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public function LibrariesAdminWebTest::testLibrariesReportOverview in Libraries API 7.2

Tests the libraries report at /admin/reports/libraries.


tests/LibrariesAdminWebTest.test, line 42
Contains LibrariesAdminWebTest.


Tests the administrative interface for libraries.


public function testLibrariesReportOverview() {
    'access library reports',
  ), 'admin/reports/libraries');

  // Assert the page title and table titles show up.

  // Make sure the table headings show up.

  // Make sure that all the libraries are listed.
  $libraries = libraries_info();
  foreach ($libraries as $library) {
      ->assertLinkByHref('admin/reports/libraries/' . $library['machine name']);

  // Make sure that all possible error statuses are displayed.
    ->assertText('Not found');
    ->assertText('Not detected');
    ->assertText('Not supported');
    ->assertText('Missing dependency');
    ->assertText('Incompatible dependency');

  // Make sure that the providers are displayed.
    ->assertRaw('<em class="placeholder">Libraries test module</em> module');
    ->assertRaw('<em class="placeholder">Libraries test theme</em> theme');
    ->assertRaw('<em class="placeholder"></em> info file');

  // Make sure that homepage and download links are displayed.