You are here in LDAP integration 6

status file for ldaphelp module


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 * @file
 * status file for ldaphelp module
define('REQUIREMENT_INFO', -1);
define('REQUIREMENT_OK', 0);
function ldaphelp_status() {
  drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'system') . '/system.css', 'module', 'all', FALSE);
  include_once drupal_get_path('module', 'system') . '/';

  // server and LDAP Module Data
  $heading = "Server and LDAP Modules";
  $key = 'server';
  $phpinfo = ldaphelp_parsePHPModules();
  $status = ldaphelp_get_server($phpinfo, $info);
  $reportingtext .= _ldaphelp_parse_status_to_text($status, $heading);
  $content .= "<h3>{$heading}</h3>" . theme_status_report($status);

  // overall ldapauth settings
  $heading = "LDAP Authentication Settings";
  $status = ldaphelp_get_ldapauth($info);
  $content .= "<h3>{$heading}</h3>" . theme_status_report($status);
  $reportingtext .= _ldaphelp_parse_status_to_text($status, $heading);
  $conf_data = _ldaphelp_get_configuration(TRUE, NULL);
  $ldaps = $conf_data['ldaps'];
  foreach ($ldaps as $sid => $ldap) {
    $heading = "LDAP Server: " . $ldap['name'] . ' LDAP (sid=' . $ldap['sid'] . ')';
    $edit_ldap = l(t('[edit]'), "admin/settings/ldap/ldapauth/edit/" . $sid);
    $test_results = _ldaphelp_testldap($ldap, $sid);
    $status = ldaphelp_get_ldap_server($info, $sid, $ldap, $test_results, $edit_ldap);
    $content .= "<h3>{$heading}</h3>" . theme_status_report($status);
    $reportingtext .= _ldaphelp_parse_status_to_text($status, $heading, array(
      $edit_ldap => "",
  $reportingtext .= _ldaphelp_parse_status_to_text(array(), "RAW ADMIN SETTINGS");
  $reportingtext .= ldaphelp_arraytotxt($conf_data['admin_settings']);
  foreach ($conf_data['ldaps'] as $sid => $ldap) {
    $reportingtext .= "\r\nLDAP sid={$sid}\r\n" . ldaphelp_arraytotxt($conf_data['ldaps'][$sid]);
  $content .= '<h3>Bug and Support Reporting Info</h3><p>
  Cut and paste this into a text file and attach it to any bug or support requests.
  <strong><em>Remove or replace any data you feel should not be made public before sharing this data.</em></strong></p>
  <form><textarea cols="80" rows="20">' . $reportingtext . '</textarea></form>';
  return $content;

 * Get overall server and ldap modules info / versions.
 * @param Array $phpinfo  Parsed PhP modules info.
 * @param Array $info  Array being filled by this function.
 * @return Array Status report information.
function ldaphelp_get_server($phpinfo, &$info) {
  $info['phpversion'] = phpversion();
  $info['ldaploaded'] = extension_loaded('ldap');
  $info['ldap'] = $phpinfo['ldap'];
  $text = "";
  foreach ($phpinfo['ldap'] as $key => $value) {
    $text .= "<br/>{$key}: " . $value[0];
  $info['ldap']['text'] = $text;

  //$info['ldap']['text'] = ldaphelp_arraytohtml($phpinfo['ldap']);
  $modules = module_rebuild_cache();
  $ldapmodules = array(
  foreach ($ldapmodules as $ldapmodule) {
    $data['status'] = $modules[$ldapmodule]->status;
    $data['schema_version'] = $modules[$ldapmodule]->schema_version;
    $data['version'] = $modules[$ldapmodule]->info['version'];
    $data['text'] = "status: " . $data['status'] . ", schema_version: " . $data['schema_version'] . ", v: " . $data['version'];
    $info[$ldapmodule] = $data;

  // set status array to be converted into html table.
  if ($phpinfo['Apache Environment']) {
    $status[] = array(
      'title' => 'Apache',
      'value' => $phpinfo['Apache Environment']['SERVER_SOFTWARE'],
  elseif ($_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"]) {
    $status[] = array(
      'title' => 'SERVER_SOFTWARE',
      'value' => $_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"],
  $status[] = array(
    'title' => 'PHP version',
    'value' => phpversion(),
  if (!$info['ldaploaded']) {
    $status[] = array(
      'title' => 'PHP ldap extension not loaded',
      'value' => l(t('PHP LDAP extension'), '') . ' ' . t('must be loaded for LDAP Integration to work.
    It comes compiled with most versions of PHP.'),
      'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR,
  else {
    $status[] = array(
      'title' => 'PHP ldap extension data',
      'value' => $info['ldap']['text'],
      'severity' => 0,
  $status[] = array(
    'title' => 'Drupal',
    'value' => VERSION,
    'severity' => "0",
  foreach ($ldapmodules as $ldapmodule) {
    $status[] = array(
      'title' => $ldapmodule,
      value => $info[$ldapmodule]['text'],
      'severity' => "0",
  return $status;

