leaflet_views_plugin_style.inc in Leaflet 7
Extension of the Views Plugin Style for Leaflet Map Adapted from the GeoField Map views module and the OpenLayers Views module.
leaflet_views/leaflet_views_plugin_style.incView source
* @file
* Extension of the Views Plugin Style for Leaflet Map
* Adapted from the GeoField Map views module and the OpenLayers Views module.
class leaflet_views_plugin_style extends views_plugin_style {
* If this view is displaying an entity, save the entity type and info.
function init(&$view, &$display, $options = NULL) {
parent::init($view, $display, $options);
$this->entity_type = $this->options['entity_type'];
$this->entity_info = entity_get_info($this->entity_type);
// Fallback for views that do not have entity_type set, for example
// because the view was created before this option got introduced.
if (empty($this->entity_type)) {
$info = $this
if (!empty($info)) {
$this->entity_type = $info['entity type'];
$this->entity_info = $info;
* Gets entity information based on the entity table passed in.
* @param string $table
* Table name.
* @return array
* Returns the entity_info array.
function getEntityInfoByTable($table) {
$info = entity_get_info();
foreach ($info as $entity_type => &$entity_info) {
if ($entity_info['base table'] == $table) {
$entity_info['entity type'] = $entity_type;
return $entity_info;
return array();
* Set default options.
function option_definition() {
$options = parent::option_definition();
$options['entity_type'] = array(
'default' => '',
$options['data_source'] = array(
'default' => '',
$options['name_field'] = array(
'default' => '',
$options['description_field'] = array(
'default' => '',
$options['view_mode'] = array(
'default' => 'full',
$options['map'] = array(
'default' => '',
$options['height'] = array(
'default' => '400',
$options['hide_empty'] = array(
'default' => '',
$options['popup']['contains'] = array(
'show' => array(
'default' => '',
'text' => array(
'default' => '',
$options['zoom']['contains'] = array(
'initialZoom' => array(
'default' => '',
'minZoom' => array(
'default' => 0,
'maxZoom' => array(
'default' => 18,
'scrollWheelZoom' => array(
'default' => 1,
$options['icon']['contains'] = array(
'iconType' => array(
'default' => 'marker',
'iconUrl' => array(
'default' => '',
'shadowUrl' => array(
'default' => '',
'iconSize' => array(
'contains' => array(
'x' => array(
'default' => '',
'y' => array(
'default' => '',
'iconAnchor' => array(
'contains' => array(
'x' => array(
'default' => '',
'y' => array(
'default' => '',
'shadowAnchor' => array(
'contains' => array(
'x' => array(
'default' => '',
'y' => array(
'default' => '',
'popupAnchor' => array(
'contains' => array(
'x' => array(
'default' => '',
'y' => array(
'default' => '',
'html' => array(
'default' => '',
'iconImageStyle' => array(
'default' => '',
'htmlClass' => array(
'default' => '',
$options['vector_display']['contains'] = array(
'stroke_override' => array(
'default' => 0,
'stroke' => array(
'default' => 1,
'color' => array(
'default' => '',
'weight' => array(
'default' => '',
'opacity' => array(
'default' => '',
'dashArray' => array(
'default' => '',
'fill' => array(
'default' => 1,
'fillColor' => array(
'default' => '',
'fillOpacity' => array(
'default' => '',
'clickable' => array(
'default' => 1,
return $options;
* Options form.
function options_form(&$form, &$form_state) {
parent::options_form($form, $form_state);
// Get list of fields in this view & flag available geodata fields:
$handlers = $this->display->handler
$fields = array();
$fields_data = array();
foreach ($handlers as $field_id => $handler) {
$fields[$field_id] = $handler
if (!empty($handler->field_info['type']) && $handler->field_info['type'] == 'geofield') {
$fields_data[$field_id] = $handler
// Check whether we have a geofield we can work with:
if (!count($fields_data)) {
$form['error'] = array(
'#markup' => t('Please add at least one geofield to the view'),
// Get available entity types for selection.
$default_type = empty($this->options['entity_type']) ? '' : $this->options['entity_type'];
$entity_types = array(
foreach (entity_get_info() as $key => $info) {
$entity_types[$key] = $info['label'];
if ($this->view->base_table == $info['base table']) {
// If this entity type matches the view base table, use it.
$default_type = $key;
// Entity type selection.
$form['entity_type'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Entity Type'),
'#description' => t('Which type of entity is this view based on?'),
'#options' => $entity_types,
'#default_value' => $default_type,
'#required' => TRUE,
// Only allow users to choose the entity type if it cannot be detected.
if (!empty($default_type)) {
$form['entity_type']['#access'] = FALSE;
// Map preset.
$form['data_source'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Data Source'),
'#description' => t('Which field contains geodata?'),
'#options' => $fields_data,
'#default_value' => $this->options['data_source'],
'#required' => TRUE,
// Name field.
$form['name_field'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Title Field'),
'#description' => t('Choose the field which will appear as a title on tooltips.'),
// '#options' => $fields,
'#options' => array_merge(array(
'' => '',
), $fields),
'#default_value' => $this->options['name_field'],
$desc_options = array_merge(array(
'' => '',
), $fields);
// Add an option to render the entire entity using a view mode.
if (isset($this->entity_type)) {
$desc_options += array(
'#rendered_entity' => '<' . t('!entity entity', array(
'!entity' => $this->entity_type,
)) . '>',
$form['description_field'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Description Content'),
'#description' => t('Choose the field or rendering method which will appear as a description on tooltips or popups.'),
'#required' => FALSE,
'#options' => $desc_options,
'#default_value' => $this->options['description_field'],
// Taken from openlayers_views_style_data::options_form().
