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public function LdapUserIntegrationTests::testDrupalAccountsOrphaned in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 ldap_user/tests/ldap_user.test \LdapUserIntegrationTests::testDrupalAccountsOrphaned()

Test cron function for dealing with ldap associated users who no longer have ldap entries

  • fix search in fake server to deal with general or queries.

Simpletest approach:

  • loop through all options for user_cancel ldap_user_orphan_email

user_cancel_block, user_cancel_block_unpublish, user_cancel_reassign, user_cancel_delete

  • automatically generate 70 ldap users with cns hpotter1-hpotter300
  • create 75 corresponding drupal uses that are ldap identified
  • delete 10 of the ldap entries
  • run cron
  • test for drupal accounts being dealt with correctly and or email sent.


ldap_user/tests/ldap_user.test, line 1052




public function testDrupalAccountsOrphaned() {

  // TODO: Fix failing tests, excluding to make branch pass.

  // Just to give warning if setup doesn't succeed.  may want to take these out at some point.
  $setup_success = module_exists('ldap_user') && module_exists('ldap_servers') && variable_get('ldap_simpletest', 2) > 0;
    ->assertTrue($setup_success, ' ldap_user setup successful', $this
    ->testId('orphaned entries tests'));
  $sids = [
    ->prepTestData('hogwarts', $sids, 'provisionToDrupal', 'default');
  $ldap_user_conf = ldap_user_conf('admin');
  $drupal_form = $ldap_user_conf
  $account_options = $drupal_form['basic_to_drupal']['orphanedDrupalAcctBehavior']['#options'];
  $cn_to_account = [];
  $ldap_server = ldap_servers_get_servers('activedirectory1', NULL, TRUE, TRUE);
  foreach ($account_options as $account_option => $account_option_text) {
    $sids = [
      ->prepTestData('hogwarts', $sids, 'provisionToDrupal', 'default');
    $ldap_user_conf->orphanedDrupalAcctBehavior = $account_option;
    $test_id = "ldap_user.orphans.{$account_option}";
    $test_text = "Test of orphaned Drupal account option: {$account_option_text}";
    $success = FALSE;

    // Create 70 drupal accounts (clone0 to clone69) based on corresponding ldap entries.
    $first_clone_username = 'clone0';
    $last_clone_username = 'clone' . (LDAP_TEST_USER_ORPHAN_CLONE_COUNT - 1);

    // 70.
    for ($i = 0; $i < LDAP_TEST_USER_ORPHAN_CLONE_COUNT; $i++) {
      $name = "clone" . $i;
      $account = $this
        ->createLdapIdentifiedDrupalAccount($ldap_user_conf, $name, 'activedirectory1');
      $cn_to_account[$name] = $account;

    // Delete 10 ldap entries.
    // @FIXME: Wrapper for broken test.
    if (is_object($cn_to_account[$first_clone_username])) {
      $clone_first_uid = $cn_to_account[$first_clone_username]->uid;
      $clone_last_uid = $cn_to_account[$last_clone_username]->uid;
      $clone_first = user_load($clone_first_uid, TRUE);
      $clone_last = user_load($clone_last_uid, TRUE);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $delete; $i++) {
      $name = "clone" . $i;
      $account = $cn_to_account[$name];

      // ?? is it possible the ldap delete hook is causing the drupal user to get populated with empty values?
    $clone_first = user_load($clone_first_uid, TRUE);
    $clone_last = user_load($clone_last_uid, TRUE);
    $clone_first = user_load($clone_first_uid, TRUE);
    $clone_last = user_load($clone_last_uid, TRUE);
    switch ($account_option) {
      case 'ldap_user_orphan_do_not_check':
        $test_uids = [];

        // 70.
        for ($i = 0; $i < LDAP_TEST_USER_ORPHAN_CLONE_COUNT; $i++) {
          $name = "clone" . $i;
          $test_uids[] = @$cn_to_account[$name]->uid;
        $success = TRUE;
        $accounts = user_load_multiple($test_uids);
        foreach ($accounts as $uid => $account) {
          if ($account->status != 1) {
            $success = FALSE;
        if ($success) {
          $success = $clone_last && $clone_last->status == 1;
      case 'ldap_user_orphan_email':

        // Test is if email has 10 users and was sent.
        $emails = $this
        if (count($emails)) {

          // Most recent email is the one of interest.
          $email_body = $emails[count($emails) - 1]['body'];
          $success = strpos($email_body, "The following {$delete} Drupal users") !== FALSE;
        else {
          $success = FALSE;
      case 'user_cancel_block':
      case 'user_cancel_block_unpublish':

        // Test is if clone0-clone9 have a status of 0
        // and clone12,11... have a status of 1.
        $test_uids = [];

        // 70.
        for ($i = 0; $i < $delete; $i++) {
          $name = "clone" . $i;
          $test_uids[] = @$cn_to_account[$name]->uid;
        $success = TRUE;
        $accounts = user_load_multiple($test_uids);
        foreach ($accounts as $uid => $account) {
          if ($account->status != 0) {
            $success = FALSE;
        if ($success) {
          $clone_last = user_load($clone_last_uid, TRUE);
          $success = $clone_last && $clone_last->status == 1;
      case 'user_cancel_reassign':
      case 'user_cancel_delete':

        // Test is if clone0-clone9 are deleted
        // and clone12,11... have a status of 1.
        $test_uids = [];

        // 70.
        for ($i = 0; $i < $delete; $i++) {
          $name = "clone" . $i;
          $test_uids[] = @$cn_to_account[$name]->uid;
        $success = TRUE;
        $accounts = user_load_multiple($test_uids);
        $success = count($accounts) == LDAP_TEST_USER_ORPHAN_CLONE_COUNT;
        if ($success) {
          $clone_last = user_load($clone_last_uid, TRUE);
          $success = $clone_last && $clone_last->status == 1;
      ->assertTrue($success, $test_id, $test_text);

    // Remove all drupal users except 1 for next test.
    foreach ($cn_to_account as $cn => $account) {