 * Create a readable version of the common LDAPAuth settings
 * @param Array $info A Array of the information found
 * @return An array used by the status report.
function ldaphelp_get_ldapauth(&$info) {
  $info['ldapauth']['login_process_text'] = LDAPAUTH_LOGIN_PROCESS == LDAPAUTH_AUTH_EXCLUSIVED ? "LDAP directory only" : "Mixed Mode";
  $info['ldapauth']['login_process_text'] .= " (" . LDAPAUTH_LOGIN_PROCESS . ')';
  $info['ldapauth']['login_conflict_text'] = LDAPAUTH_LOGIN_CONFLICT == LDAPAUTH_CONFLICT_RESOLVE ? "Associate local account with the ldap entry" : "Disallow login and log the conflict";
  $info['ldapauth']['login_conflict_text'] .= "  (" . LDAPAUTH_LOGIN_CONFLICT . ')';

  // Authentication mode settings
  $status[] = array(
    'title' => 'Authentication mode',
    value => $info['ldapauth']['login_process_text'],
    'severity' => "0",
  $status[] = array(
    'title' => 'Conflict Resolve Feature',
    value => $info['ldapauth']['login_conflict_text'],
    'severity' => "0",

  // Security options settings
  $info['ldapauth']['ldapauth_disable_pass_change_text'] = LDAPAUTH_FORGET_PASSWORDS == TRUE ? "Do not " : "Do";
  $info['ldapauth']['ldapauth_disable_pass_change_text'] .= 'store users\' passwords during sessions.';
  $status[] = array(
    'title' => 'Security: Store Passwords',
    value => $info['ldapauth']['ldapauth_disable_pass_change_text'],
    'severity' => "0",
  $info['ldapauth']['ldapauth_disable_pass_change_text'] = LDAPAUTH_SYNC_PASSWORDS == FALSE ? "Do not " : "Do";
  $info['ldapauth']['ldapauth_disable_pass_change_text'] .= 'sync LDAP password with the Drupal password';
  $status[] = array(
    'title' => 'Security: Sync Passwords',
    value => $info['ldapauth']['ldapauth_disable_pass_change_text'],
    'severity' => "0",
  $create_users = variable_get('ldapauth_create_users', TRUE);
  $info['ldapauth']['ldapauth_disable_pass_change_text'] = $create_users_ == FALSE ? "Do not " : "Do";
  $info['ldapauth']['ldapauth_disable_pass_change_text'] .= 'create new Drupal users if not present.';
  $status[] = array(
    'title' => 'Security: New Users',
    value => $info['ldapauth']['ldapauth_disable_pass_change_text'],
    'severity' => "0",

  // UI Options settings
    case 0:
      $alter_type = "Do nothing ( 0 )";
    case 1:
      $alter_type = "Remove username field from form ( 1 )";
    case 2:
      $alter_type = "Disable username field on form ( 2 )";
      $alter_type = "UNKNOWN ACTION ( " . LDAPAUTH_ALTER_USERNAME_FIELD . ")";
  $info['ldapauth']['ldapauth_disable_pass_change_text'] = $alter_type;
  $status[] = array(
    'title' => 'UI: Username Field',
    value => $info['ldapauth']['ldapauth_disable_pass_change_text'],
    'severity' => "0",
  $info['ldapauth']['ldapauth_disable_pass_change_text'] = LDAPAUTH_DISABLE_PASS_CHANGE == TRUE ? "R" : "Do not R";
  $info['ldapauth']['ldapauth_disable_pass_change_text'] .= 'emove password change fields from user edit form';
  $status[] = array(
    'title' => 'UI: Password Field',
    value => $info['ldapauth']['ldapauth_disable_pass_change_text'],
    'severity' => "0",
    case 0:
      $alter_type = "Do nothing ( 0 )";
    case 1:
      $alter_type = "Remove email field from form ( 1 )";
    case 2:
      $alter_type = "Disable email field on form ( 2 )";
      $alter_type = "UNKNOWN ACTION ( " . LDAPAUTH_ALTER_EMAIL_FIELD . ")";
  $info['ldapauth']['ldapauth_disable_pass_change_text'] = $alter_type;
  $status[] = array(
    'title' => 'UI: Email Field',
    value => $info['ldapauth']['ldapauth_disable_pass_change_text'],
    'severity' => "0",
  $disable_picture = variable_get('ldapdata_disable_picture_change', NULL);
  if ($disable_picture !== NULL) {
    $info['ldapauth']['ldapauth_disable_pass_change_text'] = $disable_picture == TRUE ? "R" : "Do not R";
    $info['ldapauth']['ldapauth_disable_pass_change_text'] .= 'emove picture change fields from user edit form';
    $status[] = array(
      'title' => 'UI: Picture Field',
      value => $info['ldapauth']['ldapauth_disable_pass_change_text'],
      'severity' => "0",
  return $status;

