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public function LeafletDefaultFormatter::viewElements in Leaflet 2.0.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 src/Plugin/Field/FieldFormatter/LeafletDefaultFormatter.php \Drupal\leaflet\Plugin\Field\FieldFormatter\LeafletDefaultFormatter::viewElements()
  2. 2.1.x src/Plugin/Field/FieldFormatter/LeafletDefaultFormatter.php \Drupal\leaflet\Plugin\Field\FieldFormatter\LeafletDefaultFormatter::viewElements()

This function is called from parent::view().

Overrides FormatterInterface::viewElements


src/Plugin/Field/FieldFormatter/LeafletDefaultFormatter.php, line 270


Plugin implementation of the 'leaflet_default' formatter.




public function viewElements(FieldItemListInterface $items, $langcode) {

  /* @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity */
  $entity = $items

  // Take the entity translation, if existing.

  /* @var \Drupal\Core\TypedData\TranslatableInterface $entity */
  if ($entity
    ->hasTranslation($langcode)) {
    $entity = $entity
  $entity_type = $entity
  $bundle = $entity
  $entity_id = $entity

  /* @var \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldDefinitionInterface $field */
  $field = $items

  // Sets/consider possibly existing previous Zoom settings.
  $settings = $this

  // Always render the map, even if we do not have any data.
  $map = leaflet_map_get_info($settings['leaflet_map']);

  // Add a specific map id.
  $map['id'] = Html::getUniqueId("leaflet_map_{$entity_type}_{$bundle}_{$entity_id}_{$field->getName()}");

  // Get and set the Geofield cardinality.
  $map['geofield_cardinality'] = $this->fieldDefinition

  // Set Map additional map Settings.
    ->setAdditionalMapOptions($map, $settings);

  // Get token context.
  $tokens = [
    'field' => $items,
      ->getTargetEntityTypeId() => $items
  $results = [];
  $features = [];
  foreach ($items as $delta => $item) {
    $points = $this->leafletService
    $feature = $points[0];
    $feature['entity_id'] = $entity_id;

    // Add its entity id, so that it might be referenced from outside.
    $feature['weight'] = !empty($settings['zIndex']) ? intval(str_replace([
    ], "", $this->token
      ->replace($settings['zIndex'], $tokens))) : NULL;

    // Eventually set the popup content.
    if ($settings['popup']) {

      // Construct the renderable array for popup title / text. As we later
      // convert that to plain text, losing attachments and cacheability, save
      // them to $results.
      $build = [];
      if ($this
        ->getSetting('popup_content')) {
        $bubbleable_metadata = new BubbleableMetadata();
        $popup_content = $this->token
          ->getSetting('popup_content'), $tokens, [
          'clear' => TRUE,
        ], $bubbleable_metadata);
        $build[] = [
          '#markup' => $popup_content,

      // We need a string for using it inside the popup. Save attachments and
      // cacheability to $results.
      $render_context = new RenderContext();
      $rendered = $this->renderer
        ->executeInRenderContext($render_context, function () use (&$build) {
        return $this->renderer
          ->render($build, TRUE);
      $feature['popup'] = !empty($rendered) ? $rendered : $entity
      if (!$render_context
        ->isEmpty()) {

    // Add/merge eventual map icon definition from hook_leaflet_map_info.
    if (!empty($map['icon'])) {
      $settings['icon'] = $settings['icon'] ?: [];

      // Remove empty icon options so thxat they might be replaced by the
      // ones set by the hook_leaflet_map_info.
      foreach ($settings['icon'] as $k => $icon_option) {
        if (empty($icon_option) || is_array($icon_option) && $this->leafletService
          ->multipleEmpty($icon_option)) {
      $settings['icon'] = array_replace($map['icon'], $settings['icon']);
    $icon_type = isset($settings['icon']['iconType']) ? $settings['icon']['iconType'] : 'marker';

    // Eventually set the custom Marker icon (DivIcon, Icon Url or
    // Circle Marker).
    if ($feature['type'] === 'point' && isset($settings['icon'])) {

