dependency_version of the %dependency library is not compatible with the %library library.', array(
    '%dependency_version' => $version,
    '%dependency' => 'Example dependency',
    '%library' => $library['name'],
    ->verbose('Actual:<br>' . $library['error message']);
    ->assertEqual($library['error message'], $error_message, 'Correct error message for an incompatible dependency');