 * Use the LDAP server info to create the status array for theme_status_report
 * @param Array $info
 * @param int $sid  The server definition id
 * @param Array $ldap  Array of server configuration info
 * @param Array $test Results of the _ldaphelp_testldap function
 * @param String $edit_ldap The link to edit this configuration.
function ldaphelp_get_ldap_server(&$info, $sid, &$ldap, &$test, $edit_ldap) {
  $description = "server: " . $ldap['server'] . "<br/>port: " . $ldap['port'] . "<br/>tls: " . $ldap['tls'] . "<br/>encrypted: " . $ldap['encrypted'];
  $status[] = array(
    'title' => 'Server Settings ' . $edit_ldap,
    'value' => $description,
    'severity' => "0",

  // login procedure
  $description = "user_attr:<code> " . $ldap['user_attr'] . "</code><br/>mail_attr: <code>" . $ldap['mail_attr'] . "</code>";
  $status[] = array(
    'title' => 'Login Procedure ' . $edit_ldap,
    'value' => $description,
    'severity' => "0",

  // advanced configuration
  $description = "binddn: <code>" . $ldap['binddn'] . "</code><br/>bindpw: " . $ldap['bindpw'];
  $status[] = array(
    'title' => 'Advanced Configuration ' . $edit_ldap,
    'value' => $description,
    'severity' => "0",

  // bind test
  $description = "Bind Type: " . $test['bind_type'] . "<br/>Bind Result?: " . $test['bind_result_text'];
  if (!$test['bind_success']) {
    $description .= ldaphelp_arraytohtml(array(
      'LDAP Error' => $test['bind_result_error'],
      'LDAP Error Number' => $test['bind_result_errno'],

    // 49: invalid credentials.
    if ($test['bind_result_errno'] === 49) {
      $suggestions = "<ul>";
      if ($test['bind_type'] == 'anon') {
        $suggestions .= "<li>This LDAP server does not appear to allow anonymous connections.  You will need to supply a dn and password in the advanced settings that can search the LDAP server.</li>";
      else {
        $suggestions .= "<li>The dn and/or password supplied in the advanced configuration section does not seem to be valid for this server.</li>";
      $suggestions .= "</ul>";
      $description .= ldaphelp_arraytohtml(array(
        'Suggestions' => $suggestions,
  $severity = $test['bind_success'] === TRUE ? "0" : "2";
  $status[] = array(
    'title' => 'Server Bind Test',
    'value' => $description,
    'severity' => $severity,
  if ($test['bind_success'] === TRUE) {
    foreach ($test['basedns'] as $basedn) {
      if (isset($basedn['result']['base_dn_error'])) {
        $usersfound = FALSE;
        $usersfoundtext = "No";
        $validbasedn = $basedn['basedn'];
        $severity = 2;
        $error = array(
          'mal_formed_dn' => "<br/>This Base DN is incorrect: <br/><code>" . $basedn['basedn'] . "</code><br/>Test error was: " . $basedn['result']['base_dn_error'],
        $suggestions = "<br/>Suggestions: <ul>";
        $suggestions .= "<li>Make sure this DN does exists on the server.</li>";
        $suggestions .= "<li>Verify the spelling and capitalization of the DN</li>";
        $suggestions .= "<li>Make sure there are no extra spaces in the DN, e.g. after commas</li>";
        $suggestions .= "</ul>";
        $error['mal_formed_dn'] .= $suggestions;
      elseif (isset($basedn['result']['count'])) {
        $usersfound = TRUE;
        $usersfoundtext = "Yes";
        $severity = 0;
        $error = '';
      else {
        $usersfound = FALSE;
        $usersfoundtext = "No";
        $validbasedn = $basedn['basedn'];
        $severity = 2;
        $error = array();
        $result = ldaphelp_baddn($basedn['basedn'], 'Base DN');
        if (!$result['boolean']) {
          $error['mal_formed_dn'] = $result['text'];
        $error['bind_success_search_failed'] = "<br/>Successfully bound to server <code>" . $ldap['server'] . "</code>, but found" . " no users in generic search (" . $ldap['user_attr'] . "=*)  Suggestions: <ul>";
        if ($basedn['result']['no_user_attr_success'] && !$data['result']['with_user_attr_success']) {
          $error['bind_success_search_failed'] .= "<li> User attribute name <code>" . $ldap['user_attr'] . " </code> may be wrong. Found LDAP entries with search filter <code>CN=*</code>, " . " but not with search filter <code>" . $ldap['user_attr'] . "=*</code>.</li>";

