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namespace Drupal\ldap_user\Form in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 8.4

Same name in other branches
  1. 8.3 Drupal\ldap_user\Form
Classsort descending Location Description
LdapUserAdminForm ldap_user/src/Form/LdapUserAdminForm.php Provides the form to configure user configuration and field mapping.
LdapUserMappingBaseForm ldap_user/src/Form/LdapUserMappingBaseForm.php Provides the form to configure user configuration and field mapping.
LdapUserMappingToDrupalForm ldap_user/src/Form/LdapUserMappingToDrupalForm.php Provides the form to configure user configuration and field mapping.
LdapUserMappingToLdapForm ldap_user/src/Form/LdapUserMappingToLdapForm.php Provides the form to configure user configuration and field mapping.
LdapUserTestForm ldap_user/src/Form/LdapUserTestForm.php A form to allow the administrator to query LDAP.