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MarkerLayerGroup.php in Leaflet 2.1.x


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namespace Drupal\leaflet_views\Plugin\views\style;

 * Style plugin to render leaflet features in layer groups.
 * @ingroup views_style_plugins
 * @ViewsStyle(
 *   id = "leaflet_marker_group",
 *   title = @Translation("Grouped Markers"),
 *   help = @Translation("Render data as leaflet markers, grouped in layers."),
 *   display_types = {"leaflet"},
 * )
class MarkerLayerGroup extends MarkerDefault {

   * Does the style plugin support grouping of rows.
   * @var bool
  protected $usesGrouping = TRUE;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function renderGrouping($records, $groupings = [], $group_rendered = NULL) {
    $sets = parent::renderGrouping($records, $groupings, $group_rendered);
    if (!$groupings) {

      // Set group label to display label, if empty.
      $attachment_title = $this->view
      $sets['']['group'] = $attachment_title ? $attachment_title : $this
        ->t('Label missing');
    return $sets;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function renderLeafletGroup($title, $level, array $features = []) {
    return [
      'group' => TRUE,
      'label' => $title,
      'features' => $features,



Namesort descending Description
MarkerLayerGroup Style plugin to render leaflet features in layer groups.