        // no results in either search and anonymous search
        // you are not allowed to perform an anonymous search of your ldap
        // or you meant to perform a non-anonymouse search but left the password empty.
        if ($tests['bind_type'] == 'anon') {
          $error['bind_success_search_failed'] .= "<li>Anonymous searches of your LDAP or the Base DN <code>" . $basedn['basedn'] . " </code> may not be allowed.  Perhaps you need to create or use a service account to query the ldap.</li>";
        else {
          $error['bind_success_search_failed'] .= "<li>The DN and password supplied in the advanced settings area may not have the rights to search your LDAP server and/or the Base DN <code>" . $basedn['basedn'] . " </code>. Check with your LDAP administrator to see that this user can search all your Base DNs.</li>";
        $error['bind_success_search_failed'] .= "<li>Perhaps Base DN is incorrect: <code>" . $basedn['basedn'] . "</code></li>";
        $error['bind_success_search_failed'] .= "<li>Perhaps this Base DN does not have any entries and/or users defined under it.</li>";
        $error['bind_success_search_failed'] .= "</ul>";
      $header = 'Base DN:<br/><code>' . $basedn['basedn'] . '</code>';
      $value = "<br/>Found Users in search of base DN?: <strong>" . $usersfoundtext . "</strong>" . $error['bind_success_search_failed'] . $error['mal_formed_dn'];
      $status[] = array(
        'title' => $header . ' ' . $edit_ldap,
        'value' => $value,
        'severity' => $severity,
  return $status;
function _ldaphelp_parse_status_to_text($status, $heading, $replacements = array()) {
  $var_del = "\r\n------------------------------------------------\r\n";
  $section_del = "\r\n================================================\r\n";
  $name_val_del = ":\r\n";
  $lr = "\r\n";
  $replacements = array_merge($replacements, array(
    '<br/>' => $lr,
    '<ul>' => $lr,
    '</ul>' => $lr,
    '<li>' => $lr,
    '</li>' => "",
    "<code>" => "",
    "</code>" => "",
    "<strong>" => "",
    "</strong>" => "",
  $content = $section_del . drupal_strtoupper($heading) . $section_del;
  foreach ($status as $item) {

    //  $item['value'] = str_replace(array('<br/>','<ul>','</ul>','<li>','</li>',"<code>","</code>"),
    // array("\r\n","\r\n","\r\n","\r\n","\r\n"),$item['value'] );
    $item['value'] = str_replace(array_keys($replacements), array_values($replacements), $item['value']);
    $item['title'] = str_replace(array_keys($replacements), array_values($replacements), $item['title']);
    $content .= $item['title'] . $name_val_del . $item['value'] . $var_del;
  return $content;

 * Test if the ldap settings for the specified server id work.
 * @param array $ldap  DEPRECATED - not used
 * @param int $sid Server config id
function _ldaphelp_testldap($ldap, $sid) {
  global $_ldapauth_ldap;

  // foreach ($ldaps as $sid => $ldap) {
  $test = array();

  // Initialize LDAP.
  if ($_ldapauth_ldap
    ->getOption('binddn') && $_ldapauth_ldap
    ->getOption('bindpw')) {
    $test['bind_result'] = $_ldapauth_ldap
      ->getOption('binddn'), $_ldapauth_ldap
    $test['bind_type'] = "non-anon";
  else {
    $test['bind_result'] = $_ldapauth_ldap
    $test['bind_type'] = "anon";
  if ($test['bind_result']) {
    $test['bind_result_text'] = "Success";
    $test['bind_success'] = TRUE;
  else {
    $test['bind_result_error'] = ldap_error($_ldapauth_ldap->connection);
    $test['bind_result_errno'] = ldap_errno($_ldapauth_ldap->connection);
    $test['bind_result_text'] = "Fail";
    $test['bind_success'] = FALSE;
  if ($test['bind_success'] === TRUE) {
    foreach (explode("\r\n", $_ldapauth_ldap
      ->getOption('basedn')) as $base_dn) {
      $basedn_data = array();