// Create view mode options:
if (isset($this->entity_type)) {
// Get the labels (human readable) of the view modes:
$view_mode_options = array();
foreach ($this->entity_info['view modes'] as $key => $view_mode) {
$view_mode_options[$key] = $view_mode['label'];
// Output the form:
$form['view_mode'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('View mode'),
'#description' => t('View modes are ways of displaying entities.'),
'#options' => $view_mode_options,
'#default_value' => !empty($this->options['view_mode']) ? $this->options['view_mode'] : 'full',
'#states' => array(
'visible' => array(
':input[name="style_options[description_field]"]' => array(
'value' => '#rendered_entity',
// Choose a map preset:
$map_options = array();
foreach (leaflet_map_get_info() as $key => $map) {
$map_options[$key] = t('@label', array(
'@label' => $map['label'],
$form['map'] = array(
'#title' => t('Map'),
'#type' => 'select',
'#options' => $map_options,
'#default_value' => $this->options['map'] ? $this->options['map'] : '',
'#required' => TRUE,
$form['height'] = array(
'#title' => t('Map height'),
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#field_suffix' => t('px'),
'#size' => 4,
'#default_value' => $this->options['height'],
'#required' => FALSE,
$form['hide_empty'] = array(
'#title' => t('Hide empty'),
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#description' => t('Hide the Leaflet map if there are no results to display.'),
'#default_value' => isset($this->options['hide_empty']) ? $this->options['hide_empty'] : TRUE,
$form['zoom'] = leaflet_form_elements('zoom', $this->options);
$form['icon'] = leaflet_form_elements('icon', $this->options, array(
'path' => 'style_options',
'fields' => $fields,
$form['vector_display'] = leaflet_form_elements('vector_display', $this->options, array(
'path' => 'style_options',
$form['tokens'] = leaflet_form_elements('tokens', $this->options, array(
'weight' => 998,
'entity_type' => $this->entity_type,
* Validate the options form.
function options_validate(&$form, &$form_state) {
if (!is_numeric($form_state['values']['style_options']['height']) || $form_state['values']['style_options']['height'] < 0) {
form_error($form['height'], t('Map height needs to be a positive number'));
* Renders view.
function render() {
if (!empty($this->view->live_preview)) {
return t('No preview available.');
$data = array();
$map = leaflet_map_get_info($this->options['map']);
// Is there a geofield selected?
if ($this->options['data_source']) {
$name_field = empty($this->options['name_field']) ? NULL : $this->options['name_field'];
foreach ($this->view->result as $id => $result) {
$geofield = $this
->get_field_value($id, $this->options['data_source']);
if (!empty($geofield)) {
$entity = FALSE;
// Render the entity with the selected view mode:
if (is_object($result)) {
if (!empty($result->{$this->entity_info['entity keys']['id']})) {
$entity_id = $result->{$this->entity_info['entity keys']['id']};
elseif (isset($result->entity)) {
$entity_id = $result->entity;
elseif (isset($result->_field_data)) {
$tmp = $result->_field_data;
$tmp = array_pop($tmp);
$entity_id = $tmp['entity']->{$this->entity_info['entity keys']['id']};
$entity = entity_load_single($this->entity_type, $entity_id);
if ($this->options['description_field'] === '#rendered_entity') {
$build = entity_view($this->entity_type, array(
), $this->options['view_mode']);
$description = drupal_render($build);
else {
$description = '';
if ($name_field) {
$description = $this->rendered_fields[$id][$name_field];
if ($this->options['description_field']) {
$description .= $this->rendered_fields[$id][$this->options['description_field']];
$points = leaflet_process_geofield($geofield);
// Attach pop-ups if we have rendered into $description:
if (isset($description)) {
foreach ($points as &$point) {
$point['popup'] = $description;
// Attach also titles & entities, they might be used later on.
if ($name_field) {
foreach ($points as &$point) {
if (isset($this->rendered_fields[$id][$name_field])) {
$point['label'] = htmlspecialchars_decode(strip_tags($this->rendered_fields[$id][$name_field]));
if ($entity !== FALSE) {
$point['entity'] = $entity;
if ($this->options['icon']['iconType'] == 'html') {
foreach ($points as &$point) {
$target_field = $this->options['icon']['html'];
$point['rendered_html'] = isset($this->rendered_fields[$id][$target_field]) ? $this->rendered_fields[$id][$target_field] : '';
// Let modules modify the points data.
drupal_alter('leaflet_views_alter_points_data', $result, $points);
// Merge these points into the $data array for map rendering:
$data = array_merge($data, $points);
$entity_type = isset($this->entity_type) ? $this->entity_type : '';
leaflet_apply_map_settings($map, $data, $this->options, $entity_type);
if (empty($data) && !empty($this->options['hide_empty'])) {
return leaflet_build_map($map, $data, $this->options['height'] . 'px');
* {@inheritdoc}
function even_empty() {
return !$this->options['hide_empty'];
Name![]() |
Description |
leaflet_views_plugin_style | @file Extension of the Views Plugin Style for Leaflet Map Adapted from the GeoField Map views module and the OpenLayers Views module. |