      // Transforms Icon Options that support Replacement Patterns/Tokens.
      if (!empty($settings["icon"]["iconSize"]["x"])) {
        $settings["icon"]["iconSize"]["x"] = $this->token
          ->replace($settings["icon"]["iconSize"]["x"], $tokens);
      if (!empty($settings["icon"]["iconSize"]["y"])) {
        $settings["icon"]["iconSize"]["y"] = $this->token
          ->replace($settings["icon"]["iconSize"]["y"], $tokens);
      if (!empty($settings["icon"]["shadowSize"]["x"])) {
        $settings["icon"]["shadowSize"]["x"] = $this->token
          ->replace($settings["icon"]["shadowSize"]["x"], $tokens);
      if (!empty($settings["icon"]["shadowSize"]["y"])) {
        $settings["icon"]["shadowSize"]["y"] = $this->token
          ->replace($settings["icon"]["shadowSize"]["y"], $tokens);

      // Set Feature Icon properties.
      $feature['icon'] = $settings['icon'];
      switch ($icon_type) {
        case 'html':
          $feature['icon']['html'] = $this->token
            ->replace($settings['icon']['html'], $tokens);
          $feature['icon']['html_class'] = isset($settings['icon']['html_class']) ? $settings['icon']['html_class'] : '';
        case 'circle_marker':
          $feature['icon']['options'] = $this->token
            ->replace($settings['icon']['circle_marker_options'], $tokens);
          if (!empty($settings['icon']['iconUrl'])) {
            $feature['icon']['iconUrl'] = str_replace([
            ], "", $this->token
              ->replace($settings['icon']['iconUrl'], $tokens));
            if (!empty($feature['icon']['iconUrl'])) {

              // Generate Absolute iconUrl , if not external.
              $feature['icon']['iconUrl'] = $this->leafletService

              // Set the Feature IconSize to the IconUrl Image sizes (if empty).
          if (!empty($settings['icon']['shadowUrl'])) {
            $feature['icon']['shadowUrl'] = str_replace([
            ], "", $this->token
              ->replace($settings['icon']['shadowUrl'], $tokens));
            if (!empty($feature['icon']['shadowUrl'])) {

              // Generate Absolute shadowUrl, if not external.
              $feature['icon']['shadowUrl'] = $this->leafletService

          // Set the Feature IconSize and ShadowSize to the IconUrl or
          // ShadowUrl Image sizes (if empty or invalid).

    // Associate dynamic path properties (token based) to the feature,
    // in case of not point.
    if ($feature['type'] !== 'point') {
      $feature['path'] = str_replace([
      ], "", $this->token
        ->replace($settings['path'], $tokens));

    // Associate dynamic className property (token based) to icon.
    $feature['className'] = !empty($settings['className']) ? str_replace([
    ], "", $this->token
      ->replace($settings['className'], $tokens)) : '';

    // Allow modules to adjust the marker.
      ->alter('leaflet_formatter_feature', $feature, $item, $entity);
    $features[] = $feature;

  // Order the data features based on the 'weight' element.
  uasort($data, [
  $js_settings = [
    'map' => $map,
    'features' => $features,

  // Allow other modules to add/alter the map js settings.
    ->alter('leaflet_default_map_formatter', $js_settings, $items);
  $map_height = !empty($settings['height']) ? $settings['height'] . $settings['height_unit'] : '';
  if (!empty($settings['multiple_map'])) {
    foreach ($js_settings['features'] as $k => $feature) {
      $map = $js_settings['map'];
      $map['id'] = $map['id'] . "-{$k}";
      $results[] = $this->leafletService
        ->leafletRenderMap($map, [
      ], $map_height);
  elseif (!empty($js_settings['features']) || empty($settings['hide_empty_map'])) {
    $results[] = $this->leafletService
      ->leafletRenderMap($js_settings['map'], $js_settings['features'], $map_height);
  return $results;