      // Test that base_dn exists.
      $results = $_ldapauth_ldap
        ->retrieveAttributes($base_dn, array());
      if (empty($results)) {
        $basedn_data['result']['base_dn_error'] = 'DN does not exist.';

      // Look for users.
      $user_attr = $_ldapauth_ldap
        ->getOption('user_attr') ? $_ldapauth_ldap
        ->getOption('user_attr') : LDAPAUTH_DEFAULT_USER_ATTR;
      $filter = "{$user_attr}=*";
      $result = $_ldapauth_ldap
        ->search($base_dn, $filter, array(
      ), 0, 1, 1);
      $basedn_data['result']['error'] = ldap_error($_ldapauth_ldap->connection);
      $basedn_data['basedn'] = $base_dn;
      $basedn_data['result']['count'] = $result['count'];
      $basedn_data['result']['sample0'] = $result[0];
      $basedn_data['result']['dnufn'] = ldap_dn2ufn($base_dn);
      if (!$basedn_data['result']['count']) {
        $basedn_data['result']['with_user_attr_success'] = FALSE;

        // try searching for any object to see if user_attr is wrong
        $filter = "CN=*";
        $result = $_ldapauth_ldap
          ->search($base_dn, $filter, array(
        ), 0, 1, 1);
        $basedn_data['result']['no_user_attr_success'] = $result['count'] ? TRUE : FALSE;

        // bad attribute name
      else {
        $basedn_data['result']['with_user_attr_success'] = TRUE;
      $test['basedns'][] = $basedn_data;
  return $test;
function ldaphelp_baddn($dn, $dn_name) {
  $result = array();
  $valid_attr_name = '[a-zA-Z\\d\\s]';
  $valid_attr_values = '[a-zA-Z\\d\\s]';
  $regex = '/^(' . $valid_attr_name . '*\\=' . $valid_attr_values . '*[,]{1})*(' . $valid_attr_name . '*\\=' . $valid_attr_values . '*){1}$/';

  // $target = "CN=Schema A1, CN2 =Configuration,DC=ad,DC=uiuc,DC=edu";
  // $target = "ou=education,dc=ad,dc=uiuc,dc=edu";
  $match = preg_match($regex, $dn) ? TRUE : FALSE;
  $result['boolean'] = $match;
  if (!$match) {
    $result['text'] = "Invalid format for:<br/> <code><strong>" . htmlspecialchars($dn) . "</strong><code><br/> One cause may be editing {$dn_name} with a wysiwyg editor which leaves html.";
  return $result;

/** parse php modules from phpinfo */
function ldaphelp_parsePHPModules() {
  $s = ob_get_contents();
  $s = strip_tags($s, '<h2><th><td>');
  $s = preg_replace('/<th[^>]*>([^<]+)<\\/th>/', "<info>\\1</info>", $s);
  $s = preg_replace('/<td[^>]*>([^<]+)<\\/td>/', "<info>\\1</info>", $s);
  $vtmp = preg_split('/(<h2>[^<]+<\\/h2>)/', $s, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
  $vmodules = array();
  for ($i = 1; $i < count($vtmp); $i++) {
    if (preg_match('/<h2>([^<]+)<\\/h2>/', $vtmp[$i], $vmat)) {
      $vname = trim($vmat[1]);
      $vtmp2 = explode("\n", $vtmp[$i + 1]);
      foreach ($vtmp2 as $vone) {
        $vpat = '<info>([^<]+)<\\/info>';
        $vpat3 = "/{$vPat}\\s*{$vpat}\\s*{$vpat}/";
        $vpat2 = "/{$vPat}\\s*{$vpat}/";
        if (preg_match($vpat3, $vone, $vmat)) {

          // 3cols
          $vmodules[$vname][trim($vmat[1])] = array(
        elseif (preg_match($vpat2, $vone, $vmat)) {

          // 2cols
          $vmodules[$vname][trim($vmat[1])] = trim($vmat[2]);
  return $vmodules;


Namesort descending Description
ldaphelp_get_ldapauth Create a readable version of the common LDAPAuth settings
ldaphelp_get_ldap_server Use the LDAP server info to create the status array for theme_status_report
ldaphelp_get_server Get overall server and ldap modules info / versions.
ldaphelp_parsePHPModules parse php modules from phpinfo
_ldaphelp_testldap Test if the ldap settings for the specified server id work.


Namesort descending Description
REQUIREMENT_INFO @file status file for ldaphelp module