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protected function LdapUserConfAdmin::setTranslatableProperties in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 ldap_user/LdapUserConfAdmin.class.php \LdapUserConfAdmin::setTranslatableProperties()
1 call to LdapUserConfAdmin::setTranslatableProperties()
LdapUserConfAdmin::__construct in ldap_user/LdapUserConfAdmin.class.php


ldap_user/LdapUserConfAdmin.class.php, line 952




protected function setTranslatableProperties() {
  $values['drupalAcctProvisionServerDescription'] = t('Check ONE LDAP server configuration to use
      in provisioning Drupal users and their user fields.');
  $values['ldapEntryProvisionServerDescription'] = t('Check ONE LDAP server configuration to create ldap entries on.');
  $values['drupalAccountProvisionEventsDescription'] = t('Which user fields and properties are synched on create or synch is determined in the
      "Provisioning from LDAP to Drupal mappings" table below in the right two columns. If you are synching only from LDAP to Drupal, and not
      retrieving the user password from LDAP into their Drupal account, a 20 character random password will be generated automatically for
      the user\'s Drupal account since Drupal requires a password for the "users" table. Check the watchdog at /admin/reports/dblog to
      confirm that a random password was generated when the user account was created.');
  $values['drupalAccountProvisionEventsOptions'] = [
    LDAP_USER_DRUPAL_USER_PROV_ON_AUTHENTICATE => t('Create or Synch to Drupal user on successful authentication with LDAP
        credentials. (Requires LDAP Authentication module).'),
    LDAP_USER_DRUPAL_USER_PROV_ON_USER_UPDATE_CREATE => t('Create or Synch to Drupal user anytime a Drupal user account
        is created or updated. Requires a server with binding method of "Service Account Bind" or "Anonymous Bind".'),
  $values['ldapEntryProvisionTriggersDescription'] = t('Which LDAP attributes are synched on create or synch is determined in the
      "Provisioning from Drupal to LDAP mappings" table below in the right two columns.');
  $values['ldapEntryProvisionTriggersOptions'] = [
    LDAP_USER_LDAP_ENTRY_PROV_ON_USER_UPDATE_CREATE => t('Create or Synch to LDAP entry when a Drupal account is created or updated.
        Only applied to accounts with a status of approved.'),
    LDAP_USER_LDAP_ENTRY_PROV_ON_AUTHENTICATE => t('Create or Synch to LDAP entry when a user authenticates.'),
    LDAP_USER_LDAP_ENTRY_DELETE_ON_USER_DELETE => t('Delete LDAP entry when the corresponding Drupal Account is deleted.  This only applies when the LDAP entry was provisioned by Drupal by the LDAP User module.'),
    LDAP_USER_DRUPAL_USER_PROV_ON_ALLOW_MANUAL_CREATE => t('Provide option on admin/people/create to create corresponding LDAP Entry.'),
  $values['orphanedDrupalAcctBehaviorDescription'] = t('It is highly recommended to use the "Perform no action, but email list of orphaned accounts" for some time before considering switching to "Disable the account" options.');
  $values['manualAccountConflictOptions'] = [
    LDAP_USER_MANUAL_ACCT_CONFLICT_REJECT => t('Reject manual creation of Drupal accounts that conflict with LDAP Accounts. This only applies to accounts created on user logon;  Account conflicts can still be generated by manually creating users that conflict with ldap users and these users will have their data synched with LDAP data.'),
    LDAP_USER_MANUAL_ACCT_CONFLICT_LDAP_ASSOCIATE => t('Associate manually created Drupal accounts with related LDAP Account if one exists.'),
    LDAP_USER_MANUAL_ACCT_CONFLICT_SHOW_OPTION_ON_FORM => t('Show option on user create form to determine how account conflict is resolved.'),

   *  Drupal Account Provisioning and Synching
  $values['userConflictResolveDescription'] = t('What should be done if a local Drupal or other external
      user account already exists with the same login name.');
  $values['userConflictOptions'] = [
    LDAP_USER_CONFLICT_LOG => t('Don\'t associate Drupal account with LDAP.  Require user to use Drupal password. Log the conflict'),
    LDAP_USER_CONFLICT_RESOLVE => t('Associate Drupal account with the LDAP entry.  This option
      is useful for creating accounts and assigning roles before an LDAP user authenticates.'),
  $values['accountsWithSameEmailDescription'] = t('Allows provisioning a Drupal user account from LDAP regardless of whether another Drupal user account has the same email address. This setting depends on the "sharedemail" contrib module being enabled. ');
  if (!module_exists('sharedemail')) {
    $values['accountsWithSameEmailDescription'] .= t('The module is not currently enabled; you must install/enable it if you want to use this setting.');
  $values['accountsWithSameEmailOptions'] = [
    LDAP_USER_ACCOUNTS_WITH_SAME_EMAIL_DISABLED => t('Prevent provisioning a user account if an existing account has the same email address.'),
    LDAP_USER_ACCOUNTS_WITH_SAME_EMAIL_ENABLED => t('Allow provisioning a user account that has the same email address as another user account.'),
  $values['acctCreationOptions'] = [
    LDAP_USER_ACCT_CREATION_LDAP_BEHAVIOR => t('Account creation settings at
        /admin/config/people/accounts/settings do not affect "LDAP Associated" Drupal accounts.'),
    LDAP_USER_ACCT_CREATION_USER_SETTINGS_FOR_LDAP => t('Account creation policy
         at /admin/config/people/accounts/settings applies to both Drupal and LDAP Authenticated users.
         "Visitors" option automatically creates and account when they successfully LDAP authenticate.
         "Admin" and "Admin with approval" do not allow user to authenticate until the account is approved.'),
  foreach ($values as $property => $default_value) {
    $this->{$property} = $default_value;