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description.html in Leaflet 2.1.x


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Integration with the <a href="" target="_blank">Leaflet</a> JS mapping library.

<blockquote>A Modern, Lightweight Open-Source JavaScript Library for Interactive Maps (by <a href="">CloudMade</a>).</blockquote>

The Leaflet module features:
  <li>Field formatter that can show a map for fields that contain geospatial data.</li>
  <li>Views integration that plots data on a map (using the sub module Leaflet Views).</li>
  <li>Lightweight and easy to use API for defining maps and displaying data on a map.</li>

<h2><a href="" target="blank">>>>> Drupal 8 Live Demo <<<<</a></h2>

Please refer to the README file included into the project for all the details, including help on installation, configuration and usage.

<h2>The Drupal 7 version of Leaflet</h2>
Some modules that build on Leaflet, adding various features:
  <li><a href="">Leaflet More Maps</a>: adds over 20 map styles, selected at the flick of a drop-down</li>
  <li><a href="">Leaflet Label</a>: alternative tool tip hovers for polygons and line strings</li>
  <li><a href="">Leaflet Hash</a>: bookmarking for maps, appends a hash of current map center and zoom to the URL, so you save and restore the "view port"</li>
  <li><a href="">Leaflet MarkerCluster</a>: makes large marker populations easier to navigate through animated clustering and drill-down capability</li>
  <li><a href="">IP Geolocation Views & Maps</a>: adds a swag of cool features such as centering options, markers colour-coded by any field in your View, cross-highlighting between content and map, geocoding and reverse geocoding options.</li>
  <li><a href="">Many more...</a></li>

<h2>The Drupal 8 & 9 version of Leaflet</h2>
In stable and usable version,
  <li>embeds <a href="" target="_blank">Leaflet Js library (version 1.4.0)</a>;</li>
  <li>provides Leaflet Map Formatter and Leaflet Map Views Integration with advanced functionalities and configurations;</li>
  <li>provides an advanced Leaflet Default Widget, with Leaflet Geoman Js library (interactive drawing of Point and Geometries) and Geocoder Autocomplete integration (with <a href="" title="Geocoder" target="_blank">Geocoder module</a>;</li>
  <li>perfectly matches with the <a href="" title="Geofield Map module" target="_blank">Geofield Map module</a> widget;</li>
  <li>nicely integrates with the <a href="" title="Leaflet Layers module" target="_blank">Leaflet Layers module</a>;</li>

<strong>IMPORTANT!: Since release 2.0.0 (specifically dedicated and compatibile with Drupal ^8.8 & ^9 and identical with last 8.x-1.41 release) Leaflet implements an advanced new Leaflet Default Widget</strong> (as optimisation and integration of <a href="" title="Leaflet Widget" target="_blank">Leaflet Widget module</a>).

<strong>IMPORTANT!: Since 8.x-1.2 the Leaflet module itself contains the "Leaflet Markercluster" submodule</strong>, that integrates the <a href="" title="Leaflet Markercluster Js library" target="_blank">Leaflet Markercluster Js library (version 1.4.1)</a>.

It needs to be installed <a href="" target="_blank">using Composer to manage Drupal site dependencies</a>, which will also download the required <a href="" title="Geofield Module" target="_blank">Geofield Module</a> dependency and <a href="" title="GeoPHP library">GeoPHP library</a>.
It means simply running the following command from your project root (where the main composer.json file is sited):

<b><code>$ composer require 'drupal/leaflet'</code></b>

Read the Installation and Use instructions in the file for further details.


D7 version originally developed by <a href="" target="_blank">ThinkShout</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">@pvhee</a> (from <a href="">Marzee Labs</a>) with lots of help from the <a href="">community</a>.
D8 version started by <a href="" target="_blank">RdeBoer</a> of <a href="" target="_blank">flink</a>, and evolved to maturity by <a href="" target="_blank">Itamair</a>.
Please help out and contribute so that Leaflet remains at the cutting edge of the Drupal geo stack.