function LDAPInterface::initConnection in LDAP integration 5
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 5.2 ldap_integration/LDAPInterface.php \LDAPInterface::initConnection()
- 6 includes/ \LDAPInterface::initConnection()
1 call to LDAPInterface::initConnection()
- LDAPInterface::connectAndBind in ldap_integration/
- ldap_integration/
LDAPInterface.php, line 106
function initConnection() {
if (!($con = ldap_connect($this->server, $this->port))) {
watchdog('user', t('LDAP Connect failure to @server:@port.', array(
'@server' => $this->server,
'@port' => $this->port,
return NULL;
$this->connection = $con;
ldap_set_option($con, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
ldap_set_option($con, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0);
// TLS encryption contributed by
if ($this->tls) {
$vers = $this
if ($vers == -1) {
watchdog('user', t('Could not get LDAP protocol version.'));
if ($vers != 3) {
watchdog('user', t('Could not start TLS, only supported by LDAP v3.'));
else {
if (!function_exists('ldap_start_tls')) {
watchdog('user', t('Could not start TLS. It does not seem to be supported by this PHP setup.'));
else {
if (!ldap_start_tls($con)) {
watchdog('user', t("Could not start TLS. (Error %errno: %error).", array(
'%errno' => ldap_errno($con),
'%error' => ldap_error($con),